Clit-ology Book discontinued

Catalog ID: ENT34862
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Product: Clit-ology
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What makes it awesome

  • "Can a woman really become re-virginized if she doesn't have sex for a long time?"
  • "Why does it take a woman four times as long as a man to climax?"
  • "How does a woman's internal anatomy change during arousal and intercourse?"

A closer look

Clit-ology is a savvy guide to a woman's most intimate geography and how men can work it for her pleasure as well as his own. Filled with techniques for getting her wet, wild, and orgasmic, Clit-ology addresses myths and mysteries surrounding her secret garden such as:


Format: Paperback

Number of Pages: 175

Length: 8"

Width: 8"

Content / Audience

Publisher: Quiver

Publication date: 2011 year

ISBN: 978-1-59233-486-5

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: Manufacturer:

Catalog ID: ENT34862

About author

Author: Jordan LaRousse / Samantha Sade