Should Gay "Marriage" be renamed something else?

Contributor: eroticmutt eroticmutt
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and ... more
It needs to stay marriage.
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
I vote leaving it marriage. There's no need to rename it.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
It's still marriage, it doesn't need quotation marks.
Contributor: Tangerine Tangerine
Marriage is what it is. Laws just annoying guidelines
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Quite frankly, marriage is marriage. It is two people joining in unity and commiting themselves to one another exclusively. As a Christian woman, I was raised to believe that this sort of "union" should not be accepted. However, My feelings on the issue is....If those of different orientation would like to be miserable, nerve racked and bitter as the rest of us straight be it, lettem! LOL

Being divorced once and remarried, I have a sick and twisted bit of humor on the topic of marriage, so excuse me if I offend anyone LOL.
Contributor: MamaDivine MamaDivine
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
(I was trying to edit this, but I couldn't because of the post below me... which is NO PROBLEM... I just cut and paste!)

I'll elaborate a little too. I think that straight couples have ruined marriage long before now. I'm a very ... more
AMEN! Im with you 100% on that note (the politicians). The politicians are so busy trying to control what is "right and wrong" for every individual that they are essentially taking away our God given free will to live as we please. Be it right or wrong by anyone's standards, THEY don't have to live it. Another thing that irks me is everyone's gasping and ridiculous media coverage on the politicians indiscretions. Yes, they are human, just like us. They are not God. I don't agree with something the president does behind his wife's back (or whatever it may be) but its not going to affect how I vote for them if they can still run the country! Everyone these days are too involved in everyone else's business.
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
Renaming it doesn't change what it is.

You can call a dolphin a whale, but it's still going to be a dolphin at the end of the day, and it just makes you look ignorant for calling it otherwise.
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
Originally posted by Alicia
I see no reason why it should be anything but marriage.
Contributor: In the Sheets In the Sheets
I don't think it should be called "gay marriage". I think it should just be called marriage.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
marriage is marriage, who cares what the two people's bodies are like?
Contributor: Oomph2687 Oomph2687
we have the right to call it marriage too. considering the crazy divorce rate among str8 couples.
Contributor: Apirka Apirka
If straight couples can be "married", than so should gay couples.
Contributor: A.Mari A.Mari
It should remain marriage because that's exactly what it is.
Contributor: jbknows jbknows
Originally posted by Penguin
Why not just remove the gay. It's a marriage or a union.
This, right here.
Contributor: Indigo Morada Indigo Morada
Straight people don't get "Straight Married"

It should just be marriage for whoever gets married.
Contributor: dks210 dks210
Marriage. If it's good enough for a straight couple, it's good enough for a gay couple.
Contributor: Kabachu Kabachu
remain marriage
Contributor: SecretToyLover2 SecretToyLover2
I think it might be cool to give it another name, just to show that you all beat the system! But marriage is marriage. I'm not sure.
Contributor: woofcub woofcub
It should still be called marriage, anything different and it would be considered less than that of a marriage between a man and a woman.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by Hallmar82
There are polygyny and polyandry "marriages" all over the world, and they are "legal" for their respective cultures/countries. I use quotation marks because it's all culturally(and legally) subjective. Polygyny is very ... more
Great post, and very true about laws being culturally and socially defined.
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
It should be Marriage. Not gay marriage. Just plain old marriage.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
I don't think it should be renamed, unless the word marriage it replaced for everyone
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
Kind of annoys me every time I hear "gay marriage". It's either marriage or it's not...
Contributor: Pink Kitty Pink Kitty
No matter WHAT you call it people will STILL call you married, that is if it gets legalized. But doubtfully it will with those more than ready to appeal it
Contributor: Destri Destri
Of course it should stay marriage. Marriage as a concept is the joining of two people who love one another and want to commit to each other for life. It should not matter what gender they are!
Contributor: Femme Mystique Femme Mystique
Originally posted by Lif3sambiguity
There has been much controversy with gay "marriage" and rights associated with it. Health care for partners, beneficiary rights for partners, ability to adopt children as a couple, etc..the list can go on and on. What are your opinions and ... more
I don't even think it should be called "gay marriage", just marriage. The clarification really isn't necessary.
Contributor: butts butts
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
Separate but equal is not equal.
Contributor: Nazaress Nazaress
I think it should be called marriage. Not "gay" marriage. It should be called MARRIAGE. Marriage existed before religion and government and besides, people's close-minded views shouldn't dictate others' lives.
Contributor: asoutherngirl asoutherngirl
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
Separate but equal is not equal.
I agree
Contributor: PeachieClean PeachieClean
If things are truely equal, it shouldn't matter what it's called. I honestly support abolishing all marriages. Do whatever you want in your churches, but keep the laws out of it. Just my two cents.