Do you think anything is wrong with being lesbian, gay, bisexual or whatever you want to call it? Do you think it is ok for females and wrong for males? Or Both?

Contributor: butts butts
Originally posted by jokerzwild
I think people should do what they like as long as it doesn't hurt another so I have zero issues with homosexuality. If anything it is a good thing for an over crowed planet.
HAHha, good point. Well, the planet isn't actually overcrowded, it's just badly managed space/money/resources (aka everything) wise, but still, yes.
Contributor: SubmissiveFeminist SubmissiveFeminist
Fuck who you want. Love is love. It's no one else's business.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I can't believe there are those who think it's not okay. Be who you are and that is all you can do. It's perfectly fine to be who you are no matter what that is.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all. I have a lesbian aunt and some friends who are lesbian. I have a lot of gay male friends and a lot of bisexual friends.
Contributor: CadmiumKitty CadmiumKitty
to each their own
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
Originally posted by Chris Corrigan
Actually, the bible doesn't condemn homosexuality at all. Those verses are in terms of sex for procreation. Love is love and love is beautiful. There is nothing wrong with being gay. If it's "wrong" for me to be gay then it's ... more
Well, technically it does (Old Testament, not New, although it mentions nothing about female homosexuality). But it also says a lot of other things, some of which make my feminist skin crawl (a woman who's not a virgin when she's married can/should be executed), and some of which are just head-scratchers (pretty sure there's something in Leviticus about not wearing different types of fabric at the same time).

To be clear, I'm not against Christianity. I'd consider myself more spiritual than religious, but if I had to choose, I would call myself a Christian just because I have stronger cultural ties to it, and there's a lot about it that I do like. But there's no denying that the Bible contains a lot of misogynistic/anti-Semi tic/etc statements that just don't jibe with modern attitudes. I would be EXTREMELY angry and offended if someone threw some of the Bible's passages about women in my face, and as far as I'm concerned, the passages on homosexuality are no different--a relic of a different time that doesn't really fit into the Bible's overall message of peace and love.
Contributor: pasdechat pasdechat
Originally posted by pasdechat
Well, technically it does (Old Testament, not New, although it mentions nothing about female homosexuality). But it also says a lot of other things, some of which make my feminist skin crawl (a woman who's not a virgin when she's married ... more
Don't know why my computer keeps changing "anti-Semitic" to "Semi tic." I...don't even know what a "semi tic" would be
Contributor: quinceykay quinceykay
Why should anyone care what other people do in the bedroom?
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
Originally posted by kck
You know, if this is a serious poll, it should really be private. Don't expect much participation since you are asking people to publicly reveal private feelings.
this is true, but REAL people wouldn't care and would vote anyway I say to each his own! i LOVE my gay friends!
Contributor: Nirelan Nirelan
I love everyone...except people that drive when I drive...then I hate you LOL
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
Originally posted by k3
Love is love is love... <3
That's what I'm saying
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
There is not a damn thing wrong with being gay, bisexual, pansexual, or lesbian. I have to say I'm not exactly fond of lesbian movies, but that doesn't mean I hate them.

I myself is pansexual, which means I'm attracted to other's despite their gender, hell, I would have even gone with a woman who had a dick! So to me, it's an annoying pet peeve when someone hates on those who love the same gender.

I've asked my husband what he would do if he ever had a gay son or lesbian daughter. He simply told me, "I'll love them no matter what they are, even if their born with ten heads." Course I broke down laughing, but to me, that just proves that there is more people who believe what I believe.
Contributor: friendswithfangs friendswithfangs
this post is hella silly.
aside from the fact that judging what two consenting adults do or feel, when it hurts no one, is just ridiculous... why would discriminating against pairs of a certain sex and not others make... any sense??
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some ... more
It's all good.
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
I don't care if you're bi, gay, lesbian or anything else as long as you're happy with it. Everyone should be able to love who they want.
Contributor: xlustlovex xlustlovex
to each its own whatever your attracted to is nobody's business as long as your happy do what you want
Contributor: Rockasaurus Rockasaurus
I can't imagine why it isn't okay for everyone to love whoever they want. I personally (especially as a lesbian) think it is fine for people to love who they love. Unfortunately, I know people who are more tolerant of some than others. It's weird though, I know more people who think gay men are great but hate lesbians than the other way around.
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
I don't like holding double standards - my respect for people's orientations isn't based on their gender.
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some ... more
It's severely hypocritical if only one binary gender is allowed to like the same sex.
Contributor: gloomybear gloomybear
definatley ok for both genders
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I have no problem with gay people. It's their business, not mine.
Contributor: marshmallow marshmallow
Also, there are more than two genders.
Contributor: vitriolicvertigo vitriolicvertigo
Of course it's okay. Fuck anyone who says otherwise, and I don't care if they call me "intolerant" for not tolerating their bigotry.
Contributor: lia ayala lia ayala
love is love regardless
Contributor: JennSenn JennSenn
Whatever floats your boat.
Contributor: ginainohio ginainohio
all love is equal
Contributor: Willow Wand Willow Wand
Originally posted by kck
You know, if this is a serious poll, it should really be private. Don't expect much participation since you are asking people to publicly reveal private feelings.
Contributor: sexykiss sexykiss
to each its own
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some ... more
I think it's fine for both genders
Contributor: SassySam SassySam
Originally posted by lkb
I don't like the "heterosexual lifestyle" shoved down my throat, either. Deal with it.
That's exactly what i thought when I read that. lol. You are awesome.