Is smoking sexy?

Contributor: VioletMoonstone VioletMoonstone
I think it's disgusting. Smoking reminds me of my dad. He got cancer when I was like 7 and we had to go through a lot. He's cancer free and living just fine now but smoking reminds me of that time. Sad thing is, he STILL smokes to this day and can't stop. It's so lame.
Contributor: griffonc griffonc
No its so nasty.
Contributor: romstomp romstomp
I smoked for 12 years, quit about 9 years ago. My health has improved quite a bit and I do smell a little better.
Contributor: Incendiaire Incendiaire
Maybe in an old movie, but in reality I don't want to to be kissing an ashtray.
Contributor: mlmac mlmac
I haven't smoked in 22 yrs. and at the time it wasn't a big deal, but today, I don't care for the smell or even the sight of someone smoking. It's a big turn off for me.
Contributor: Kilgorescowboy Kilgorescowboy
I don't see it as very sexy.
Contributor: Voir Voir
I smoke so I can't very well say "ew that's gross" however, if they have poor hygiene and always reek of nicotine then that's a pretty big turn off. As long as the person is clean, keeps their stuff clean and doesn't smoke one right after the other all. the. time. I'm totally cool with it and some people it's even like 0_0 sexxyyyyy
Contributor: LunaLuthor LunaLuthor
Originally posted by jessterinthebed
I just watched Casino with Robert De Niro and I'm saying yeah!
No no no cancer is not sexy
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by jessterinthebed
I just watched Casino with Robert De Niro and I'm saying yeah!
Some people do look sexy smoking.
Contributor: brevado brevado
I'm not a fan, but the debate over smoking in movies is just plain annoying.
Contributor: sXeVegan90 sXeVegan90
Smoking definitely is NOT sexy to me. As a person who lived in a family where smoking was present, definitely not.
Contributor: crazycouple7281 crazycouple7281
My girlfriend was a smoker, and I think she's very sexy, not because she smoked, but if I had to choose based off the question smoking isn't sexy.
Contributor: Augustxsins Augustxsins
Smoking is a complete turn-off for me. Blech!
Contributor: Undecided Undecided
Its not a turn on or turn off for me so to speak, I have dated several smokers my thing though is please clean yourself up an try your best not to reek of the smoke smell. I also prefer they drink something,chew gum or brush their teeth before kissing me. I smoke here and there but I always brush or chew gum afterwards
Contributor: BG529 BG529
That all depends I'm a Smoker soit doesn't bother me..
Contributor: ejrbrndps ejrbrndps
Originally posted by toysforall
Smoking is GROSS
yes it is
Contributor: FallFire FallFire
I dated a smoker who was "trying to quit." Even if he hadn't had a cigarette that day and had brushed his teeth, flossed, and mouthwashed I could STILL taste/smell it. Never again will I date a smoker.
Contributor: xgamerx xgamerx
I will not watch a porn with someone smoking in it. I don't care how hot they are. It's a huge turn off for me.
Contributor: Anne Anne
Completely indifferent.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Some of my members think I look sexy smoking.
Contributor: Gdom Gdom
"I hate licking ashtrays" has to be one of my favorite poll options ever.
Contributor: ilikepies2 ilikepies2
But oddly, I like smoking cigars! Cigars are sexy!
Contributor: Nightstone Nightstone
i'm a Dom and i've always said if i met a sub who smoked and we clicked getting her to quit would be the first thing i did
Contributor: Boyfriend Boyfriend
Depends on the person smoking. It doesn't bother me since I'm a smoker too.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
If it's someone really hot, well...
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
Contributor: Cat E. Cat E.
Absolutely NOT sexy in any way.
Contributor: LadyDarknezz LadyDarknezz
No, it's gross, it smells bad, kills people faster and causes me to sneeze all damn day.
Contributor: kasuganosora kasuganosora
From an artist's standpoint, it definitely is sexy-looking. Not a big fan of the scent though.
Contributor: anonkitty anonkitty
Doesn't matter how good looking the guy is, the moment he lights one up, I lose interest.