How does your weight or your partners effect your sex life?

Contributor: prttynink prttynink
I don't think weight really plays a role. We are attracted to each other, and the sex is fabulous which is really all that matters.
Contributor: freshbananas freshbananas
Originally posted by kittycat414
I am curious if weight is an issue during sex from all ranges. Too skinny,too big, men, women, from big butts, little butts, big breasts to small breast. Etc!
flexible and thin, we are athletic and hope to stay that way
Contributor: woodsdragon woodsdragon
My fiance (male) has said on several occasional that I am beautiful and he doesn't get why I am so self-conscious. I have lost almost 30 pounds and am feel better about myself but still want/need to loose more. He sees a difference in how I look and so do others but I think it is harder for me to see it. I sometimes prefer the lights out because I don't think I look "sexy" and I rule out some positions or don't like doing certain things because of my weight. We have a great sex life...looking forward though to see how loosing my weight will benefit it!
Contributor: panthercat23 panthercat23
we are very happy with our sex life, sure we both know we could lose some weight and it will make sex better but our few extra pounds are not a problem.
Contributor: heather-mooney heather-mooney
I'm bigger than my boyfriend, and it doesn't matter one bit!
Contributor: Boyfriend Boyfriend
We are comfortable with our weight.
Contributor: edenguy edenguy
Originally posted by kittycat414
I am curious if weight is an issue during sex from all ranges. Too skinny,too big, men, women, from big butts, little butts, big breasts to small breast. Etc!
Weight affects sex life to some extent. The smaller they more I pick up, for isntance. It's not an issue if I can't. It's just differences that don't matter in the big picture
Contributor: True Pleasures True Pleasures
It doesn't make any difference now, but his tummy used to get in the way. It made spooning very shallow penetration, instead of what it is now.
Contributor: LimeGreen LimeGreen
For me, it is a huge issue. I used to be quite thin and there were no issues, but I gained a whopping 80 pounds (emotional stress from divorce and some other things) and I am now self conscious and some positions just plain wont work with my current partner. I am on track to drop the poundage, and we are making it work, however I still prefer the lights off, and find myself worrying about how I look rather than enjoying being intimate.