Do need a sleep aid >?

Contributor: BG529 BG529
I now need something to tune out. like the tv.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
It must be completely dark and completely silent for me to sleep.
Contributor: pizzahut pizzahut
I just need it dark and quiet. an the fan on thats a Big most for me.
Contributor: MistressDandelion MistressDandelion
I have insomnia since age 4 or 5 or something, so yes, sleeping pills are my meds. I also like the place to be either dark, or have a warm light on (lava lamp, low wattage lamp). Depends on the day. The light calms me down..
Contributor: rekarf rekarf
Dark, sleeping pills and with the fan blowing full blast (even during the Winter).
Contributor: LaSchwartz LaSchwartz
I need it to be dark and quiet. Unless I'm very sleepy or had wine lol.