California kings drinking game cards Adult game discontinued

Catalog ID: ENPC1951
Vibration Power: Gentle
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Product: California kings drinking game cards
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A closer look

A deck of playing cards with the instruction says "Turn each card over, do what it says and keep going until you've gone through all the cards."

Ordering Details

Manufacturer: Evolved

Catalog ID: ENPC1951


Weight: 3 oz

  • While this can be a fun utilization into a drinking game, it lacks options and some of the cards are a bit boring. This is the reasoning for my 4 star rating. It's still a great deck of cards that can be used in anything that requires playing cards.

  • Don't have to drink alcohol to play, Can play solitaire if you don't have a group

  • This is a very good game to play with ideally 3 or more people. It gets people drinking and loosening up. It's easy to take with you and doesn't involve a whole lot of set up. Great game!

  • The California King card game is a drinking game that is great for breaking the ice and loosening up party goers. It can be played over and over again and never really gets long as you like drinking and are not a floozy!