Do You Consider Online Sex-Roleplaying to be Cheating?

Contributor: pixxie87 pixxie87
Contributor: SexyLilPixi SexyLilPixi
I'm so sorry, darlin'.

Yes, it is very much cheating, IMO. Heck, I've been in situations like this where what seems innocent at first escalates to something so huge, it was taken to real life in a physical sense.

He needs to put a stop to this or you need to find better.
Contributor: N&M N&M
Originally posted by MeliPixie
So I accidentally stumbled across my boyfriend's Notes on an art site we visit. And I SWEAR on my LIFE, I really did just stumble... I saw there were notes and didn't realize it was him logged in, and not me. I'm not a snoop, and I hate ... more
It's definitely betrayal. I'll bet he wouldn't like it a bit if the shoe was on the other foot!!
Contributor: Madeira Madeira
Um, well it depends on the role play, if it was a roleplay outside of the sex (like with actual characters and plotlines) then no, if it was just cyber sex then it's cheating.

I've roleplayed sex a lot when in a committed relationship, but we roleplayed as the members of dethklok because i'm a yaoi fangirl and I don't think that was cheating... but if he was roleplaying as himself then it's cheating.
Contributor: Vanessa Weiss Vanessa Weiss
Originally posted by MeliPixie

This was all just a huge misunderstanding. He told me to go ahead and read them (and because he said to I did), he was actually helping this person with a story! I should not have freaked out. The writer is even a ... more
Ha! Oh god, what a relief and also... I'm sorry, but I literally laughed out loud.

Glad to hear things are alright.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
if there are prior rules about this then yes.
Contributor: mizzmilla mizzmilla
I would have reacted the exact same way. It's good you didn't read them even if it caused you stress for awhile. That's dedication.
Contributor: Booktease Booktease
I'm so glad things worked out!
Contributor: Sir Sir
I find it to be cheating. It's a form of breaching trust, therefore cheating.

Edit: Glad that it all worked out properly.
Contributor: thebest thebest
Contributor: Liz x420x Liz x420x
I don't think that's considered cheating. I mean, he should definitely be open and honest with you there's no doubt about that. If he's doing something sexual with someone else and not with you when you even asked for it, then maybe he's just not comfortable enough to do it with you and that means there is something wrong with the relationship. You both should be comfortable, honest and communicating with each other.
the internet can give you lots of freedom to do whatever you want with who ever you want, but I think its safe to say, flirting with a girl on the internet is way better than fucking a girl in person behind your back because that is considered cheating in my book and can be really hurtful if he does it and lies about it. your relationship should be honest and open. no matter what, guys will always be thinking about girls its in human nature to take interest in more than one person but thats for a whole other topic. Either way I hope it all works out for you two.
Contributor: OhioJoe OhioJoe
Originally posted by Ansley
Your feelings are valid. This is something the two of you need to sit down and discuss. I really hope things work out. *hugs*
I did not vote in your poll as I am unsure about "cheating" by talking sexual on the computer. I agree with Sapphire Storm that it is something you should talk about with him. I think you have a good approach and be open to his explanation.
Perhaps he was trying to work out how to handle your request by using another as a sounding board. I know there are many things I would like to "try" with my wife but do not know how to initiate or address them without turning her "OFF".
My wife becomes very upset with me when I talk sexual with another and she does not care to listen to my explanation. I admire your ability to talk about it with him and give him the chance to answer. I believe your relationship will grow from the discussion and I wish you the best.
Contributor: Kilgorescowboy Kilgorescowboy
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
I'm so sorry for you.
I'd be pretty pissed if I found out my boyfriend was doing that. You guys should really sit down and talk about it. Try saying it in person though instead of text.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Oh my, what a misunderstanding! Glad it worked out. I would have to agree that it would of been cheating, just not cheating that is worth breaking up over unless there was a relationship involved. Just like a simple kiss would not be worthy of breaking up, unless their were feelings involved. However since that is not what it was then it was ok. I am glad everything worked out for you.
Contributor: Angewin Angewin
This makes me wince. Just dump the guy.
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
It is DEFINITELY CHEATING in your case. Cheating can be anything if it isn't agreed upon by the couple. It's not cheating if it's OKayed by the partner.
Contributor: Marziba Marziba
I've had guys try to sext me or message me online for sexual things, and I turn it down because no matter HOW I explain it to my lover, it will ALWAYS boil down to cheating in my mind.
Contributor: switzerland switzerland
it's definitely cheating and you are not overreacting. he kept it from you. he lied to you. i sincerely hope you both work it out. i wish you all the best <3
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
If it makes you feel how you described, it was cheating.
Contributor: Girly Girl Girly Girl
everything that means feelings is huge ,, just sit down at talk good luck
Contributor: kinky girlfriend kinky girlfriend
Originally posted by MeliPixie
So I accidentally stumbled across my boyfriend's Notes on an art site we visit. And I SWEAR on my LIFE, I really did just stumble... I saw there were notes and didn't realize it was him logged in, and not me. I'm not a snoop, and I hate ... more
yes that is cheating...that's hurtful. I would want open communication a guy spanked me with a leather belt at work 2 days ago when I wasn't even paying attention I didn't know he was behind me and I told my boyfriend. He didn't seem to mind he knows I didn't ask for it and don't cheat on him...well maybe in an indirect way I asked for it for always being flirty and giving sexy details I can be a tease so the guy tested the waters after a few weeks we both noticed I smiled after the leather hit me....It's not going further than that lol.

Tell him to grow up and communicate with you? Perhaps you can figure out the underlying causes like where in the relationship there are problems that need to be fixed...

Hmm why don't you go do something nice for yourself how about getting your hair/nails done dressing nice for a few weeks and maybe buying a few new makeup items and underclothes? That helps me.

ANyway,that reminds me I need to start a thread about that incident...
Contributor: mandaj mandaj
i seen where this was 3 mons ago and i hope u all worked it out. me and my husband been together 7 yrs and he has cheated on took awhile but we are together. i still think bout it and have a hardtime. so just keeep tht in mind, do u want to always worry ur self? i woiuld call tht cheating. anyone in a relationship should only talk act like tht with their partner. and pls dnt be sry.....he did it. he didnt log out. and u seen it. u didnt betray his trust. hunny he betrayed u.
Contributor: Cherrylane Cherrylane
Your feelings are valid. However, I think it's important to understand that he may not register it as a betrayal. If he also has an emotional relationship to this person, that's one thing. He may, however, consider it sort of robotic and be as emotionally attached as he his to porn (not very much). Although that still doesn't make it right, it is a little bit easier to justify from his perspective. However, you say it's one girl, and that it's been going on a long time. That to me indicates it's a thing between them. Now, I'd definitely talk to him about that, but even if it isn't physical cheating, it is certainly emotional cheating.

However, it's also important to consider that he has been a great partner and that this seems to have not affected your relationship (until now.... I mostly mean in the sense that he's not focusing more on her than you or anything like that). If he's not interested in pursuing anything real life, giving him a pass on internet sex with strangers might be an option if it's something you could feel okay with.
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
I would be upset too ;/
Contributor: SexyStuff SexyStuff
Sounds like you two worked it out, I'm glad, that could be a really painful situation.
Contributor: Undead Undead
Originally posted by MeliPixie
So I accidentally stumbled across my boyfriend's Notes on an art site we visit. And I SWEAR on my LIFE, I really did just stumble... I saw there were notes and didn't realize it was him logged in, and not me. I'm not a snoop, and I hate ... more
That sort of thing should only be talked about with your significant other
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by MeliPixie
So I accidentally stumbled across my boyfriend's Notes on an art site we visit. And I SWEAR on my LIFE, I really did just stumble... I saw there were notes and didn't realize it was him logged in, and not me. I'm not a snoop, and I hate ... more
Sounds like cheating to me.
Contributor: Beautiful-Disaster Beautiful-Disaster
i'd consider it cheating.
Contributor: bettle590 bettle590
different relationships have different boundaries when it comes to what is cheating and what is not, but this sounds like it betrayed the trust that you built together. Especially if he's doing things with her that he hasn't with you