Do you hold off for free shipping?

Contributor: clockwork451 clockwork451
Do you usually hold off on ordering until you have enough in your cart to get free shipping?
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Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Originally posted by clockwork451
Do you usually hold off on ordering until you have enough in your cart to get free shipping?
Not really. I always have to pay something on shipping. I live in the boonies accoring to the USPS and UPS.
Contributor: kurtster79 kurtster79
We never order under $35 when we order
Contributor: Kitt Katt Kitt Katt
I always order at least enough for free shipping.
Contributor: Cinnyree Cinnyree
i have not paid shipping for anything that i have gotten from eden so far
Contributor: anonkitty anonkitty
I like delay gratification, so it always work out to >$35 for me. =]
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
I tend to, but that's because I usually get things in bulk when my wishlist gets too long
Contributor: MrsHouseWife MrsHouseWife
I always have to pay shipping, as I don't live in the USA. It would be great if they could to free international shipping once in a while
Contributor: Beck Beck
Sometimes. It depends on what I am doing.
Contributor: JennSenn JennSenn
I never pay shipping. I always make sure I can get free shipping with my order.
Contributor: AwesomeAmanda AwesomeAmanda
I have to use UPS to ship so i can't usually hold out long enough to get the free shipping.
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by clockwork451
Do you usually hold off on ordering until you have enough in your cart to get free shipping?
Contributor: jr2012 jr2012
I will do a lot for free shipping, and not just here! It's almost like free shipping is a prerequisite for online shopping in my mind. I think eden's very generous for having the 35$ minimum.
Contributor: michael scofield michael scofield
yes i refuse to pay for shipping when i could get it for free
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
Most of the time I wait until I can get free shipping. Especially now that it only takes 1 $35 order. Back when it was $59 I paid for shipping more often.
Contributor: RavenWings RavenWings
Sometimes, yes.
Contributor: Cat E. Cat E.
Yes, I only order when I can get free shipping.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
Because apparently New Mexico is a remote location I have to order over $70, but I still always try to order at least that!
Contributor: Jamesey Jamesey
I only order if I have enough points to cover shipping and it's a major sale or I buy enough to get free shipping.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
Many times, yes.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by clockwork451
Do you usually hold off on ordering until you have enough in your cart to get free shipping?
Lately, yes. I really try for free shipping because orders addd up and when you're getting a couple of items, shipping kind of bites you in the ass.
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
I usually wait to get free shipping, but every now and then I get impatient.
Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
Originally posted by clockwork451
Do you usually hold off on ordering until you have enough in your cart to get free shipping?
Yup! But between me, caisee and china its not that difficult at all!
Contributor: hanjonatan hanjonatan
yep. it's really not hard for us, haha.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
Yes! I always get free shipping. It's usually the 3 day select or the Priority.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
In most places, not just EF.
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by clockwork451
Do you usually hold off on ordering until you have enough in your cart to get free shipping?
all the time. I'm in Canada so I have to wait til I get my free review item each month for the free shipping since the "over $35" free shipping doesn't apply here
Contributor: nikki0668 nikki0668
I am new on Eden Fantasys. So far, I have only ordered once and paid for shipping. Future orders, I'm hoping, will be larger so that shipping is free.
Contributor: shorejen9 shorejen9
If at all possible I will order at least the minimum or find a coupon code. I've never had to pay shipping at Eden.... I always have over the minimum. Lol