Sex Fact: Semen Composition

Contributor: Major Panda Major Panda
Interesting. I've heard about eating pineapple to make your semen taste sweet.
Contributor: Fluffy Snuggles Fluffy Snuggles
I definitely notice the change in smell of mine when I'm eating a lot of foods that are heavily spiced.
Contributor: ththpup ththpup
Cool. These sex fact posts are awesome
Contributor: ginnyluvspotter ginnyluvspotter
I heard about this from a sex show but was told that it didn't work.
Contributor: JoshJosh123 JoshJosh123
Never knew this. How interesting.
Contributor: Gdom Gdom
I knew most of that (although I had forgotten some of the specifics). And yes, changing your diet can totally affect the taste of your semen. Pineapple especially seems to have a substantial positive effect.
Contributor: Boyfriend Boyfriend
I did know that, I have not eaten foods to change the taste
Contributor: Raymaker Raymaker
Cool information. I knew about pineapple juice trick, but there were some new tidbits in there.
Contributor: No-jam No-jam
Originally posted by Kayla
Semen is made up of a large variety of things. It's usually made up of about 65% fluid from the seminal vesicles, 30 to 35% from the prostate, and 5% from the vasa. It contains zinc, potassium, prostaglandin, citric acid, free amino acids, ... more
Interesting. Never knew that, but seeing as I have not yet gotten the urge to taste mine I haven't really found a need to try to change the taste.
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
thanks to anatomy 101 i learned about this, however i heard that eating sweeter foods to make your semen tase sweeter, ect, is mostly a myth and that you have to eat large quantities for it to make much a difference in taste.
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
Bitter I'm told, but never sweet
Contributor: spiced spiced
My wife says mine mainly tastes salty, with a hint of sweetness.
Contributor: novanilla novanilla
I didn't know that it contains fructose. I guess that must be one way it changes the pH of the vagina.
Contributor: never shy never shy
I agree it taste salty not sweet my friend made her bf drink more oj she said it became sweeter