Which birth control do you use?

Contributor: RavenInChains RavenInChains
Originally posted by BrittaniMaree
Wonder about the many choices today which you use and like also the opposite of course and love to know why you like or dislike please
I have a Mirena IUD and it is the best birth control I've ever had. It lasts for 5 years, no worrying about it. I haven't had a period since I had it put in. The only side effects I've had is about once every few months instead of a period I'll have some cramping and pain, but it never lasts more than a couple of days. Another great thing is that if I decide I want to have another kid, I can have it taken out and can start trying to get pregnant in just 24-48 hours. Most birth control can take months to wear off all the way.

The only thing is, its hard to get if you haven't recently had a baby.
Contributor: Girly Juice Girly Juice
I use the pill in conjunction with condoms.
Contributor: Toy Fiend Toy Fiend
I love my Mirena IUD. Birth control I don't have to worry about for 5 years. What's not to love?
Contributor: rainingapricots rainingapricots
I use the pill... Ortho I think? And it's worked pretty well for me four about four years
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
Condom and pill. I like them both. I get the pills for free at the clinic and they help my period be my regular. Downside is taking them everyday around the same time...it can be hard with the college life style since class schedules change every semester/quarter.

I don't plan to get the shot or anything..It's just easier for me to be like "I don't want to be on the pill anymore" and stop taking it just like that or to resume when I want. Plus the side-effects aren't so bad and the cost (my friend buys hers) isn't horrible. They have been around for many years and I don't hear any bad things about them like other stuff.
Contributor: lainebug lainebug
Originally posted by BrittaniMaree
Wonder about the many choices today which you use and like also the opposite of course and love to know why you like or dislike please
None and my tubes aren't tied.
Contributor: MaeGal MaeGal
I use the pill. Specifically Mircogestin.
Contributor: spiced spiced
We used condoms before we got married (and lots of oral sex). Now we don't use anything (still have lots of oral sex, though!).