What political party are you?

Contributor: Trashley Trashley
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Interesting how the voting pretty much represents the polarized political climate we live in!
Yup. I used to be a Democrat, but now I'm not so sure. I don't remember who said it, but I basically just feel... THIS:
"The Democrats are a clapped out, gut-free lobbyist machine. The Republicans are insane. The system is therefore paralyzed beyond repair…If America cannot grapple with its deep and real problems after electing a new president with two majorities, then America’s problems are too great for Americans to tackle. And so one suspects that this is a profound moment in the now accelerating decline of this country.”
So now I'm just not sure where I lie and who I am. But I'm leaving the country anyway, so it doesn't matter much to me. America's political parties are divorced parents forced to live in the same one bedroom apartment. They bicker and bicker and bicker, but they work together on things we don't see, slander each other to win the pity of their mutual friends, and have careless fucking contests to prove their worth.
Contributor: GeekWife GeekWife
I think I'm registered Green party. I'm starting to become super jaded when it comes to the candidates. I think the majority of them are crooks and are just in politics for the money and notoriety that none of them deserve. It also seems like no actual change is being made, as they just seem to sit around and argue with each other.
Contributor: wondertoes wondertoes
I consider myself a libertarian..mostly very cynical though when it comes to politics!
Contributor: CheerfulLoner CheerfulLoner
Voted Male Other, and I'm a socialist with communist dreams. I vote NDP up here in Canuckistan.

I know it doesn't work thanks to the callous greed in every human being, but I like to fantasize...
Contributor: iceman681 iceman681
i refuse to vote untill there is no parties.
Contributor: Midway through Midway through
I voted Female other, because I'm for "the rent is 2 high" party.

Contributor: Matheri89 Matheri89
I voted Male other. I'm a registered Democrat due to Pennsylvania's closed primary, but don't always vote their way. My platform is:

-Eliminate the income tax, replace with the fair tax
-Create an environment that allows for growth of businesses, discourages outsourcing, but protects the worker
-Fund a strong military and civil service presence, but avoid pro-active wars
-Pro gay marriage, pro choice, pro sex education (which would seriously reduce abortion anyway)
-Fund necessary social services (education, mental health, developmental disabilities, health care, food banks, etc.) and infrastructure. Leave all other funding to the states.
-Establish a guest worker program with voluntary path to citizenship, but protect borders against those who commit crimes or refuse to comply

I'd say I'm a left leaning libertarian... Kinda live and let live combined with provide for the least among us.
Contributor: Matheri89 Matheri89
Originally posted by Matheri89
I voted Male other. I'm a registered Democrat due to Pennsylvania's closed primary, but don't always vote their way. My platform is:

-Eliminate the income tax, replace with the fair tax
-Create an environment that allows for ... more
By the way, I agree with the general distaste with the main parties. The 10% on the far left and the 10% on the far right seem to be all we hear from. Which is why I'm attending Jon Stewart's Rally in Saturday.

Part of me thinks the parliamentary system, with many parties who have to negotiate and form a consensus in order to lead, would be the way to go.
Contributor: trios trios
I didn't vote because I don't vote. Hate politics!
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Originally posted by El-Jaro
i'm actually surprised at the # of female republicans...just surprised.
Me too!
Contributor: Sera Sera
Originally posted by Sir
Neither. I do not like the political system. I identify as a humanitarian, a communist, an environmentalist, and open-minded. That fits none of the parties, really.
Amen, Sir!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
The thing is, we have to work with the parties we have. A "No Party System" or "Multi Party System" doesn't work. If there are, say, five parties, should the guy or woman who gets, 24 percent of the vote, meaning less than a quarter of the voting population wants him in office, WIN? That's what happens when there are more than two parties

I voted Third Party in my first election. I was and Oh So Self Important 18 year old College Student, and I though I would "send a message" to the parties by doing so. NOPE. They don't care. A hard line Right Winger, full of hatred and lies and avarice won. The stage was set for Social Hatred and the Economic Depression we have now. I have NEVER forgiven myself. I have NEVER voted third party again.

I feel we have to work within the system or our precious right to Vote is wasted.

That's just me.

Mileage and all that.
Contributor: Matheri89 Matheri89
Originally posted by P'Gell
The thing is, we have to work with the parties we have. A "No Party System" or "Multi Party System" doesn't work. If there are, say, five parties, should the guy or woman who gets, 24 percent of the vote, meaning less than a ... more
Multiple strong parties would work, as parties would need to negotiate and compromise to form a majority caucus, but it wouldn't work as well with our two established and funded parties.

Was you third party vote in 2000? Mine was too.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Matheri89
Multiple strong parties would work, as parties would need to negotiate and compromise to form a majority caucus, but it wouldn't work as well with our two established and funded parties.

Was you third party vote in 2000? Mine was too.
It was earlier than 2000. I had already learned my lesson by then.

I just think at least a small majority of the People should want a person in power, and unless Run Off Elections are a part of every major Multi Party Election (with the two getting the most votes participating in the Run Off) then we will get people in power that less than the majority want. Run Off Elections tend to foster a fall off in the number of people voting, either people wait until the Second Election, or they don't vote at all in the second election. I know I don't want someone in power that only 22% of the population thought was the "best one for the job."

I think a MAJORITY vote is necessary. Otherwise too many people's needs are left out.

Certainly, people can get on the ballot. In the last election, earlier this week, there were 5 candidates for our Governor. But, the Libertarian Party, the Greens and the Independent party got less than 3 or 4% of the vote. It helped MY candidate, because some who voted for the Libertarian would have otherwise voted for.....a really scary, racist, homophobe. (They had similar OUTWARD platforms. Nobody's outward platform is "I'm a racist and a homophobe." (well, except Tea Partyers. ) But, the Repub candidate's actions have proven he is both, and a sexist as well. Wants to outlaw Morning After BC.) So, that 3% or so, the Libertarian got actually helped the Democrat. Unlike 2000, when the Green Party Candidate actually helped (gag) Bush get into power.

Voting isn't just about "making a statement." I thought so when I was in my teens and early 20s, but the devastation I have seen wreaked by some in Power, some who got there due to 3rd party candidate siphoning votes, I can't in good conscience, ever vote 3rd Party again. Ever.

However, we live in a Democracy, if 3rd party candidate want to vote, they have every right to. I just don't think in all my years of watching elections (I've been interested in politics since I was a small child.) I can't see a Third Party being worked into the fabric of the way we need to seriously elect people to engage in ACTION, which require MORE than just idealism. It takes the ability to work with others, know the system, and know how to negotiate, even when that candidate needs to sometimes give up something they feel "Dedicated" to. But, of course, they have every right to run, and people have EVERY right to vote for them. I'd never want that taken away.
Contributor: Hot'n'Bothered Hot'n'Bothered
Contributor: ToyingCouple ToyingCouple
Canadian's here, so our party system is different! I'm a Liberal so that would be Democrat in the US.
Contributor: Maiden Maiden
I hate the political parties. I hate the way the system works.
Contributor: Dame Demi Dame Demi
Originally posted by El-Jaro

"Why vote for the LESSER of two evils?"

I'm an idealist communist, communism in its truest form. Everyone works together and no one is more important than anyone else. This will never exist on Earth as ... more
Hah! I had THAT shirt, from 2000, I believe? Or was that back in '98?

I'm evil anyway, so I'm a proud Republican. I don't really believe in much they promote, but they let me keep more of my money.

The tree-hugging hippie Liberals have better music, though.

Not having children affords me the luxury to be selfish, and not firmly believing in much of anything affords me the luxury to adjust my political affiliation merely for the sake of annoying people.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Dame Demi
Hah! I had THAT shirt, from 2000, I believe? Or was that back in '98?

I'm evil anyway, so I'm a proud Republican. I don't really believe in much they promote, but they let me keep more of my money.

The tree-hugging ... more
We do. Our Hippy Music ROCKS!

Damn, have you ever seen a Republican dance? (White people dancin' Clear the floor!)

Juxtapose Bush doing his little wiggle thing to the Obamas sexy slow dance at the Inauguration. Whew. I needed cigarette!
Contributor: Dame Demi Dame Demi
Originally posted by P'Gell
We do. Our Hippy Music ROCKS!

Damn, have you ever seen a Republican dance? (White people dancin' Clear the floor!)

Juxtapose Bush doing his little wiggle thing to the Obamas sexy slow dance at the Inauguration. Whew. I needed cigarette!
I dance like a White girl. Er, I used to. Now I dance like a fat White suburban (soon-to-be-ex) housewife who's pushing 40. (Translation: I'm hopeless on my feet; throw me on my back or push me to my knees, and I move like the Incubai's Jungean wet dream.)
Contributor: Dame Demi Dame Demi
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Vote Mythos - the Great Cthulhu will eat us all, anyway.

H.P. Lovecraft would be proud.

(I actually did write in Cthulhu for the last election - they probably thought I meant the government as a whole. Feh. I prefer to be swallowed ... more
My husband just emailed me this link. Speak of the...uh nevermind.

Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Dame Demi
I dance like a White girl. Er, I used to. Now I dance like a fat White suburban (soon-to-be-ex) housewife who's pushing 40. (Translation: I'm hopeless on my feet; throw me on my back or push me to my knees, and I move like the Incubai's ... more
Bwaha! I usually stay off the dance floor, because My Man dances like a Caucasian. Usually at weddings, a drunk Caucasian.

I was a "Freak" in High School, we were too.....cool, to dance. How do you dance to Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd anyway?
Contributor: Dame Demi Dame Demi
Originally posted by P'Gell
Bwaha! I usually stay off the dance floor, because My Man dances like a Caucasian. Usually at weddings, a drunk Caucasian.

I was a "Freak" in High School, we were too.....cool, to dance. How do you dance to Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd anyway?
You don't; you just sway and look stoned.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Dame Demi
You don't; you just sway and look stoned.
Or SPIN at Grateful Dead shows!
Contributor: Kiskis2 Kiskis2
i dont like politics at all.. but it is a part of our every day life.. and ven i hate it i cannot avoid it.. my choice is democracy...
Contributor: PuplePleasures PuplePleasures
Female other, very liberal.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I'm more of a socialist. I think our system is completely fucked up.
Contributor: Porfiriato Porfiriato
Originally posted by El-Jaro
i'm actually surprised at the # of female republicans...just surprised.
Yes, this is the usefulness of the gender identifier
Contributor: Lady Neshamah Lady Neshamah
i have to say that i never vote party lines for any thing really. i just vote for who i think is the lesser of the evils.
Contributor: Eliza Eliza
Originally posted by ScottA
Two-Loves must be an Easterner. Out West this would never fly without a selection for independent.
Haha, I don't know. I'm from PA and I'm registered as independent and so are a lot of my friends.