Do you mind being naked on the internet?

Contributor: LusciousLollypop LusciousLollypop
Originally posted by sXeVegan90
I don't think I'd die, but I would like to keep my body parts covered on the net. It's just a preference of mine, and I honestly don't have the confidence in myself to do something like that. I'd definitely go so far as to say ... more
That is totally fine. Thanks for answering my question! I'm sure your body is beautiful.
Contributor: Noelle Noelle
Originally posted by LusciousLollypop
So, we all know that I make adult videos. I also camewhore sometimes just for the fun of it.

My tits and ass are literally all over the internet. I even post pictures of sexual things that happen like.. facials and spanking that I put on my ... more
Have never been naked on the internet, but I wouldn't mind if I was. I think I would love it actually!!
Contributor: Deeder Deeder
Originally posted by neil i.
Web-browsing in the nude is about as close I get to "naked on the internet." I'd prefer to shield the world from my bare flesh, and I figure the world silently offers its thanks.
THIS, times infinity. The way I see it, I'm doing the rest of the workd a favor.

Besides, in my experience the internet is much too small a place, and if anything ever was put out there and discovered it would most likely result in job loss, excommunication from my extended family, divorce, and losing custody of my kids. (Though I can't say that I would blame anyone.)
Contributor: dirtythoughts:) dirtythoughts:)
Originally posted by Sodom and Gomorrah
Not scared just wouldn't like to put my goodies out there. Once it goes out you lose control. I don't want my future children or way into the future grandbabies mentioning how they saw me naked online.
This is basically how I look at it.
Contributor: G&L G&L
Not allowed for my job.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Originally posted by LusciousLollypop
A lot of you are okay with showing your body but not on the internet, because the internet is literally forever. You are on the internet NAKED forever, if you decide to do that. I know what you mean and how you feel. That is how I felt at first, but ... more
I just still couldn't, even if those people were looking for it. Even if they weren't word travels fast in a small town if someone finds something out that knows someone that knows you, then people you don't want to know are going to find out whether they see it or not. I also don't want to put me getting a job in jeopardy, especially since employers are a lot more snoopy than they used to me.
I'm also just plain not comfortable with my body period. It takes a lot of trust for me to let someone see all of me. I hate that I'm not as small as I used to be and that I have stretch marks and I haven't even gone through child birth . I just feel my body is attractive. Sure my face may be, but not what's under my clothes. I don't even like to see myself in the big mirror when I step out of the shower and avoid looking at my entire self naked when I can. I have major body issues, it really sucks. Even after 3.5 years together, my fiance still gets mad because I just can't fathom how he LIKES to see all of me and thinks my body is fine when I don't &when I'm having low days, not wanting to take my shirt off or something.
It's weird with me. I see beautiful girls of all shapes and sizes, I find girls my size and bigger attractive but I'm just SO hard on myself, I don't know why I am this way.

Even though my foot has started to heal enough from surgery that I have actually been able to get back in the gym (just not as long as before and I'm not able to do as much yet), I still think that I never could be comfortable with anyone other than my guy seeing me. I get pissed if my mom walks in the bathroom and I'm stepping into the shower!
Contributor: Lavendar Lavendar
I don't put myself naked on the internet at all.
Contributor: Rawr4483 Rawr4483
I don't really mind being naked on the internet, I just worry someone I know will see it eventually haha
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
I don't mind, but I keep such pictures restricted to my FetLife profile and my photobucket (which is set to private, so I put pics there to share with certain friends).
Generally the pics on FetLife are more tame than the ones in the private photobucket album though, since I have less control on who sees my FetLife pics than my photobucket pics.
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
The only thing on the internet is my face. Nothing else gets uploaded.
Contributor: Intrepid Niddering Intrepid Niddering
I had qualms at first, but interestingly, the qualms were never, "Oh, my god, what if this gets out?" It was more... I had very big self-image issues, so I always felt ashamed of anyone seeing me. I thought myself so incredibly ugly. I thought I was fat and gross. My boobs aren't perky little perfect orbs held high up and firm against my chest. My stomach has never been and never will be flat. I jiggle. I thought myself so gross. I felt if I showed myself, all I'd get were people laughing at me and telling me how hideous I was, confirming all my self-doubt. Instead, I had people telling me how attractive they found me. People desired me. They wanted to see -more-, not less. I was completely thrown for a loop.

The more I've bared all for people on cam, the more comfortable with my body I've become. I actually have had one guy react negatively to me. He told me that I was ugly because I wasn't some super-tiny girl that adheres to the standards laid out by the Media. (Maybe not in those words, but it was how he came across.) At that point, though, I'd become so comfortable with myself that he was just a nuisance rather than a soul-crusher.

It empowers me, knowing I've turned someone on to the point that they just -have- to touch because they're looking at -me-. It's an incredible ego boost.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I promise you it would be grounds for a divorce in my husbands eyes. He does not want my body all over the internet and I respect that.
Contributor: LusciousLollypop LusciousLollypop
Originally posted by Intrepid Niddering
I had qualms at first, but interestingly, the qualms were never, "Oh, my god, what if this gets out?" It was more... I had very big self-image issues, so I always felt ashamed of anyone seeing me. I thought myself so incredibly ugly. I ... more
I am SO glad that it empowers you. It does the exact thing to me. It empowers me. It gets me off if others think I am something special. It is an incredible ego boost. I am proud of you.
Contributor: BG529 BG529
I'm not comfortable with my self to be on display like that. besides, I d rather just one person get to see me naked. and that's my SO.
Contributor: LusciousLollypop LusciousLollypop
Originally posted by BG529
I'm not comfortable with my self to be on display like that. besides, I d rather just one person get to see me naked. and that's my SO.
And that is totally up to you. Thank you for being honest.
Contributor: Mikemanz Mikemanz
i don't mind, but no face. although, now that i think of it, anyone who saw it would just be surfin' porn anyways!
Contributor: Rey Rey
i just have my tatt pics on the net, everything else can be.. a mystery ;D
Contributor: married with children married with children
ya, my body is for my wife and hers is for me. No one else needs to be involved.
Contributor: jc123 jc123
I wouldn't mind my body being displayed, but I have to draw the line at showing my face and identifying remarks.

No naked pictures of me are on the web- that I know of.
Contributor: Ex-prude Ex-prude
I'd never.
Contributor: CindyH CindyH
i would never get naked on the net
Contributor: Alyona Alyona
I would DIE if I was naked on the internet!
Contributor: Cat E. Cat E.
I'd never expose myself on the internet. I don't crave that kind of attention.
Contributor: LusciousLollypop LusciousLollypop
Originally posted by Cat E.
I'd never expose myself on the internet. I don't crave that kind of attention.
Do you think that this is "attention seeking"? I know you aren't attacking me personally, but I feel offended. It isn't for attracting attention. It is for my own self esteem and feeling good about myself. That is all I'm going to say because I'm a nice person and I'm not going to start a fight with you. Thank you for your answer.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by LusciousLollypop
So, we all know that I make adult videos. I also camewhore sometimes just for the fun of it.

My tits and ass are literally all over the internet. I even post pictures of sexual things that happen like.. facials and spanking that I put on my ... more
I have cammed a bit myself this year...I'm sure I'm well exposed online. As long as I stay out of politics, I figure it'll be fine.