Computer Embarrassment

Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916 Highmaintenancegirl916
i have, and it was a family memeber fixing my comp.i was really embarrassed.
Contributor: link82 link82
Originally posted by Moein
I realy wonder about computer workshop workers ethics. How dare they allow themselfs to see my own data without any premision? I wish there is a law and hard punishment for them if they break the law of (privacy).
I agree - the problem is not everyone is honest and some people really like to snoop!
Contributor: averageguyextrodinarypleasure averageguyextrodinarypleasure
I fix my own computer so that makes life easy
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
Maybe a little....
Contributor: Dreaus Dreaus
I work in the repair department of Futureshop here in Canada, and as part of our policy, we do not go searching for private things on customers computers. Customers trust us with sensitive information such as emails, bank records, pay statements. Etc.. If your computer comes in for a diagnostic or to have parts replaced, there is no need to go looking for pictures,videos whatever. We sign non disclosure agreements when we get hired. If computers are replaced under warranty, we ask if they need their info backed up. If not we run sophisticated disk wiping software. The worst thing we see is if you have a " personal " photo as your wallpaper. Not much we can do about that.
Contributor: dhig dhig
i would be a bit embarrassed, but i'm sure they've seen it all
Contributor: dv8 dv8
I'd be embarrassed to be unable to fix my computer myself. My private files are encrypted so anyone snooping around on my hard drive would have difficulty seeing the data.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
Shit happens.

There is probably nothing I have on my computer that hasn't been seen by a computer person in the west... now here in China on the other hand... they'd make a copy of everything and post it on the net.

Fun times!
Contributor: null null
I learned to fix my own computer problems a while back, I don't let anyone near my 'babies' now.
Contributor: Crystal1 Crystal1
I never really worry about it. I figure they're generally more interested in getting the job done so they can move on to something else than taking time to snoop through my stuff. If it is a situation where they have to move files or something, I'm sure they've seen much worse.