Japanese silk love rope plaited flogger Whip discontinued

Catalog ID: TO1014410
Vibration Power: Gentle
Noise level: Low
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Product: Japanese silk love rope plaited flogger
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What makes it awesome

A closer look

Rope with ten semi-braided tails of red fiber with a handle attached to a metal O-ring.

How it feels

Material: Silk

Texture: Smooth

Color: Red

How it measures

8 oz weight enabling heavy slaps

Width: 1"

Length: 24"

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: Topco

Catalog ID: TO1014410

  • This very thuddy feeling whip is a great toy for community gatherings or for use in private. With the proper swing strength and speed, this flogger-style whip can induce sub space very easily without causing lasting welts.

  • The Japanese Silk Love Rope Plaited Flogger is perfect for the dom/domme with a sub that doesn't like pain at all. It is soft to the touch and very silky. When it impacts on the body, the sub won't feel much at all no matter how hard you spin it.

  • Light, soft, easy to use

  • The Japanese Silk Love Rope Plaited Flogger is a very, very soft flogger. This is one of those floggers that will not hurt your partner no matter how hard you try. It's soft, sensual, and you don't have to worry about technique. I love it.

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