When you get an order in, do you immediately play with it?

Contributor: pussy licker pussy licker
Originally posted by BlooJay
Sometimes I open it right when I get it, sometimes I wait until that night.
Same here.
Contributor: Hermosura21 Hermosura21
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
OK wrapping goes flying, and I then place it excitedly where I can reach it that night, and then usually have to wait till I can get around to it. The joys of having a toddler and two teenagers!
So true
Contributor: Hermosura21 Hermosura21
Originally posted by MK434
I open it all and look at it. I put batteries in every thing that needs them and then wait untill later for me and my husband to try it all out!
Same here
Contributor: Hermosura21 Hermosura21
Originally posted by Alyxx
Even if I can't play with it right away I open it and go through everything pretty much immediately. Once I got a package and realized I didn't have any batteries in the house, though. That sucked.
That happen to me one time it so stuck
Contributor: Ayumi Ayumi
I always want to play with it right away, but I usually do not get to until I properly photograph the toy if it is an assignment or something I intend to review at a later time. I like to try it out on myself, but many times don't get my first use until I see my bf.
Contributor: mshoney5577 mshoney5577
Packaging flying everywhere! I'm ripping it open!