Move over Hitachi

Top of the line in personal pleasure, LELO’s Smart Wand Large is sure to soon be more desired than the Hitachi. Elegantly shaped, the Smart Wand is designed with you in mind. With Touch Sense technology, waterproof, multiple settings, and packed full of power, the Smart Wand is absolutely perfect. Ideal for relaxing sore muscles or for personal pleasure, this wand offers something for everyone.
Smart Touch technology, waterproof, ergonomic, rechargeable, multiple settings and powerful.
Not a thing at all.
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review
Move over Hitachi, your days on top are number. Presenting, LELO’s Smart Wand Large. Bringing massage and personal pleasure to a whole new level, the LELO’s wand is unlike any other on the market today.

LELO has incorporated their Smart Touch technology into the Smart Wand. If you haven’t experienced this revolutionary technology, don’t wait a moment longer. Smart Touch allows the wand to recognize when the vibrator is touching your skin and when not. When not in contact with your body, it rests and barely vibratos at all. Then once it touches your skin, however lightly it may be, it wakes up and reaves to right where you want it.

Having this technology truly makes your playtime more enjoyable. Not only the aspect of being more discreet and less noisy during your playtime, this also allows you to use the wand more comfortably. For instance, if you use the Smart Wand inside a position pillow the wand will react to your movements and allow you to create a unique experience each time you play.

The Smart Wand Large is perfect to use in your position pillow or with a partner. Want a bit more fun from your wand? It is even great to use inside of a forced orgasm belt. Don’t have a belt, not to worry. If you have a harness where you can change the size of the O-ring, just slip a two inch rubber O-ring over it and then strap it in. You’re ready to go. The wand sits right where you want it.

Truly powerful, I believe it to be more powerful than my Hitachi. Also, the Smart Wand seems to vibrate on a lower frequency. Rechargeable, you can finally cut the cord and enjoy your fun anywhere. With a full charge you are ready for two hours of enjoyment. Although the Smart Wand has an open charging port, it is still completely waterproof and safe to use in the shower or bath.

The Smart Wand’s handle is contoured and slopes upwards. Ergonomic, it’s comfortable to grip onto and easy to use. Even during solo play, the design of its handle gives you great control over the wand. Adding a nice touch of color, the handle is covered with glossy gold colored ABS plastic.

The Smart Wand is made from LELO’s patented silicone. It is body safe and hypo-allergenic, latex free and plaphate free. The finish of LELO’s silicone is powder soft and subtle against the skin. However, it does have a moderate amount of drag with used without lubrication. With the slightest amount of lubricant, the wand glides across your skin. Because this wand is made from silicone, it is suggested to only use water based lubricant with it.
There is no texture along this want with the exception of the slight ridges at the control interface. There is an ever so slightly noticeable manufactures seam that is smoothed down perfectly. Those with sensitivities should have no issues using this wand. In addition, the wand has neither smell nor taste.

Unlike many of LELO’s other toys, this wand is not whisper quite. However, I think it is a little bit quieter than my Hitachi. One thing is for sure, it can’t be easily heard through the bedroom door.

Full of vibration options, the control interface is easy to use. Located along the shaft, near the handle, they are comfortable to reach while you play. Utilizing LELO’s standard three button controls, turning up and down the power is controlled separately from the vibration patterns. With this type of system there is less chance of accidently hitting the controls.

The three control buttons are +, - and (). Press and hold the + to turn it on and raise the vibration level. Likewise, press and hold – to turn it off and lower the power level. Pressing and holding both together will lock your wand, protecting it from being accidently turned on. To unlock, press both buttons again or plug in to charge.

When you first turn on the Smart Wand it is in the first mode, a constant vibration.

Options 2-4 are three speeds of pulsations.
5. Slowly revving up and then fast drop down.
6. Slow revving up and then slow drop down.
7. Medium revving up and then medium drop down.
8. Various pulsations at different speeds and lengths.

To activate the Sense Touch technology, press and hold the () button for 3-5 sec.

Taking care of your Smart Wand is simple. It can be thoroughly cleaned by washing with anti-bacterial soap and warm water or your favorite toy cleaner. Storing is simple with the included padded storage pouch. This pouch is superb. Just tuck it in your dresser drawer in the closet, the pouch protects and discreetly hides your wand.

Perfect to pamper yourself, the Smart Wand is truly exquisite. Each and every aspect of the design is intended to make a truly luxurious massager. Perfect to give as a gift, the Smart Wand Large is packaged in an elegant linen covered gift box.

Over all, this wand is utterly amazing. Powerful and perfectly shaped to reach sore back muscles, Hubby uses it religiously. For me there is nothing at all that can compare. When Hubby brings it out, my knees get weak with anticipation of what is to come. During our playtime, we often use it in a position pillow and even in my harness for forced orgasms. Sometimes I take it along for a bubble bath; it works great under the water. I am so happy with our Smart Wand Large. With a 1 year warranty and a 10 year guarantee, it is well worth every penny of investment.
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  • Who / How / What
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    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Massage
    • Masturbation
  • Where
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    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Anywhere
  • Features
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    What kind of features does this product offer?
    • Travel friendly
  • Body / part areas
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    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • All over body
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: TrenchcoatHunters
    Thank you for the review
  • Contributor: Solar Ray
    Excellent review.
  • Contributor: LuckyLady
    Thanks for the review, I want this so bad =)
  • Contributor: ashboo32
    Thanks! I'm really thinking about getting this! Sounds amazing!
  • Contributor: Mr. John
    A really wonderful review. I look forward to your followup.
  • Contributor: unicorn64
    Thanks for the review.
  • Contributor: Wicked Wahine
    Thanks for all the detail, especially the descriptions of the different functions - that's important to me!
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