Do you think anything is wrong with being lesbian, gay, bisexual or whatever you want to call it? Do you think it is ok for females and wrong for males? Or Both?

Contributor: SassySam SassySam
It's hard to avoid the cliches here but, love is love.

Also, saying that it's OK to be gay if you a girl, but not if your a guy is sexist, and misogynistic. It's basically saying that lesbianism is OK because female sexuality isn't important, that the females role is to have babies and if your not at risk of having babies, than it doesn't "count".

Personally I don't care if other people think that, because I don't waste my time on people that think less of me because I accept my sexuality, because I'm female, or because I'm gay.
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
Love is love I see it as the same day I chose to be straight they chose to be gay You can't help who you love
Contributor: GirlOnGirl GirlOnGirl
Originally posted by SassySam
It's hard to avoid the cliches here but, love is love.

Also, saying that it's OK to be gay if you a girl, but not if your a guy is sexist, and misogynistic. It's basically saying that lesbianism is OK because female sexuality ... more
Completely agree. I'm queer and if someone says they think it's okay for two females but not for two males I see that as being the same as if they just said it's not okay for anyone to be gay. You either accept people that are not heterosexual or you don't.

This kind of thinking usually goes along with male fantasies of two women together. I support everybody's right to fantasize about whatever they choose but thinking two girls fucking is HAWT! does not make someone a lgbtq rights advocate and means nothing to me personally.
Contributor: lineswecast lineswecast
I couldn't care less which sex someone falls in love with or wants to have sex with.
Contributor: Lori Gonzales Lori Gonzales
all love is equal
Contributor: adam71 adam71
Whatever makes you happy
Contributor: kdlt kdlt
It makes me so sad to see that "it is ok for just women and not men" actually has votes... also, where is the opposite option? In such an accepting site/community, I'm surprised that there's any reaction that way. Thanks for posting an insightful poll though!
Contributor: ginnyluvspotter ginnyluvspotter
You are who you are and should not have to hide!
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
It's ok for both
Contributor: bog bog
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some ... more
i am queer, myself
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by SEXY N DELICIOUS
I used to think woman liking other women was nasty. Now I have an attraction to females and I'm bisexual. Some people think that it is OK for women to like other woman and have sexual relations, but when it come to men i found out that some ... more
People are born (brain scans now show it) with different attraction patterns "hard wired" into our being, so what we are, is what we were born. It is no more logical to find something wrong with a gay man, or a lesbian woman then to be upset that someone has brown eyes or blond hair. It's genetics. It's part of the human family tree spectrum.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by kck
You know, if this is a serious poll, it should really be private. Don't expect much participation since you are asking people to publicly reveal private feelings.
I would have thought so too...but wow..a lot of people have chimed in.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by zeebot
What could possibly be wrong with choosing your own sexuality? It's your decision, no one else's.
I don't think you can choose it any more then you choose your eye color. Brain scans now show distinct differences in brain activity between heterosexual and homosexual men. It's just the way you were put together and it certainly is genetic. Thus, it is even less something to be judgmental about. It is what we were given. Period. It is a normally found variant in the human gene pool, at this point.
Contributor: kdlt kdlt
Originally posted by Bignuf
I don't think you can choose it any more then you choose your eye color. Brain scans now show distinct differences in brain activity between heterosexual and homosexual men. It's just the way you were put together and it certainly is genetic. ... more
This is awesome! Do you have any recent sources regarding the 'brain scan' statement?? I'd like to read up on that.
Contributor: Upyourreviews Upyourreviews
Live and let live!
Contributor: wildshores wildshores
Originally posted by SassySam
It's hard to avoid the cliches here but, love is love.

Also, saying that it's OK to be gay if you a girl, but not if your a guy is sexist, and misogynistic. It's basically saying that lesbianism is OK because female sexuality ... more
yes exactly!
you see it everywhere too
Contributor: wildshores wildshores
it's incredibly upsetting when i hear people say, "well you can have your lifestyle but i will raise my family like this." as if that absolves them of any responsibility for homophobia. because if you have a gay or trans kid, they're going to go through hell. i know it and i've been through it.
the moral arguments are washed out and tired. in the context of nature--homosexuality is natural across many species. in that of history--humans have had same-sex relationships in a myriad of cultures across recorded history. in the context of the bible--the scarce verses picked out for antigay use are badly translated and fundamentally decontextualized (paul's arsenokoitai, levitical law, several cultural factors). and in the context of human morality--gay sex and sexualities produce no harm that straight sex does not also produce. all these axes taken together: what then is the basis of opposition? tradition? i am a deeply religious person, but i will not allow my religion or tradition to walk on the backs of anyone. when i came out many people were uncomfortable, but they were trying to learn and grow, making an effort to tell me i was beautiful and important as i was. so it hurt but i knew we were all hurting, we were all growing.
please, be loving and supportive, when someone you love turns out to be gay or trans. it is critical to so many of us just surviving.
Contributor: Ivanna Ivanna
Originally posted by k3
Love is love is love... <3
I completely agree!
Contributor: mamaseatspoop mamaseatspoop
both genders
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
It saddens me that this is even an issue. Be who you are, love yourself, don't hate.
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
Originally posted by mama2007
I grew up knowing right from wrong and homosexuality is not right. The Bible clearly states that 1 man 1 woman = marriage. hopefully the "gay marriage" won't pass in many states, very gross to think about but whatever

I'm not ... more
It is totally not a choice. Wow...
Contributor: FrustratedFemme FrustratedFemme
I think it's perfectly okay for anyone of any gender to love someone of the same gender. There's nothing wrong with that.