Trojan-enz lubricated Male condom discontinued

Catalog ID: T93050
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Product: Trojan-enz lubricated
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A closer look

3 premium latex condoms

How it feels

Material: Latex

Flavor: Unflavored

Texture: Smooth

Lubrication: Lubricated

Sensitivity: Regular

Color: Clear

Condom size: Regular


Manufacturer: Church and Dwight

Type: Male condom discontinued

How it looks

Brand: Trojan-enz®

How it works

Pack: 3

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: Church and Dwight

Catalog ID: T93050

How it measures

Condom size: Regular

  • Yes, Trojan-Enz Lubricated condoms are the classical music of the condom world for me. They are strong and their lube is one of the best ones that I have had on any condom. This will be my go to condom when I can get my hands on it.

  • Great lubrication, long lasting indestructible condoms

  • It was rather amazing to use and comfortable after a while, and strong too, the rather positive thing is that it's affordable and strong, making it a plus and a reason to buy them.