How often do you wash your hair?

Contributor: js250 js250
Every 4-5 days. My hair is down to my butt and get a bit too dry if I wash it more often.
Contributor: Owl Owl
almost every day i usually skip the weekends if i'm not going to do anything.
Contributor: Badass Badass
About once a week, maybe twice.
Contributor: ghent529 ghent529
every other day.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I typically wash mine twice a week. If I'm exercising and sweating a lot I will wash it more often though.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I typically wash mine twice a week. If I'm exercising and sweating a lot I will wash it more often though.
Contributor: crazycouple7281 crazycouple7281
Every other day.
Contributor: Gracie Gracie
twice a week or so
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
It really varies. It depends entirely on how dirty or oily my hair is. I will go as long as possible in between washes, for however long that may be. Like Kira said, I was advised by a hair dresser to wash it only once every 1 1/2 weeks to 2 weeks, and if I can possibly go that long I will.

Luckily, I do not have an oily scalp, but that also can be bad because it is dry and can get flaky if I over wash, and I certainly can't wash it 2 days in a row. Typically I do about once a week unless I've been out a lot and it has pollution and all kinds of yuckies in it.

I don't sweat a lot, either, and I don't do anything to cause it so it stays smelling nice.

I also have the dry shampoos which help in between washes as well.
Contributor: Do emu Do emu
Originally posted by klyte
I've heard that over washing your hair can really damage it, though I know if you guys are anything like me, I can't stand for my hair to be the slightest bit dirty or not smell like flowers. I have to resist running to take a shower and wash ... more
I tend to go every other day.
Contributor: G&L G&L
every day!
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
Contributor: Lioncub Lioncub
Every other day and condition every couple of days.
Contributor: freud13 freud13
Every other day.
Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
Every day, I just feel gross if I don't plus my hair can look oily sometimes when I wake up.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Every 3-4 days for me
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
I wash my hair 1-2 times a day really depends. Basically if I shower I wash my hair.
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
every other day for me too
Contributor: aryce aryce
i used to everyday, but then my one cousin (who is a scientist) had told me that it is bad for ur hair to wash it everyday, no more than every other day
Contributor: Amber1319 Amber1319
Every day unless I straighten it, then it is one day of not washing.