Do you ever want to have kids?

Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I have two kids now. I am completely done. I have a 13 yr old and a 2 yr old. Yes big age gap.
Contributor: Anne Anne
i might someday
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by hmb12
I have friends that don't want kids ever in their lives. Either because they are afraid of pregnancy, or just don't like kids at all. I've seen people say things like this on eden too, but I always thought it was normal to want kids at ... more
I do not want children, don't think I ever will
Contributor: Arlinnae Arlinnae
First I want a daddy but yeah sure, in a few years time.
Contributor: Pandwhora Pandwhora
I have 3. I'm done.
Contributor: Kirill1171 Kirill1171
I don't want kids ever. Period.
Contributor: rainbowbritexx rainbowbritexx
I want kids eventually, I'm just enjoying married life right now. Also I'd like to be making some more money before I have kids, but everyone keeps telling me that if I wait until I could afford a kid, I'll never have one!
Contributor: plaidvulva plaidvulva
I do not want kids. But, the possibility could arise in the future. But, as it stands, I'd probably adopt.
Contributor: joiedejouets joiedejouets
I don't want kids, but sometimes I have maternal pangs. It's odd.
Contributor: heartsandrainbows heartsandrainbows
i have 3 but we may adopt one more
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
Right now I don't have any but would give anything to be a mom. In due time I am hoping to have a baby belly. I have always for as long as I can remember wanted to be a mom.
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
I already have three awesome kids, I'd rather like to stick with that!
Contributor: jfree jfree
On one hand, I'm open to the idea of having kids - preferably adoptions because I feel too many kids are stuck in the system and want to help out somehow - but on the other, I think I'm not ever going to psychologically or emotionally capable of having children/dealing with them.

There are other reasons I'm disinclined to give birth, but that's another story.
Contributor: fizzygato fizzygato
I don't want to have kids, but if my partner really really wants them and I love them a lot I would consider it.

I might feel too dysphoric to have them myself, but I am 100% willing to consider adoption. I'm probably 50% or less likely to consider holding the kids inside of me, even if I love my partner a lot a lot. That partner would have to be super special to me.

If we were in a 2+ relationship, like poly, I might ask one of the other partners (if that is possible) to carry the children instead
Contributor: Lady Smile Lady Smile
Yeah, I want them some day.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
I did want kids at one time...but now its not looking possible anyway, so no...
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
I don't want to have kids but I'd be open to adopting.
Contributor: ShadowedSeductress ShadowedSeductress
My partner and I both really want kids but not yet, we're both too young right now. Everyone I know my age is having kids and has been for the last 2 or 3 years and I think it's crazy!
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
Big maybe.
Contributor: hmb12 hmb12
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Wow, first to click "don't want ever".

Seriously, I'm carrying some fucked up genetic problems that I don't want to saddle a kid with and I don't have a maternal instinct. You know those women who shouldn't have ... more
Hey, a lot of people chose this response. My roommate is that way. He says children are like parasites growing inside of you and aren't in his life plan at all. Actually he plans on getting snipped as soon as he has his own insurance.
Contributor: hmb12 hmb12
Originally posted by Gone (LD29)
If I didn't already have a child, I would have clicked "don't want ever" as well. I'm the one who picked "other."

I'm going to be honest here, and hopefully I don't get harassed too much for my feelings ... more
This is a problem many women have. The good thing is that you know, rather than placing the blame on your child. I don't hold it against you at all and I hope nobody else in the thread does. There are ways to get help if you feel it is necessary, but as long as you don't hate the child, you shouldn't have much to worry about.
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
I'm pretty sure I do not want kids, but who knows... that could always change.
Contributor: smlove smlove
Originally posted by hmb12
I have friends that don't want kids ever in their lives. Either because they are afraid of pregnancy, or just don't like kids at all. I've seen people say things like this on eden too, but I always thought it was normal to want kids at ... more
If people don't want kids, that's totally fine. Unfortunately, the people that generally decide to not have kids are the highly intelligent individuals whose DNA we really need in the gene pool. We're totally on the road to Idiocracy (it's a movie, check it out).
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Originally posted by hmb12
Hey, a lot of people chose this response. My roommate is that way. He says children are like parasites growing inside of you and aren't in his life plan at all. Actually he plans on getting snipped as soon as he has his own insurance.
Eh, I don't hate kids - the "child-free" movement has really ruined the general perception of those of who who know we're not suited to parenthood as opposed to those who just plain hate other people/children. Because of them, the rest of us are still regarded with suspicion (sometimes of not being human).

Tell him to check out public health - that's how I got my tubal. Public health is pretty much "You're 21? You've thought this over? Okay, sign here, and we'll get you a doc who'll perform it." No requirements by private doctors/insurance saying "OMG U gotz hav kidz b4 i doos et!"
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
Originally posted by hmb12
I have friends that don't want kids ever in their lives. Either because they are afraid of pregnancy, or just don't like kids at all. I've seen people say things like this on eden too, but I always thought it was normal to want kids at ... more
I would have a house full of kids provided I didn't have to birth them (I hated being pregnant the three times I was) and as long as I had enough help caring for them....say a full time nurse and a nanny!

I have three kids and I would love to have more but at 42 that's just not a prospect I look forward to again. Being pregnant as a 20 something was so much easier than being pregnant as an older 30 something! The early weeks felt like sheer hell even though I love the little guy to pieces.

Still if either of my guys wasn't totally serious about not wanting anymore children I'd probably have a litter....
Contributor: Creepellah Creepellah
I do not want kids but I may change my mind in the future. Most likely not.
Contributor: hmb12 hmb12
Originally posted by PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I have two kids now. I am completely done. I have a 13 yr old and a 2 yr old. Yes big age gap.
I'm 20 with a 7 year old sister so I understand. Once she graduates I will be about 31
Contributor: EmuLove EmuLove
Adopting is always an option as well. There are plenty of children without real homes
Contributor: Inkkythesquid Inkkythesquid
I Want Kids, But I'm Young And Should Probably Wait
Contributor: KissTheSkyBaby KissTheSkyBaby
We want kids one day if not naturally then by adoption. It's just not the right time now.