Box of dares Adult game discontinued

Catalog ID: 33439
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+ 70 points

Product: Box of dares
This item is discontinued.
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Other delightful options

  • Romantic dice Romantic dice
    mix kink with fun
  • Heart candle - 1 piece Heart candle - 1 piece

What makes it awesome

  • Dare to get the spice on - this Box of Dares game is a really risque take on your regular truth-or-dare game.
  • You will seduce and be seduced, dare and be dared. Date night will never be the same.
  • The Box of Dares brings erotic tension and inspiration to any couple - so much they'll rip clothes off each other by the end of it.

A closer look

Are you newlywed? Together for a long time? Just started dating? It's doesn't matter for this naughty Box of Dare - with super sexy challenges and dare that will make your bit tingle, this game will bring out your wildest desires, but in a playful and super fun manner.

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: Hachette Book Group

Catalog ID: 33439


Weight: 2.5 oz

  • It's a long game, but it's worth the purchase. I definitely want to buy another game or two. We took this game a few places and played with a few friends and are thinking about playing again.

Other delightful options

  • Romantic dice Romantic dice
    mix kink with fun
  • Heart candle - 1 piece Heart candle - 1 piece