Period Sex?

Contributor: All His All His
it doesntbother me but the hubby isn't into it. which sucks since orgasms can lessen mentrual cramping
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
We put a dark towel down.
Contributor: Mx.Nekora Mx.Nekora
It's pretty gross. I only do Oral and Anal during those five days.
Contributor: martb40 martb40
Originally posted by LicentiouslyYours
Before you vote, go check out this week's edition of Tuesdays with Nina.

Honestly just the concept of using a sea sponge as a tampon is worth watching this week.

But back to voting - it's a topic that makes many say ... more
Firstly, I love Nena and wouldn't downplay her expert advice one tiny little bit. My wife and I often have sex while she's having her period but we don't do anything too complicated to stop the messy bit. Periods don't bother me in the slightest and so it isn't a problem for me in the slightest. When we first got together though, my wife was very self conscious about the messy aspect of period intercourse. I think that men need to take more responsibility here and reassure their partners of how little a deal it is and how natural. My wife has relaxed significantly about it now and it doesn't cause her a thought anymore. She keeps her tampon in during oral sex,uuuuggghhhhh I hear you say, and I have NEVER once gotten blood near my face. As long as I lie between her legs and don't try to penetrate her with my tongue it's perfectly fine. Then before intercourse she removes her tampon and there's no problem at all. Of course there is some blood flow during vigorous intercourse so just to minimize the mess, place a doubled over towel, preferably dark color, under her butt to catch any stray drops and keep a packet of baby wipes close to wipe any mess off you both when you're finished. That will see you to the shower safely without looking like an episode of CSI. The most important thing is,don't make your period into something bigger than it is. It's messy but it's natural. Big boys are not afraid to play in mucky fields!
Contributor: dirtythoughts:) dirtythoughts:)
I don't care what time of the month it is, putting down a towel works. As for my boyfriend of 2 years, he used to not care. He'd take it when he could get it . Now he refuses to have sex when I'm on my period. Oh well, I can take care of myself then
Contributor: ginainohio ginainohio
thats a no no
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
It really doesn't matter to me if I'm on my cycle or my partner is on their cycle. The only thing I have to be careful of is sometimes my partner gets easily over-stimulated during their time of the month.
Contributor: quinceykay quinceykay
I'm fine with it. My boyfriend is very squeamish about blood though. So we haven't done it... yet
Contributor: Deeder Deeder
Period sex is something we don't set out to do, but it's "accidentally" happened a few times. My periods are extremely irregualr, so on more than one occasion we've started out like nothing was going on, and by the time we finished it looked like the prom scene from 'Carrie'.
Contributor: justme23 justme23
I don't mind. BF doesn't mind drunk. I don't mind giving BJ's.
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas
I prefer to stick to non-vaginal activities during this time.
Contributor: Chefbriapink Chefbriapink
She don't care. I don't care.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by LicentiouslyYours
Before you vote, go check out this week's edition of Tuesdays with Nina.

Honestly just the concept of using a sea sponge as a tampon is worth watching this week.

But back to voting - it's a topic that makes many say ... more
I usually only have sex while on my period in the shower. I still haven't warmed up to the Diva Cup, diaphragms are kind of scary, but the sea sponge is an interesting idea.
Contributor: sugar&spikes sugar&spikes
doesn't bother me
Contributor: heather-mooney heather-mooney
Originally posted by LicentiouslyYours
Before you vote, go check out this week's edition of Tuesdays with Nina.

Honestly just the concept of using a sea sponge as a tampon is worth watching this week.

But back to voting - it's a topic that makes many say ... more
it doesn't bother me at all, and only my boyfriend a little bit!
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
No sex during my period!
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
I am not a big fan about it but my husband wanted to try it back when we started dating so I was open to it. I won't lie, I was grossed out at first and so worried that he would be disgusted but he wasn't. We don't have period sex every time, but if the mood is right I shower first and then right away after
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
I don't like it, but I'll do it. Plus it helps with my cramps @_@.
Contributor: Andrew1992 Andrew1992
Originally posted by LicentiouslyYours
Before you vote, go check out this week's edition of Tuesdays with Nina.

Honestly just the concept of using a sea sponge as a tampon is worth watching this week.

But back to voting - it's a topic that makes many say ... more
Its not really a big deal, but I avoid the area and stick to her clit.
Contributor: skeeterlynn skeeterlynn
I still have sex.
Contributor: JessieDawg JessieDawg
not crazy about it
Contributor: LoooveMonkey LoooveMonkey
My boyfriend is nice about it and will play with my clit and do external stuff, but he doesn't want to earn his red wings. Now that I've gotten an IUD and I'll be dealing with that over my next visit, he just might be desperate enough to do so. lol
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
Originally posted by LicentiouslyYours
Before you vote, go check out this week's edition of Tuesdays with Nina.

Honestly just the concept of using a sea sponge as a tampon is worth watching this week.

But back to voting - it's a topic that makes many say ... more
No way am I giving up vaginal sex just because Aunt Flo is in town!
Contributor: Thumper Logic Thumper Logic
Get way too much in sex mode while I'm on my cycle to give it all up
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
Anal lol
Contributor: RedKyuubi RedKyuubi
Throw down a towel!
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
I don't mind! The only thing I mind is sometimes the nausea, muscle pains that accompany a period -- those are the things that put a damper on period sex, not the flow itself.
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
I find it revolting when there's any blood involved. I have a divacup so I can do any kind of clitoral stimulation at the time, however. I hope my future partners also are up for using divacups so we aren't 100% out of commission at the time. xP
Contributor: LoooveMonkey LoooveMonkey
Okay, so I got the softcup because people were making suggestions about those for sex on your period, right? Oh my god, it worked perfectly. We've used it twice and there were no leaks and he said it actually felt kind of nice. Thank you guys so much! I was going to be really bummed not to get Christmas sex.
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
I've never had it. I don't think I'd want to but my boyfriend most likely wouldn't mind. My flow isn't that heavy so it wouldn't be blood war 2 down there.