Men's and women's health Book discontinued

Catalog ID: ENT33458
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Product: Men's and women's health
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A closer look

Based on the latest research on sexual health, behavioral psychology, fitness, and nutrition, Big Book of Sex is brimming with useful tips, exercise photos, practical sidebars, and more.


Format: Paperback

Number of Pages: 385

Length: 10"

Width: 10"

Content / Audience

Publisher: Rodale

Publication date: 2011 year

ISBN: 978-1-60529-303-5

Ordering Details

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Catalog ID: ENT33458

About author

Author: Various Authors

  • This book has some great content for some different varieties of topics/health answers you may have a question about. It's well worth the price and isn't discreet in the design.

  • If you're like me, you are a firm believer that all aspects of your life affect other aspects of your life. The same goes with sex. Everything can affect the quality of your sex. If you want to know how, this book is the last word in showing you.

  • This book will have you coming back for more. There is lots to learn and lots that will refresh your mind. The sexual positions, while not really that unique, do give you some ideas, or at least a starting point from which to take off!!