Have you ever experienced power out while you're in the shower or bath?

Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Have you ever had a power out while you're in the shower or bath, on a dark and stormy night? What precautions do you take, so you won't be caught in the dark? I always turn on a battery-operated tap light while I'm showering, if it's stormy outside.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I'll have a flashlight standing by.
dv8 , GenderSexplorations , DeliciousSurprise , Beck , slynch , Gone (LD29) , KRD
I'll turn on a tap light before I shower.
I'll light candles.
js250 , Vanille , Kaltir , Howells , wetone123 , Valentinka , DeliciousSurprise , darthkitt3n , Talena , Pink Jewel , Cherry21 , Beck , Errant Venture , slynch , Jon S , Gone (LD29) , padmeamidala , wdanas , Tangles , MissBre , KRD , SadoMas
Others, here's what I'll do .....
ThoughtsAblaze , bayosgirl , Mike Honcho , Bethy Cassatt , Ms. N , Allstars316 , P'Gell , JennSenn , lulz
Total votes: 38 (33 voters)
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Contributor: js250 js250
I always have candles going, but was caught with shampoo once and the water turned off. Bad night for me!!!
Contributor: Kaltir Kaltir
I never have this happen, but we have lots of candles, so I'd just light a few
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by js250
I always have candles going, but was caught with shampoo once and the water turned off. Bad night for me!!!
I don't use candles and I was caught in a power out once, I've had to find my way out in pitch blackness. We have a gas water heater, so I don't have to worry about the water temperature.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Thankfully I haven't been caught in the shower in a power cut yet. I live in the sticks on tank water - if there's no power, there's no pump for any water.
Contributor: ThoughtsAblaze ThoughtsAblaze
I avoid the bath or shower if there's any kind of bad weather. Storms already scare me, so being in the shower when the lights go out? :shudder:
Contributor: chicken12 chicken12
No, but I have had several floormates on my dorm be in the shower when the power went out. It's tricky, because it's a communal bathroom and when the lights go out, there's abolsultely no light in the stalls.
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
We basically keep a mini-flashlight in prettymuch every room.
Contributor: Pink Jewel Pink Jewel
I light candles if the power starts to blink on and off.
Contributor: Cherry21 Cherry21
Originally posted by Rossie
Have you ever had a power out while you're in the shower or bath, on a dark and stormy night? What precautions do you take, so you won't be caught in the dark? I always turn on a battery-operated tap light while I'm showering, if ... more
I hate being stuck anywhere when the powers out! especially if im alone!
Contributor: married with children married with children
I dont do anything. We have a window in the shower, so we get some light in when the lights are out. I also have flashlights all over the house. Where I grew up, the power would go out all the time, old power lines on poles. My town has most of its power underground, so the power does not go out very often.
Contributor: Mike Honcho Mike Honcho
It doesn't bother me if the power goes out while i am in the shower. I have most of the house memorized and can navigate pretty well in the dark.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
I have had a power outage while I was in the bath. It didn't bother me. I had already poured the water, and know my body well enough to know where my foot is, in the dark.

Beyond that, we tend to use candles, but even they're not really necessary.
Contributor: Kikui Kikui
I had that happen to me once when I lived in a dorm. The water was still going, and I was the only one showering. So I just finished my shower in the dark calmly and felt my way to the towel, robe, etc. Meanwhile, I could hear a bunch of girls screaming. It's just a power outage, sheesh. The university was always first up when it came to fixing power outages, anyway.
Contributor: Gone (LD29) Gone (LD29)
We just spent 3 1/2 days without power due to a storm, and another day without internet. And of course the power went out when I was taking a shower! Totally caught unprepared this time, so it was pitch black until I could get out and get a candle.
Contributor: Bethy Cassatt Bethy Cassatt
Yeah. I was caught on the toilet once. I spent half-an-hour adjusting to the dark before I could get out of there. It was a nightmare. However, now I usually have my phone on my person, and I use that as a flashlight.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
No not yet. Hopefully not with soap in my hair. But I would just adjust for seeing and keep going.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Rossie
Have you ever had a power out while you're in the shower or bath, on a dark and stormy night? What precautions do you take, so you won't be caught in the dark? I always turn on a battery-operated tap light while I'm showering, if ... more
If it is STORMY, you should NOT be in the shower!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! Pipes...especially metal, but ANY pipes can carry current and you can find yourself TOASTED. You should not have your hands in a sink doing dishes either!!!!!!!!!!!

Any LED light will last weeks on one set of batteries, so you can use one if power goes out, but again, you should NOT be in a shower during a storm!!!!!!!!!

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Rossie
Have you ever had a power out while you're in the shower or bath, on a dark and stormy night? What precautions do you take, so you won't be caught in the dark? I always turn on a battery-operated tap light while I'm showering, if ... more
That would be very bad for us. We have a septic tank and a private well which require electricity to work.

When our power goes out we don't have running water, toilets or anything. Last week was awful, as the power went out twice. The first time for 9 hours. Three of us were home, and the toilets were not.... nice. We couldn't shower or wash our hands. It was gross. I took my little one to a restaurant who had power and we washed up there and had dinner. My older daughter went to a friend who had power to shower and then to work.

We keep a large lantern type flashlight in the bathroom all the time.
Contributor: JennSenn JennSenn
This happened once or twice. It was really disorienting. The water was still on so I'd finish my shower and then look for a flashlight. I don't really do anything to prepare but I try not to shower in really bad weather.
Contributor: Tangles Tangles
I went to a hotel in Sierra Leone with no power. I had a candle sitting at the sink while I showered.
Contributor: wicked weasel wicked weasel
I had power go out while I was in bed doing it with my partner!
I've also had water go out while I was in the shower.
But never power go out while I was in the shower, yet...
Contributor: KRD KRD
Always have candles and flashlights ready to go! But I love when the power goes out and there's a good storm going on
Contributor: lulz lulz
I don't prepare lol. I would just finish showering. Are you guys afraid of the dark or something?
Contributor: SadoMas SadoMas