What time do you usually wake up in the morning?

Contributor: Phoenix67 Phoenix67
I vary depending on if I have to get up for something or not, but I guess it would average out at 8:00. This morning I got up at 6:00, though. And when I start back college on the 20th it'll be more like 6:00 every morning. Not looking forward to that!
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Contributor: spookycutie spookycutie
6:30 - 7 right now, I wake up and pack my boyfriend's lunch and make him breakfast while he gets ready for work. Once I start work, I'll be sleeping during the day and working midnight to 7 AM.
Contributor: TiffyPixie TiffyPixie
I'm working nights and sleep for a few hours a day. I'm pretty much constantly falling asleep and waking up with my cat naps I get to take. The kids and hubby keep me awake most of the time.
Contributor: Willowe Willowe
When I go back to college, probably somewhere around 8:00. But right now I'm taking advantage of being able to sleep in
Contributor: Beck Beck
I got up at 9:30.
Contributor: mpfm mpfm
The alarm goes off at 5:00. I'm usually moving by 5:20.
Contributor: Lady of the Lab Lady of the Lab
About 8 am, trying to shift towards 7 am. I do not mind getting up early; I do mind having a hard time being sleepy enough to go to bed before 11-midnight
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
Around 10am. Sometimes as late as 11am. Never later than that though.
Contributor: ejrbrndps ejrbrndps
1 pm not morning
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
Usually 7 or 8am. Earlier during the school year.
Contributor: Ningyo Ningyo
I've been getting up around 10:00 or 11:00 a.m., but that's going to change in the fall when school starts back up.
Contributor: MnK MnK
Our alarm goes off at 7:30, but we usually don't get out of bed until about 9 unless one of us has something to do earlier.
Contributor: laflauta laflauta
It's about 9 right now, but I'll have to wake up around 6:30 once school starts again
Contributor: palindromic palindromic
I try to get up at about 8. When I'm at school it varies depending on when I have class or work that day.
Contributor: funluvinmama funluvinmama
usually around 8 am.
Contributor: Vii Vii
Usually around noon or later, a side effect of being a night owl.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I usually get up anywhere from 7:30 pm until 2 am, depending on whether or not I am working that night.