How does your weight or your partners effect your sex life?

Contributor: HoneyHoney HoneyHoney
I'm 5'3" and 121 pounds and I have an hourglass shape with B cups. So most of my body fat is at my hips/ass. I'm really self conscious about it, so it affects my sex life I guess. I prefer the lights off.
Contributor: sbon sbon
It doesn't affect us.
Originally posted by kittycat414
I am curious if weight is an issue during sex from all ranges. Too skinny,too big, men, women, from big butts, little butts, big breasts to small breast. Etc!
My wife is deeply affected by her weight. It is a looming dark cloud over her libido. So I must tell many of the women out there, if our husband really loves you, he will always, unconditionally love you. your weight gain will not be a distraction to him unless he is immature. So enjoy the sex with the one person in life who loves your fat ass because it is part of who you are. yes my wife's butt is big and bubbly, but I love it!
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
My girlfriend really hasn't fluctuated much since we started dating, so I'm not sure how it would affect her drive or anything. I've gone from the worst shape of my life to the best of my life in the past year, and the improvement hasn't changed anything. My confidence has gone through the roof, but her sex drive is the same as it ever was.
Contributor: ID42 ID42
While my husband loves my curves, over the last 10 years of his southern cooking and weight gained from the kiddos, I can tell a difference in my performance from a physical standpoint. Some things I just can't do as comfortably or as easily as I used to. As far as affecting the frequency or position variance, we haven't had any problems with that we still try to make it fun and interesting. Arousal and desire are always present and I think that has made a difference for us as well. Remains to be seen whether stamina will be affected before I get back down to pre pregnancy weight.
Contributor: MeliPixie MeliPixie
I used to be a very slender girl. I was extremely active and my family members often refereed to me as a willow sprite. Then something happened around the age of fourteen, which I won't mention here. I lost all my confidence, and spiraled into a very deep teenage depression, and gained about a hundred pounds. Ten years later my heart is mostly mended, but I'm still trying to get rid the weight.

However I am lucky enough to have found a wonderful guy who loves my heart even more than my body, which gets its fair share of lovin' if I do say so ;-) He too has some weight he would like to lose, but I think he is beautiful just as he is. Still, losing weight together is something I look forward to in the hopes of it bringing us even closer together
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
Like most women, I have my fat days and my bf rarely has them to. We don't like them but reassure each other that we love and are attracted to each other and do as we would otherwise. You can't let it stand in your way.
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
My girlfriend loves fat tissue; she just likes to squeeze it and hold it. I, however, am recovering from an eating disorder. I do not want to have sex because I am gaining weight, but when I am losing weight I am usually too weak to make love.
Contributor: MMMARY MMMARY
My Husband and I tend go gain/loose weight together. When we are healthier weights I feel like the sex is better, more stamina, flexibility, and desire.
Contributor: Miss Jenn Miss Jenn
Originally posted by kittycat414
I am curious if weight is an issue during sex from all ranges. Too skinny,too big, men, women, from big butts, little butts, big breasts to small breast. Etc!
I am plus size, my husband is, average - he has a small gut - but nothing crazy. Size hasnt been an issue for us at all. And we don't really think of it..
Contributor: lemony lemony
Mild issue. Not a big problem.
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
my weight does have an effect on our sex life. It doesn't prevent us from having sex, but it does make me a little self-concious, and there are a few positions which I find difficult. Working on loosing it. What better way to burn calories than by having sex!?
Contributor: The Unnamed The Unnamed
My partner and I both fluctuate, but we are stupidly in love and literally don't even notice each others gains or losses
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
As I recover from my eating disorder, the sex is improving tremendously. Although I don't like how I look in clothes anymore, I love my experience in the bedroom!
Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
I'm skinny, but I eat plenty (high metabolism). My guy weighs about twice as much as me at the moment (workout fiend). It doesn't cause problems unless he decides to lie on top of me after anything. Then I'm a bit squished, but I haven't had problems breathing...

I haven't ever noticed being skinny giving me problems with stamina, I'm guessing that's because it's not any severe health problem or eating disorder.
Contributor: Cream in the Cupcake Cream in the Cupcake
It kinda does. I have a healthy BMI but I have giggly soft belly fat that prevents me from being comfortable without a shirt. Ill take it off often but I feel very self concious. Its a simple fix tho, Im just a bit lazy, but it does prevent me from putting on sexy lingerie, even bikinis.
Contributor: Eden C. Eden C.
Originally posted by Cream in the Cupcake
It kinda does. I have a healthy BMI but I have giggly soft belly fat that prevents me from being comfortable without a shirt. Ill take it off often but I feel very self concious. Its a simple fix tho, Im just a bit lazy, but it does prevent me from ... more
Have you tried babydoll-style lingerie with an empire waist and a loose bit of sheer fabric covering the belly? I'm in the same situation as you and I feel a bit better in those.
Contributor: lick123 lick123
don't mind his weight, and he doesn't mind mine but my weight bothers me sometimes. if i do not feel hot, don't want to have sex. had second baby 2 months ago so I feel a little out of shape.
Contributor: purplekidney purplekidney
We never really thought about it until his supervisor commented that he and his wife (both overweight) only lasted a few minutes each time they had sex, or they would be really sore. I guess being fit is nice because we can last longer, and it's handy that I'm small so he can move me around to a better position or he can hold me up during sex easily.

Really I can't see it mattering much if everyone's happy. His supervisor loves his sex life as is, so it can't be that bad at all.
Contributor: guard083 guard083
It doesnt affect ours
Contributor: TameTemptress TameTemptress
I said it does, but only because I'm constantly worried about my own weight and not being thin enough.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
i'm 97 lbs and he's 160... weight isn't a problem in our sex life
Contributor: tooshy tooshy
The more weigh I put on, the more it affected our sex life. I thought that he didn't like my body after I gained all the weight (later found out that wasn't true). And the extra weight definitely hinders performance. I can't do all the positions or have the stamina I did when I was at a healthy weight.
Contributor: tooshy tooshy
Originally posted by mrs.mckrakn
having the extra weight makes me feel ugly and unwanted. for that reason, we dont have sex often
I know exactly how you feel.
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
It does. My weight makes some positions undoable (eying that liberator SOHARD) and my partner being as slim as causes its own issues. Last time I was tied up I ended with bruises not from the S&M, but from the sharp edge of his hip digging into my thigh. We both found that amusing.
Contributor: K101 K101
I'm 93 pounds and happy! I was struggling between 70 and 80 pounds while being very ill for the first couple years we were together and let me tell you, that is an awful weight! Everything is painful, yes including sex. So for skinny people, it can affect your sex life too! For me, I was ill plus had endometriosis on top of it so sex was often something that sent me into excruciating pain. Thankfully he was so good about it. Never once complained or got upset. Now that I'm my normal, healthy weight, things are amazing! He's a lot heavier than me, but I like him to be all muscular and not skinny. I wouldn't want him to become unhealthy and very large, but he's not a bad size. I like stout.
Contributor: Screen Door Screen Door
I think we work well together. I have a little pouch and he is really thin.
Contributor: Nympho88 Nympho88
As open to new things as i am, I have a hard time showing everything while having sex. I am some what insecure about what i look like naked having had a baby, and all the wonderful things that it did to my body. Even tho he says he loves my body its still hard for me to be secure with him. B/c the last thing i want is the man i love to find me unattractive!
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
It does a little bit. It prevents me from doing everything I would like to. I know there are things he'd like me to do, but I'm just not comfortable enough to do them, so somewhat. I still think we have a great sex life though.
Contributor: <3BF <3BF
Originally posted by Jenn (aka kissmykitty)
Now that I have lost 135 lbs., I can definitely say that being so overweight -- I was 331 lbs. at my heaviest -- affected our sex life. We couldn't get as "close", deep penetration didn't happen in all positions, and me being on top ... more
wow, congrats!