Do you keep all your Toy Packaging?

Contributor: KRD KRD
nah. I have a toy box I keep my things in
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
I try to get rid of it unless I'm gonna use it for storage.
Contributor: sodapin sodapin
Originally posted by sweetpea12
I have started to buy more sex toys and my collection is growing pretty fast. I now have a drawer filled up with toy boxes and original packaging. I have a really hard time throwing packaging away, especially if it's a luxury toy box. What do you ... more
Depends, if it's discreet enough :O I'll keep it.
Contributor: Rey Rey
i keep the good stuff if it will store well
Contributor: elli elli
I keep packaging if it's intended for storage, like the box for my pure wand
Contributor: sXeVegan90 sXeVegan90
I throw away most of my packaging, unless it's really nice. I did however keep the clam-shell packaging for my Vixskin Bandit, as I want it to stay safe from dust and dirt.
Contributor: Ms. Peaches Ms. Peaches
Throw away cheap packaging and keep luxury packaging
Contributor: LavenderSkies LavenderSkies
Originally posted by sweetpea12
I have started to buy more sex toys and my collection is growing pretty fast. I now have a drawer filled up with toy boxes and original packaging. I have a really hard time throwing packaging away, especially if it's a luxury toy box. What do you ... more
I throw away cardboard but keep nice packaging.
Contributor: Rory Rory
I throw away most of it.
Contributor: Kat and Aaron(aaron) Kat and Aaron(aaron)
Keep the nice packaging, throw the rest away.
Contributor: nosrslylol nosrslylol
I throw the packaging out. If it's luxury and comes with a bag (hopefully it does, seeing it's supposed to be luxurious, right?), I'll keep the bag!
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
Throw it away unless it's really nice