Costume discontinued

False advertising and disgusting quality! Not worth over $15 at most!

This item makes you feel cute and the design of it is great, just don't expect even the department store quality when it comes to the sewing or putting it together. The pictures were falsified, the item is NOT what was shown.
Really cute design, love the idea of it
Very poorly made, not even finished, and it was falsely advertised. Item is not what is shown.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
The moment I saw this Eskimo outfit from Coquette, I was super excited. It is completely my style, and from the pictures it actually looked like it would be decent quality for a costume. However, when I received it, I was just disgusted with almost everything about it. This is the second time I have gotten something that they didn't even finish sewing the product!

The fake fur is something you would see on a matted bear at the dollar store. It looks nothing like the pictures in the description. Not only are they really cheesy, but they are tacked on in just a spot or two so most of the fur is not even attached. This goes for the cuffs on the arms, as well.

In the picture the 'faux suede' looks pretty decent, and the toggles are wooden or at least plastic with the look of wood. The actual product comes with these plastic toggles that are black, and I guess are supposed to resemble sharks teeth?

This costume can be salvaged, but I need to pull out my sewing machine and do some work. I just don't think it is worth it to have to redo or fix a costume with a $45.00 price tag. The only thing that was accurate was the color of the 'faux suede' and the size. The size was actually spot on. I love the design of it, and idea of this outfit is amazing. The manufacturing of this product, however, is one of the worst I have seen! In my opinion, it is definitely not worth almost $50.00. I think it is worth more like $15.

However, with all of that being said, my husband who wasn't sold at first likes it on me, so it did the trick. Again, I want to stress it is cute and from a distance; you can't see how 'cheap' it actually is. Is it even legal to put up pictures of a completely different product than what is in the package? Just keep in mind when shopping for lingerie that you want to see more than just one set of pictures of the outfit. That way you aren't being sold on a glamor shot.

As far as the material goes, it is 80% nylon and 20% spandex, so it is comfortable and stretchy. The material is alright, but does not really give you that faux suede feel. Honestly, I guess I wouldn't be half as disgusted if they could have just sewed the darn thing correctly.

For care:
Hand wash and let dry, probably because it wouldn't hold up in a washer and the fur would be gone if you put it in the dryer...just my opinion.

Here are a couple of pictures I have taken of the actual product. Hope this helps some of you:

The cuff that is not even really sewn on:
EdenFantasys Logo

The 'shark teeth' toggles:
EdenFantasys Logo

The overall look, still love the design:
EdenFantasys Logo

Good look at the 'sewing' that is done attaching the fur to the hood:
EdenFantasys Logo

All in all, knowing everything, I would still buy this piece at a fraction of the cost. If they just finished sewing the product, it would improve the overall quality. But my thoughts are that this would be a good deal if I found it at a yard sale for a few dollars.
This item still makes you feel cute and the design of it is great, just don't expect even the department store quality when it comes to the sewing or putting it together.
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My Eskimo tags
  • Who / How / What
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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Cute
    • Dress up
    • Pretend
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • General
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    Other tags that are useful and descriptive for this product.
    • Costume
    • Eskimo
This review was edited by
  • ~LaUr3n~ Contributor: ~LaUr3n~
  • Rank:
    7.4 / 10
  • Edited reviews: 580
  • Graduated students: 77
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  • Contributor: Ryuson
    Wow! Thanks for the great (Or ehm, not so great) photos!
  • Contributor: tigerkate
    omg, RETURN THIS! that's absolutely unacceptable in my books!
  • Contributor: butterflygirlxo
    Great review! to bad this was bad quality its really cute!
  • Contributor: Kkay
    I really appreciate the look at the build of this with pictures.
  • Contributor: K101
    Aw! Bless your heart. That was truly awful. I really see what you mean about poorly and cheaply made! Once I saw the first picture my mouth dropped. That is sad! For $45 there's NO excuse for this bad of an item. I'm sure it looks great on you, but I sure don't blame you for being highly disappointed. I'd be pissed. When I saw the close up of that fur my first thought was good will? I can't believe that. This really could've been a lovely item. Thanks so much for providing such great detail and the photos. That was so helpful. I really hate that you ended up with a disappointin item, especially since this is the second one! I just can't believe how carelessly put together it was. Maybe you could find some better looking fur at a place like Joann (craft store) if you have one in your area, you should check them out. Maybe you can pick up some cheap, but nice looking fur and just reconstruct this baby into something more worthy. PS. If you do decide to do that, Joann usually has good deals if you sign up for the little newsletter thingy. I get one in the mail and there's always 50% offs. That way you could even go for some extras and really re-do this thing into something great! If you do end up doing that, I'd love to see photos! What a great review!
  • Contributor: M121212
    Oh man that is really annoying. So sorry this was such crap! I agree that it looks pretty solid in the product picture.

    Congrats on being nominated for the review rumble, though!
  • Contributor: Shhhitsasecret
    Thank you ladies The Joann fabrics thing is a good idea. I know I could fix it and like I said .. I love love love the idea of this outfit so I am going to make it work, it just shocked me that it came like that. I will say, I ordered another since then from the same company and it was definitely satisfactory! I will get that review up soon. So maybe this was a fluke.
    Thanks for the great comments and compliments
  • Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust
    Holy crap about that one cuff.
  • Contributor: mammas place
    thanks for this review
  • Contributor: eeep
    Great review. I loved the idea of this one too, sucks that the quality of it does not live up to what was shown. Can;t believe the fake fur wasn't even sewn on all the way.
  • Contributor: Blooddragon
    Cheap...TY for review.
  • Contributor: True Pleasures
    Wow.. What a piece of junk.. Thanks so much for the review, and for including the pictures! I can't believe they can get away with that...
  • Contributor: Feisty
    thanks for sharing all the information!
  • Contributor: giftdgecko
    I would be so disappointed in this shoddy craftsmanship . Thanks for the insight
  • Contributor: *Camoprincess*
    Great review so sorry to hear about the poor quality of this item. I hope you are able to find or make something relatively close to this
  • Contributor: dlw
    so sad.
  • Contributor: Eliza
    That sucks so much. I wonder if other people had the same experience. Looks like it's on sale right now, so I wonder if that's because of the poor craftsmanship.
  • Contributor: tami
    wel that stinks! it is a cute outfit to bad it is poorly made
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