If it were possible, would you be a member of the opposite sex for one day?

Contributor: kev kev
Originally posted by Nashville
Think of it, would you swap your genitalia or body completely, in order to experience what it would be like to be someone of the opposite sex? Would you masturbate and have sex in the entirety of that 24 hour window? How else would you spend your ... more
Definitely, so I can touch myself lol
Contributor: MidnightStorm MidnightStorm
I'm going to be honest... I'd pay copious amounts of money to do this!
Contributor: puglove puglove
Nah, I love being a woman and have no curiositys of being a man.
Contributor: Virgingasms Virgingasms
For a day I think it'd be fun, but I wouldn't want it to last! I love being a woman.
Contributor: Ivanna Ivanna
yes, yes and yes! lol curiosity i guess
Contributor: loveme loveme
I love being a female individual, but I would definitely be curious to see what it's like to be man. Especially the sexual part
Contributor: apryls apryls
Originally posted by Nashville
Think of it, would you swap your genitalia or body completely, in order to experience what it would be like to be someone of the opposite sex? Would you masturbate and have sex in the entirety of that 24 hour window? How else would you spend your ... more
No, I like being a female
Contributor: amazon amazon
It'd definitely be worth the experience
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
For sure I would try.
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
Hell yes. I would masterbate all f'n day! I know it sounds bad, but you women are so damn lucky when it comes to orgasams! I would do some seriously kinky shit! In my eyes women are gods. So it would be epic if I could be one for a day. I would be ugly as hell though!
Contributor: shorejen9 shorejen9
For one day I would like to see and feel things from my husbands point of view. That's all.
Contributor: Kirill1171 Kirill1171
Contributor: XxXxX XxXxX
Originally posted by Nashville
Think of it, would you swap your genitalia or body completely, in order to experience what it would be like to be someone of the opposite sex? Would you masturbate and have sex in the entirety of that 24 hour window? How else would you spend your ... more
Yeah, I would. But I am a very curious person so if I had the chance to be a spider for a day I would probably say yes to that too.
Contributor: Living Doll Living Doll
No thanks.
Contributor: marshmallow marshmallow
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
I like being a guy but would definately try it if only for the sexual experience
Contributor: invisiblehat invisiblehat
Absolutely. I'm a curious person.
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
I'd love to know what a male orgasm is like as well as the ways they think about sex all day.
Contributor: Lover of Leather Lover of Leather
I would, no question, what an amazing opportunity that would be. I only ask that the woman I would become for a day would be able to have the amazing multiple orgasms that my fiance has, and yes, given that stipulation, I'd definitely spend the whole day in bed. And as selfish as it sounds, the whole day would be about me.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
Yes I would like to experience it for one day. Yes I would play and have some sex.
Contributor: satinlady550 satinlady550
Originally posted by Nashville
Think of it, would you swap your genitalia or body completely, in order to experience what it would be like to be someone of the opposite sex? Would you masturbate and have sex in the entirety of that 24 hour window? How else would you spend your ... more
I love being a woman. It would be nice to see how difficult it would be to adapt to being a man.
Contributor: CSM2010 CSM2010
No thank you lol. I like being a woman.
Contributor: TJtheMadHatter TJtheMadHatter
I've had dreams about it. I'd love to swap for a little while, and see if it's as great as my dreams. I can only imagine what the sensations are like when having sex. So much more sensitive tissue. Yum. That and I've always wondered what it's like to have something dangling in between the legs. Do you feel every single bump when running? Is it really that easy to knock a ball? Is it really hard to pee without hitting the rim? I love being a woman, but I'd like to see how the other side lives for a few days.
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Nashville
Think of it, would you swap your genitalia or body completely, in order to experience what it would be like to be someone of the opposite sex? Would you masturbate and have sex in the entirety of that 24 hour window? How else would you spend your ... more
Not really...It might ruin all the magic if I saw the other side of the coin
Contributor: BrittaniMaree BrittaniMaree
kind of stuck in the middle on this one
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
WOW, that's a lot of content for one question. Put simply I enjoy being a woman but for one day, sure it would be good to see the opposite sex point of view and how they experience one day interacting with the opposite sex. I probably would play with myself, I do now, what would be the difference, just a different toy selection.
Contributor: MrsandMrbunnysoffun MrsandMrbunnysoffun
I would love the chance just to have the experience.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
I'd do it as long as I was assured that I could revert to my original state! I've always wanted to know what it was like in another body!
Contributor: EmuLove EmuLove
I have always wanted to know what it is like to have a penis... even when I was a little kid lol
Contributor: MrWill MrWill
Yes, I definitely would!!!