Sex positions flash cards Adult game discontinued

Catalog ID: ALC52SP01
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Product: Sex positions flash cards
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A closer look

If you're reading this, it probably means that you love having sex. You're probably even having good sex but are looking to have more great sex. Well, look no further!
52 Sex Positions is the only deck of cards designed to ignite a year's worth of mind-blowing sex.
Each card includes a detailed illustration with simple step by step instructions. We've even classified each position with a 5 star challenge rating - but we'll let you be the ultimate judge of that!


Weight: 0.2 lb

The set includes: 52 Cards with different sexual positions and instructions

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: Lover's Choice Inc.

Catalog ID: ALC52SP01

  • + Unique format + Easy to replicate the positions

  • slide out nice box his/her benefits to each position plus "How to" good gift

  • Durable cards, slide out box, directions on each position

  • Have fun with these 52 Sex Positions cards with your S/O and make it a night to remember and also full of fun.

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