Nip zp nipple arousal Flavored nipple gel

Catalog ID: LHR56393
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Product: Nip zp nipple arousal
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What makes it awesome

  • Make your nips perk up with joy with this arousal balm, designed for men and women alike.
  • Enjoy Ah!-sensations within 1-2 minutes after application that last from 20 min to an hour.
  • The delicious strawberry mint flavor turns nipple play into a yummy treat.
  • The all-natural formula contains vitamin E, beeswax, and a proprietary essential oil blend.

A closer look

Sweeten up your foreplay and enjoy mind-blowing refreshing sensations with this delicious all-natural strawberry-mint-flavored cooling arousal balm. Apply it on your nips or get creative using it on other bits, and wait a minute or 2 for it to take effect. Then lick the nipples and blow warm or cool air onto them for awe-inspiring titillating sensations.

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: Sensuva

Catalog ID: LHR56393

  • This nipple balm is a great way to spice things up. This product does exactly what it says. The cooling effect feels extremely nice and arousing. The nipple balm is also travel-friendly.

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