The better sex guide to the Kama Sutra CD discontinued

Catalog ID: EDU96010
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Product: The better sex guide to the Kama Sutra
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A closer look

This enlightening 60 minute video also comes with a CD that contains the original music score from the video.

Content / Audience

Record studio: Sinclair Institute

Running time: 35 mins.

Perfomance style: Instrumental

Production Year: 1997

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: Sinclair Intimacy Institute®

Catalog ID: EDU96010

Packaging / Features

Number of Discs: 2

  • Informative, Romantic, Sexy, helpful

  • Real couples doing demonstrations, lots of new and interesting positions.

  • Great DVD, helps you to actually rediscover one's sexual being in response to the different aspects of the love making process. It isn't just about the sex and moaning it is actually about touch and sensory. Enjoy it!