Those with Wooden dildos, I have a question for you.

Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I'm glad to read all the input on wood toys. This is one area (along with stainless steel) of sex toys that I haven't explored yet. I plan to try both wood and stainless toys before too long - and all the positive talk of the quality wood toys makes me want to even more! Gotta have a well-rounded collection after all!
Contributor: Dixiemomma Dixiemomma
they've never held any appeal to me but i dont think they'd have the issues your listing
Contributor: damnbul12 damnbul12
Never tried them.
Contributor: sexfairy sexfairy
Didn't try yet but I definitely will! I want one big time!
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by indiglo
I'm glad to read all the input on wood toys. This is one area (along with stainless steel) of sex toys that I haven't explored yet. I plan to try both wood and stainless toys before too long - and all the positive talk of the quality wood ... more
That's what I've been doing, got to try everything! A little word of advice, try the Nob Essence wood toys with the "Lubrosity" finish, I believe it's much safer than the other companies that use "salad bowl finish". Most woods are hazardous to the body, so a reliable coating is the only defense against those wood toxins.
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
I just bought my first wooden dildo and I really like it! It's pretty cool.
Contributor: Supervixen Supervixen
Never tried them, and I don't plan to. They're so expensive!
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
I've never tired them and I have no interest in trying them.
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
I've never tried one but I trust the finish implicitly, they are in no way porous, and anyway don't be too worried about the taste, it doesn't belong in your mouth
Contributor: Girly Juice Girly Juice
They're covered in a body-safe, smooth coating, so they don't absorb fluids. They basically behave like a regular glass or steel dildo.
Contributor: Kat and Aaron(aaron) Kat and Aaron(aaron)
Would love to give wooden toys a try.
Contributor: Mikemanz Mikemanz
not a big fan of wood