Would you leave your partner for money? (PRIVATE VOTING)

Contributor: - Kira - - Kira -
No way. I'm too much of a pain in the ass and no one else would want to put up with me the way my hubby does! I've put him through hell (as he has me). We've been there for each other through all of it and no amount of money could replace that for me. I'm a very difficult person, though so is he. I just don't think anyone would click with me the way he does. Plus we have a family together. If we had a terrible relationship, I would understand breaking apart a family. To break apart a family for money? Nope. Not happening.
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by Adam02viper
Would you leave your partner if your partners parents came up to you and offered to give you a large sum of money to leave your partner? Dont think of this as a poll on EF, picture your partners parents in front of you with a suitcase full of cash ... more
Money doesn't buy love and only temporary happiness
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by Adam02viper
Would you leave your partner if your partners parents came up to you and offered to give you a large sum of money to leave your partner? Dont think of this as a poll on EF, picture your partners parents in front of you with a suitcase full of cash ... more
Money is great of course, but I'd choose love over it any day!
Contributor: Megan Jean Megan Jean
No way, no how.
Contributor: Darklyvan Darklyvan
Originally posted by Adam02viper
Would you leave your partner if your partners parents came up to you and offered to give you a large sum of money to leave your partner? Dont think of this as a poll on EF, picture your partners parents in front of you with a suitcase full of cash ... more
Plenty of room for a loophole here, no where does it say permanently. My wife would say I was an idiot if I would not leave her for a month or two to return with a million.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Darklyvan
Plenty of room for a loophole here, no where does it say permanently. My wife would say I was an idiot if I would not leave her for a month or two to return with a million.
Same thing I was thinking.
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
My partner's parents (actually, his mother and one of her sisters) TRIED to bribe him with $500,000.
When we told them we were getting married after having been together for 3 years, they flipped out. His mom threatened me, then threatened him, then tried to bribe him. She (and one of her sisters, who's only rich because she married into money) offered my partner $500,000 to not marry me.
He turned it down.
We DID postpone the wedding for a year, hoping that would satisfy them, but they're still unsupportive even though now we've been together for 4 years and our relationship has survived just about every problem imaginable. So, we've decided to go through with the wedding with or without their support. We've set the date for this May.
Contributor: Jake'n'bake Jake'n'bake
1 billion dollars because I could then hire the best of the best to off whoever made me make that deal to begin with and we'd be set for life. :B
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
I learned how to be poor and lonely, and I personally prefer being poor. It would be tempting, but I probably wouldn't be able to do it.
Contributor: fabidefabi fabidefabi
Nope never. But interested to hear about other people's partners
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
IF I were happily in love with someone, I wouldn't leave him for all the money in the world. As much as I've been hurt and jaded, I'm still a romantic deep, deep down, I guess. But, I'm far from happy. So if this hypothetical scenario played out, at this point, I'd probably take the money and run.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by Splendwhore
Since my Partner's parents are broke bitches, I'd be very suspicious of where they got said money and why they're offering it to me when they have so much debt to pay off...

The simple answer to this question is: No, I would never ... more
Yes I would do the same. Take the money, split it with my partner, fake the "breakup" and run away and enjoy the money with her
Contributor: dbm6907 dbm6907
Money does not buy happiness. I would never leave my SO for any amount!
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I love my boyfriend. I would never (actually) leave him. I would "leave" him, take the money, and we'd run away together!

Plus his parents are really poor so they wouldn't have it, anyway.
Contributor: dks210 dks210
Contributor: A.Mari A.Mari
No, I would not.
Contributor: Swish Swish
money does not buy love and why would i give up love when i searched my whole life to find it!
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Originally posted by Adam02viper
Would you leave your partner if your partners parents came up to you and offered to give you a large sum of money to leave your partner? Dont think of this as a poll on EF, picture your partners parents in front of you with a suitcase full of cash ... more
Hell no! I'd rather get locked in a psych ward in a padded cell with my partner than have to leave him for anything.
Contributor: klyte klyte
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
Nope...my wife is my best friend, my fuck buddy/lover, the mother of my sons...the amount of money doesn't exist.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by Adam02viper
Would you leave your partner if your partners parents came up to you and offered to give you a large sum of money to leave your partner? Dont think of this as a poll on EF, picture your partners parents in front of you with a suitcase full of cash ... more
10 Million dollars
Contributor: jokerzwild jokerzwild
Never met anyone I wouldn't leave for a million dollars.
Contributor: sweetiejo sweetiejo
No, I get lucky and my boyfriend actually has well several sets of parents and all of them are so accepting and welcoming it takes a lot to insult them and make them dislike you. But as for if one of them did hate me and offered me that kind of money to leave I couldn't do it. My guy has helped me through a lot and i would never abandon him for money.
Contributor: bsgs bsgs
i would be in shock over how my inlaws came up with that kind of money, and i dont think i would be able to leave...but the sum that it would require i bet would be heavy, and i could throw it onto my mother-in-law....
Contributor: Teiya & Dave Teiya & Dave
Would not leave my husband for any amount of money.
Contributor: Ilovelingerie Ilovelingerie
I am madly in love with my partner and wouldn't ever leave him for any ammount of money, but running away with the cash does sound like a good plan... we could buy our own island somewhere, build a house there, have groceries sent in, and spend our mornings and afternoon having vigorous sex by the ocean with our Scarlet Macaws above us in a couple of ropical tree's
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
For me, it would depend on the relationship. If both he and I were very happy and knew we were in it for the long haul, then no amount of money would suffice. If I was unhappy and thinking of ending things anyway, then honestly, I would use the cash as a motivator to end things.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
There are a number of reasons that I would divorce my wife for, but money is not one of them. What would I do with a million dollars that I wouldn't do now?
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I'm surprised my partner's parents didn't do this. I was "too young." I was the wrong ethnicity (he was supposed to find a nice Polish or Bohemian girl, one with no education who would clean all day.) I have too much education. I have "opinions." I'm a "commie-pinko." (An actual quote from his father.) My parents "think they're better than us" (meaning his parents) because they have educations. (And since when is graduating High School, which is about as far as my mother went being "too educated?") And, I was going to "steal all his money and leave him and take his house."

But, they never offered me anything. Screw them.
Contributor: mbattles mbattles
Originally posted by Jul!a
We are here for each other through thick and thin, and I wouldn't leave him for any amount of money.
same here