May 12, 2010

I Got Fired for Writing About Sex

by The Beautiful Kind

Starting Over

Even though I don’t have a new job yet, I’ve decided to make some changes to my website and put it back up. I figure it’s a known quantity, and I might as well start there and hope the right job for me falls into place. Besides, my blog is where my heart belongs and it means so much to so many people. I received hundreds of letters of support, including sentiments such as:

“The Internet seems a less welcoming place in the absence of your website.”

“I read you every day. You've been a big part of my sexual journey and I'll miss you.”

“You’re such an inspiration and I admire your courage. You've impacted my life in ways that have definitely improved it.”

“Your openness and honesty has done so much to help and encourage your readers. My hubby loves that I found your website.”

“As a girl growing up and learning what it means to be a woman, an individual, and a human being I have gained so much from your website.”

“I'm not surprised that your readers/fans/friends are supporting you. You give and give and give.”

“I got some awesome ideas about ways to improve my sex life and insight into the female perspective. I wouldn’t be exaggerating when I say that reading her blog for the last year has noticeably improved my knowledge of sex and relationships. TBK was a huge value for me, and I can only hope that TBK and her community rise again.”

The support and being in the spotlight has been overwhelming. I’m on a different playing field now. I always wished my website would reach a larger audience. However, this was not the way I hoped to make a breakthrough. Is this a case of “Be careful what you wish for” or “Make lemonade out of lemons”? Only time will tell.

My webmaster will be posting an article or two on my website, PSA-style, full of advice on how to protect yourself online and how to maintain a level of privacy in a very public domain. I wish I'd known these things before my scandalous shitstorm.

I’m networking hard and still trying to figure out how to make a living. It would be a dream come true to find a job that appreciated my talents and didn’t care about my sex life.

But just in case, I think I’ll legally change my name to Mary Smith.