Should women be able to walk around topless in the USA?

Contributor: mikeysPlace mikeysPlace
Originally posted by Daofan
what if they are real nasty ass looking tits? not all are good looking. not all young women would be out there topless, most would be older women.
I find your reply to be pretty mean spirited.
Contributor: Boyfriend Boyfriend
Contributor: misty82 misty82
I say what's good for one gender is good for the other. I have seen plenty of men with man boobs bigger than some women and there is no objection to those men going around topless.
Contributor: thesquaredeific thesquaredeific
You can in NY, and I support the option.
Contributor: ImmortalFantasy ImmortalFantasy
........ YES.
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
Absolutely! If nudity were more mainstream it wouldn't be so sexualized and fetishized, and people would be less ashamed of their bodies. I'm all for it!
Contributor: Kenneth Fort Kenneth Fort
Originally posted by Just Jen
Men get to, babies get to, why are breast to be kept covered?
It depends on the societal attitude, really.
Contributor: RebelRebelJen RebelRebelJen
Originally posted by Just Jen
Men get to, babies get to, why are breast to be kept covered?
They can in New York.
Contributor: SoloJoe SoloJoe
yes in some places
Contributor: LoooveMonkey LoooveMonkey
They should get to be topless just as much as men get to be topless. It's stupid that it's fine for men and not women. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them. Why do people demand they be covered at all times?
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
Yes, a woman should be able to walk around topless if she wants
Contributor: Genderfree Genderfree
Where I live, it's completely legal, and at the street markets I see woman with their jugs out. If men are allowed to jiggle their manboobs, why aren't women?
Contributor: Zandrock Zandrock
If men are able to, then women should be able to as well.
Contributor: ImmortalFantasy ImmortalFantasy
Of course they should.. Of course it'll probably cause a lot of issues, but I'd love it.
Contributor: Vaginas Vaginas
it's so messed up and wrong that we are taught from birth that our bodies are shameful and wrong. our bodies are natural and beautiful and we should be proud of them. we should end the over sexualizeation of the female body.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
Originally posted by Kindred
I think it would be fine for a woman to go topless anywhere it is appropriate/acceptable for a man to go shirtless. Having "boobs" should not make a difference. There are plenty of guys with manboobs bigger than a womans.
Exactly! Although I doubt I'd go topless anywhere but maybe my own backyard, but that's more because I don't like the idea of burning them at the beach or anything. I'm pale as can be, and I can't imagine the pain of sunburned boobies. Also, mine are large enough that I'm much more comfortable in at least a bra. Wouldn't mind walking around in just a bra though.
Contributor: bettle590 bettle590
I don't like this "personal distaste" reason for having an opinion. "I don't want to see that/for my kids to see that" is not a good reason for something to be illegal. It's not the government's job to explain to little kids what boobs are.
Contributor: Rory Rory
I voted yes put I agree with Carrie Ann's comment - Not topless everywhere. Having said that where it is socially acceptable for men to be topless now it should also be acceptable for women.
Contributor: Aishiteru Aishiteru
I think a woman should be allowed to be topless anywhere a man is allowed to be.
Contributor: ska ska
No, a woman should keep 'em covered. i do not want my kids seeing that.
Contributor: xilliannax xilliannax
Originally posted by Just Jen
Men get to, babies get to, why are breast to be kept covered?
They can in New York thanks to the feminist movement the occured in Rochester. But I dont think they should be allowed but only because I'm a fetish model and showing my tits is part of how I make my money :-P
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Just Jen
Men get to, babies get to, why are breast to be kept covered?
If that is what they want I have no problem with it.
Contributor: spiced spiced
Yes. There's a time and place for everything and that's certainly true for nudity. Personally, I feel that anywhere it's OK for a man to go topless, it should also be OK for a woman to go topless. And I don't mind if that means I might have to seen some parts that I don't consider pretty!

I think we'd be better off if there were more places where nudity was acceptable in the US (more clothing-optional beaches, etc.). We have VERY unrealistic expectations and standards about the human body and we'll be A LOT better off, both individually and collectively, when we learn to accept our bodies and the bodies of others as they actually are.

As for kids, there is actually ample evidence that non-threatening exposure to nudity is not only not harmful for children, but actually beneficial. (Here's one study among several: link). I think we have it completely backwards in this society when it's considered perfectly OK to expose kids to all kinds of violence but even the slightest glimpse of someone's "naughty bits" is considered horrifying.
Contributor: wildshores wildshores
anywhere it's acceptable for men to be topless, it should be acceptable for women to be, legal and without harassment.
breasts aren't primary sex organs and there's no reason but objectification to treat them as such.