A Nice Visual Piece, But That's About It

Overall, the aesthetic factor is nice, but they're generally pretty useless and not for me. They're not for casual play, but for more serious lovemaking.
Color, cuteness, surprise factor
Covers more than I like
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
Personally, I'm a girl who likes some pain. Okay, you got me, a lot of pain. In public. Blood, sweat, bruises, scars, tears, the whole shebang, so I'm no stranger things that are a little kinkier than usual. My partners and I have experimented with a lot of toys and jewelry and ropes and slings and such, but not much with clothing. I saw this and decided to pick up a pair to see if it could add some normal spice to an already spicy relationship.

So did it work? Well, not really. I think he was pleasantly surprised to find me already wearing these panties, or hell, any panties at all, because it's not usually really my style. They were an okay quality, but a little scratchy. I think it was also a little weird feeling so much air breeze up there, but feeling the underwear itself. Kind of a weird contradiction that my mind couldn't quite figure out. We ended up taking them off for the rest of the day, because he thought they just got in his way, and took away from the sort of visual field he likes.

However, a few weeks later, I threw them onstage at a friends metal show and they definitely liked it! I believe they still have them tacked up somewhere on their wall. Even though I couldn't find any sexual pleasure, I still managed to find some way to use to cutesiness of them. They might not be for me exactly, but I think they have great potential for someone to glean that little extra naughtiness out of em. I think they'd be wonderful for a particular occasion like Valentine's Day or a birthday. They scream romantic to me! Crotchless panties are the epitome of the classic naughty girl look. It's beautiful and sweet, and the fabric and colors here are really complimentary to a sexy night, but they're not enough for some thrill-seekers like myself to give me the extra kick.
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    • Bridal gift
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  • Contributor: SexyySarah
    good review
  • Contributor: P'Gell
    I still don't know a lot about these. What are they made of? How did they fit? How were they "scratchy?" The entire panty, or just the lace?

    Can you have PIV intercourse in them? Anal? Is is possible to receive oral sex while wearing them? How did your partner feel about them, if you had any kind of sex while you were wearing them? Did they bother him, itch or were they comfortable during sex for both of you?

    You might want to try using the Extended Template, so all the questions are answered.

    As I said before. you are very enthusiastic, maybe using the Mentor Program would help with the details of your reviews.

    Good start, though.
  • Contributor: LittleBoPeep
    thanks for the review
  • Contributor: Trashley
    I wore them under a dress, so everywhere was a little itchy! The bottom of the blue part kept slightly grazing my leg and I wanted to just sit there and itch the crap out of it! And it has these little frilly "side-things" down the entire panty which just liked to graze me in all the wrong places. It may just have been because it was made from Lyrca and "made to fit most sizes." Whenever I buy things like that, they never seem to sit right.. The size was okay, not drooping or cutting into my skin, but it still didn't fit my body the way normal panties would fit me.

    PIV intercourse, yes, is totally fine in them, just not my cup of tea. It's totally POSSIBLE to receive oral in them, but I think you'd still have to pull the sides apart with your hands. It was a hindrance to us, particularly, but I think the right person can really enjoy these. Anal, well, it's a G-string, so you'd have to move it aside, but again, it's possible. My partner didn't fully enjoy them, to be honest. The person I was with was more of a rough and tumble sort of fellow and he just wanted to rip them off. He likes to see what's going on and while they didn't itch him or anything (he said they felt quite nice), he still just didn't enjoy them. Thanks for the constructive criticism!
  • Contributor: Heartthrob
    These look cute. Sorry they didn't work for you.
  • Contributor: P'Gell
    Thanks for the update, Crash! GOOD details. Your skills are getting better.

    I'm expecting an outfit with crotchless panties from Eden any day now to review, and believe or not, I've never had a pair. (I hvae a LOT of stuff, but not crotchless panties. I have a lot of Side Tie panties that I LOVE because you can wear them with stockings and a garter belt and just whip them off)

    I kind of thought they might be a little itchy, but My Man and I are going to take the plunge as soon as I get the Baby Doll with Crotchless panty outfit.

    For SCIENCE! (That's what we always say when first testing a product. "FOR SCIENCE!")
  • Contributor: Trashley
    Bahahaha can I steal that? I'm totally gonna start saying that line from now on! Extra effective because I live in a house of scientists :]
  • Contributor: SexyStuff
  • Contributor: alaya
    too much cover!
  • Contributor: daveysgirl
  • Contributor: TrophyWife
    Thank yoU!
  • Contributor: darkkitty
  • Contributor: edwarde2
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