Should a husband be required to get his wife's consent to be a sperm donor?

Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Originally posted by edenguy
I don't think I could ever say that a woman should get her husband's concent to donate egg cells
I could.
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by Woman China
The following can be found from Daily Mail UK
PUBLISHED: 06:34 EST, 26 August 2012

A married woman whose husband donated sperm without her knowledge is calling for clinics to be forced to ask for a wife's consent. ... more
I do not believe that anything pertaining to the body is a "marital asset". If I want to donate eggs I do not feel I should need my husband's permission. I would *ASK* him how he felt but if I felt strongly about donating I would follow my conscience. I believe here in the US, however, sperm donation is anonymous for the most part so I doubt any children would come knocking if Sigel had donated.
Contributor: JRabbits JRabbits
Originally posted by pootpootpoot
Woah is it just me or do the two first options say the first thing? (no, he should have to and yes, he should have to)
It's a trap. Bwuah ha ha.
Contributor: JRabbits JRabbits
Yes he should. I mean why would he keep helping someone else have a baby a secret from the woman he married?. . . ohhh right. He's married to this woman and trying to get another woman pregnant. lol. But seriously, it's something to discuss with the misses. She just might be for your dicision to help someone out. Unless she's a complete bitch. If that's the case then just DON'T do it, she might kill you.
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
Required, no. But I think it would be appropriate relationship courtesy to discuss and agree on whether or not he should donate material. I think if the wife wanted to donate her eggs, the same courtesy should be given to her partner.

Discuss it, agree on it. But don't make it a legal requirement.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
I'd have to say a big no.

Just because you're married to someone does not mean you own them, and they should be free to do what they like.

I think what he did is bad marital etiquette though. Marriage is about communication and you're supposed to discuss these things with your other half. It's like if someone went out and got a massive tattoo without telling their partner, they have the right to do so, but their partner also has the right to be extremely annoyed.
Contributor: pixylove101 pixylove101
Yeah I think he should be required to.
Contributor: chikisses chikisses
Yes absolutely he should tell her.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I want to go on a hot air balloon ride.

I don't think the husband should be required, but it would have been common decency to tell his wife he was doing such.
Contributor: lovebites lovebites
Originally posted by Woman China
Parts of me say yes, if a man is in a committed and long term relationship, a man should at least inform his partner of his choice.

I feel this way because simply, can you imagine when that potential-future child is 18? I would feel a little ... more
i agree!
Contributor: Sirena Sirena
This is a tough subject and I know I am probably going to get blasted for some things that I may say, but here goes.

I think that if you are going to be responsible enough to be joined in a sexual RELATIONSHIP with someone, you need to take a certain amount of ownership over one another. Part of you no longer belongs to just yourself. (Please keep in mind that what I am writing below has to do with ESTABLISHED relationships.)

Both men and women should have to have counseling before donating sperm or eggs. I feel that if the are married or in a domestic partnership, the SO should have to attend the counseling appointment as well. By doing this, all parties at the very least have knowledge of what the other party intends to do and will be given insight as to why they are making this decision. By hearing each other out you may be learn to accept their donation or the opposite, they may hear out your reasons you are against it and decide to not go through with it. This is all about communication people!

Now, I have read some people think it is unfair for a woman to get to say what a man can do with his sperm, but she can decide what to do if a baby is conceived without his consent. I feel that this is a bit different because (depending on your view, but this is MY view) you are dealing with an actual existing life, not one half of what COULD become a life. Once again, before anything is decided, I think that counseling should be required. If the woman wants to keep the baby and the man wants nothing to do with it, it should be like a closed adoption situation. You do not tell the name of the father, all you get is a family medical history, and NO CHILD SUPPORT. He signs away ANY AND ALL RIGHTS to this child. Now if it is the opposite and the woman wants the abortion while the man does not want her to get the abortion, (this is where I will probably lose followers and get blasted) I think that she should not bee able to terminate the pregnancy. I understand that it is her body and such, but half of that being belongs to someone else who wants it. I have seem some of my friends go through this and the man had to get some counseling after she went behind his back and got the abortion. Then another friend who is now a GREAT single dad because she did listen to him with a mediator and kept the baby, but after her birth, she did as I suggested for the men above: signed away all rights, and has no contact whatsoever.
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
Originally posted by jc123
So a man has no right to say that a woman cannot abort his child, but a woman should have control over what a man does with his sperm?

I don't think the "I control what happens to my body" argument should only apply to women.
So much this.
Contributor: Bethy Cassatt Bethy Cassatt
The couple should have talked it out-- the wife should have known, but her legal permission shouldn't be required.
Contributor: Sima-pusya Sima-pusya
Yes, a man should be required to obtain his wife's consent before donating sperm
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Originally posted by unfulfilled
I want to go on a hot air balloon ride.

I don't think the husband should be required, but it would have been common decency to tell his wife he was doing such.
This is slightly more important than a balloon ride ...
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
He should have a right to do as he pleases. In terms of morality I think he should share with his partner. In in the legal sense he should be absolutely free to do as he chooses
Contributor: Artishok Artishok
I'm man and I think yes.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
I'd argue against it being required, but it's a damn good idea to make sure it's cool.
Contributor: KrissyNovacaine KrissyNovacaine
Originally posted by Jaimes
Required, no. But I think it would be appropriate relationship courtesy to discuss and agree on whether or not he should donate material. I think if the wife wanted to donate her eggs, the same courtesy should be given to her partner.

Discuss ... more
Yea this is where I am on this as well.
Contributor: glasskitten glasskitten
Originally posted by jc123
So a man has no right to say that a woman cannot abort his child, but a woman should have control over what a man does with his sperm?

I don't think the "I control what happens to my body" argument should only apply to women.
And this is precisely why I'm so torn on this...

Then again, this is why you're supposed to choose your mate wisely.

In the end, I don't think there should be a legal requirement.
Contributor: Daofan Daofan
i think it should atleast be discussed.
Contributor: Roz W Roz W
What the hell?

Yes, it's an ethical issue, you should tell your spouse these kinds of things. But legally requiring permission is one of the most screwed-up things I can think of. Would my theoretical husband need to sign a permission slip for me to see a gyno? That is a disgusting universe. I don't want to live in it.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Woman China
Parts of me say yes, if a man is in a committed and long term relationship, a man should at least inform his partner of his choice.

I feel this way because simply, can you imagine when that potential-future child is 18? I would feel a little ... more
In the United States it is very rare for children of sperm donation to be able to get in contact with the sperm donors. They can request medical information, but they are not given the donors name etc.

FTR, WHO wrote that article? Reading it was like talking to a drunk person, repeating the same things over and over again... Oh, it's the Daily Mail. No wonder.

I think "owning" part of your spouse could lead to bad things. If a wife "owns" her husband's sperm, does that mean HE owns her eggs and she cannot have choice over her own fertility without his input? I think not.

I think most guys with a brain in their heads would not donate sperm without their wives' consent, and that most women wouldn't donate eggs without the same (although it's hard to hide all the medications ext that accompany an egg donation) but, it shouldn't be law.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Sirena
This is a tough subject and I know I am probably going to get blasted for some things that I may say, but here goes.

I think that if you are going to be responsible enough to be joined in a sexual RELATIONSHIP with someone, you need to take a ... more
Sperm banks and egg banks operate at a profit. NONE of them are going to pay for his in depth counseling you are talking about. Therapy is expensive and sperm banks are NOT going to "require" such expensive and time consuming stuff. They just want the sperm, that's all. Most sperm donations take less than 10 minutes, plus some paper work and a blood test. NONE of them are going to go for "counseling" just so some guy can jerk off into a cup. Therapy costs would eat up any profit the sperm would bring in.

As for couple's "owning" each other's sperm and egg cells, that's a scary, slippery slope you are advocating. NOBODY is in control of my fertility except me. I think most women and men feel the same. Married or not.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
Ooh, good question. I'm on the fence here. On one hand, it is part of his body and DNA and he physically hurts no one by doing so and she, as the wife, cannot "own" it. On the other hand, when you get married, you function as both an individual and a couple, so the issue is complicated. Required...maybe not. But whether permission from the wife *should*, ethically speaking, be obtained...yes, probably, but then there could be exceptions.

I feel, as a married person, that anything in the whole reproductive area should be talked about between both partners before anyone does anything. That goes for me as well as him.
Contributor: squire squire
Not in my opinion. I think it would be a good idea for your relationship and the respectful thing to do, but His body and it is his choice to donate. Nothing is to say it would be viable or used either, plus you open the door for other such ideas such as should a partner be legally able to say to you that you can't have a vasectomy, or for women an abortion. I realize these are different but I think it still applies.
Contributor: Katelyn Katelyn
Originally posted by jc123
So a man has no right to say that a woman cannot abort his child, but a woman should have control over what a man does with his sperm?

I don't think the "I control what happens to my body" argument should only apply to women.
This is not fair at all. No one should be in control of this man's sperm but this man.
Grrr- this also reminds me of the abortion argument. No one should own another person's body parts. Yes, he should have asked her or let her know, but he didn't.
Contributor: konicaguy konicaguy
Originally posted by Woman China
The following can be found from Daily Mail UK
PUBLISHED: 06:34 EST, 26 August 2012

A married woman whose husband donated sperm without her knowledge is calling for clinics to be forced to ask for a wife's consent. ... more
knowing that a child may show up one day, I think it should be mandatory.
Contributor: misty82 misty82
I have mixed feelings on this one. If married or in a long term relationship then yes. If casual dating and nothing more then not required.
Contributor: thesquaredeific thesquaredeific
I wouldn't say required, but it's generally something worth sorting out on a personal level.