Should Eden stock silk or satin sheets? Would you buy them?

Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
Originally posted by g-
In my mind nothing says fantasy fun like satin bedsheets! So I was surprised to see eden didn't carry them. I really think that they could be a great addition to any order and a fun surprise for any lover.
Should Eden stock silk or satin ... more
that would be nice, also it would be great if they carried shoes too.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I would if they were nice, yes.
Contributor: sexykiss sexykiss
yes i love that idea
Contributor: yummyinmytummy yummyinmytummy
Originally posted by Beck
I wouldn't mind if they did, but I feel like bed sheets, shoes and a few other things aren't the right direction Eden should go in. This is an adult website. Not your local retail store or super store.
I disagree.

I think sheets are a big part of the sex experience.

And the shoes can be a make or break in costumes. There was a cute little costume and in the product description they made a point of saying the Mary Janes weren't included...because they MADE that outfit sexy.

I'm not saying they should start selling tennis shoes and backpacks, but I think sexy shoes and sheets are involved in realm of EF
Contributor: mistressg mistressg
I would be more into silk than satin, but the vegans on the site wouldn't be interested in silk. However, I would like more than just satin and silk fabrics. I've been looking for bedding recently and I would LOVE it if I could pick up sheets and bedding on Eden!!!
Contributor: AHubbyof2SexualMinds AHubbyof2SexualMinds
That would be fantastic, we'd love something like that for a special occasion.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I would buy some!
Contributor: sweetpea12 sweetpea12
Originally posted by g-
In my mind nothing says fantasy fun like satin bedsheets! So I was surprised to see eden didn't carry them. I really think that they could be a great addition to any order and a fun surprise for any lover.
Should Eden stock silk or satin ... more
I would probably buy them if they were sold here
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
I think some nice silk sheets (maybe paired with some silk ties and a blindfold) would be a wonderful addition to Eden.
Contributor: Rosen Rot Rosen Rot
Great idea! So sexy!
Contributor: sexytileena / absolutely love sex sexytileena / absolutely love sex
Contributor: octoberrain octoberrain
Originally posted by Beck
I wouldn't mind if they did, but I feel like bed sheets, shoes and a few other things aren't the right direction Eden should go in. This is an adult website. Not your local retail store or super store.
I agree!
Contributor: AwesomeAmanda AwesomeAmanda
i would buy them.
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
If Eden carried then I would probably get some but I really don't care that they aren't available.