Would/have you ever? Abortion. Private poll.

Contributor: Not here Not here
Originally posted by Darling Jen
My mother fit none of the above cases. She may not have been planning on children at the time, but she did eventually want to be a mother. And she was financially capable of the responsibility and we were not a threat on her physical life. It all ... more
I couldn't agree with your response more!

Abortions aren't convenient, and I'm sure most women who get them definitely don't want to, but have little choice in the matter. I think it's a lot more responsible to terminate a pregnancy than to bring a child into the world that can't be given the life s/he deserves, but that's just my opinion.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Not here
I couldn't agree with your response more!

Abortions aren't convenient, and I'm sure most women who get them definitely don't want to, but have little choice in the matter. I think it's a lot more responsible to terminate a ... more
Exactly. It's emotionally wounding to go through it, even when you know it's what needs to be done. It's not easy to make the right choice when the world is telling you you're wrong. But women are strong like that.

And there's roughly 120,000 children in the U.S. alone at any given moment that are unadopted. Many of them will never be. That's an issue I think requires more attention than abortions.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I could never and would never. It's morally against everything inside of me personally. I went through fertility treatments, I've miscarried and I've lost babies I thought I would hold forever. No, this is not an answer I would ever make. I've always said if your old enough to spread your legs you better be old enough to deal with the consequences. Just what I believe in. God gives life why do we have the right to kill it? I also believe life begins at conception not 4, not 8 not 12 weeks later.

That being said, I'm not an idiot and I would fight for a woman's right to choose because I know there is a place and time for abortions. Like some have already said their lives at the time couldn't handle it and what's worse bringing a child into our personal hell or aborting him/her. Though I think adoption would be a better plan I also know that's not always a viable option. What I don't agree with is women who use abortion as birth control. I think people like that are sick and horrible individuals. I personally know a woman who has had five abortions just cuz she wasn't gonna be bothered with a kid and it's free so why not. She didn't take any precautions to prevent them. She just didn't care and that's the real crime not women who make a life choice for themselves but the ones who abuse it.

So no, I don't believe in it for myself but I would never judge another because they chose the path that they needed to take. If people use abortion as birth control I have issues with it but mostly I believe we need better education and a better health care system *sighs*

We are all different and have different needs, wants, home lives and complications are always present so I think any answer is personal and okay.
Contributor: Beaners Beaners
Originally posted by Darling Jen
1. No form of birth control is 100% guaranteed. Both my brother and I were conceived on birth control. It happens - a lot.

2. Older women who are pregnant are actually more likely to have embryos and fetuses with major malformations and ... more
On your third point. That's like my situation. It's not that I can't have a baby right now, it's that I can not, physically, be pregnant. And as a result, I'm taking all the precautions to not get pregnant, because I don't want to have to be forced into making that decision.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by SexyTabby
I could never and would never. It's morally against everything inside of me personally. I went through fertility treatments, I've miscarried and I've lost babies I thought I would hold forever. No, this is not an answer I would ever ... more
I think you're a great example of how you can have strong opinions based on your own religion and morality about it and still be understanding about other women and their right to choose. You are awesome for balancing them both and more people should take a lesson from you. Living in the Bible Belt, I hear too many horror stories about what happens to people who can't balance themselves and go crazy.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Exactly. It's emotionally wounding to go through it, even when you know it's what needs to be done. It's not easy to make the right choice when the world is telling you you're wrong. But women are strong like that.

And ... more
I feel exactly the same about this. There are so many women who carry their children to term simply to give them up, and only because they were told it was wrong not to, or that they had to do so. Meanwhile, there are so many children out there already, some of them living in atrocious situations. The people who so DESPERATELY want children, are not nearly as eager to save these deserving children as they are to pay tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to have somebody else create and carry their child. WTF? Why bring a child you do not want or can not take care of into the world, when you have no guarantee that it wont end up in one of those situations.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
A child is a life not a choice.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I feel exactly the same about this. There are so many women who carry their children to term simply to give them up, and only because they were told it was wrong not to, or that they had to do so. Meanwhile, there are so many children out there ... more
Precisely. And then there's the people who aren't given the opportunity to adopt because some judgmental a-hole out there in power decided he/she/they were unfit parents. Unmarried but co-habitating couples, single people, and GLBT parents should be able to adopt if they really want to give a child a home and love. How can people say it's better for these kids to be without a family than to have a family be "unconventional"?
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
A child is a life not a choice.
Tell me that again when you are broke, have no home, no partner, and are pregnant.

My mother also got pregnant three times on birth control. Once on the pill and once with a cervical cap, and once with an IUD. She already had 5 children and aborted the last. Birth control is certainly not foolproof.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Precisely. And then there's the people who aren't given the opportunity to adopt because some judgmental a-hole out there in power decided he/she/they were unfit parents. Unmarried but co-habitating couples, single people, and GLBT parents ... more
What, like a group home isn't unconventional? Like a foster home where your "family" is being paid to take care of you and can "get rid of you anytime that you piss them off?" isn't unconventional? I have heard SO many horror stories about foster and group homes, and known the people who have lived them. Obviously not every foster or group home is awful. They are NOT however, families that have made the commitment to love and cherish you no matter what.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
What, like a group home isn't unconventional? Like a foster home where your "family" is being paid to take care of you and can "get rid of you anytime that you piss them off?" isn't unconventional? I have heard SO many ... more
Preach on, sista. It's so good to find rational people.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
Tell me that again when you are broke, have no home, no partner, and are pregnant.

My mother also got pregnant three times on birth control. Once on the pill and once with a cervical cap, and once with an IUD. She already had 5 children and ... more
Can I kill my spouse if she's too expensive - I'm broke and lost my job? Or maybe Grandma just cost too much to keep - lets pull the plug eh!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Can I kill my spouse if she's too expensive - I'm broke and lost my job? Or maybe Grandma just cost too much to keep - lets pull the plug eh!
What about war? Should we kill others because it's too inconvenient to work out disagreements another way?

What about the death penalty? Should we kill those who made one too many mistakes in their life and we just don't want to deal with them anymore?

If you're going to be anti-abortion, you should be a pacifist and against capital punishment as well.

And your spouse, grandmother, etc. aren't a part of your body. It's the mother's body and she has a right to it. But if you're broke and don't want your family anymore, you do have the right to divorce, disowning, and moving. Those are all rights which didn't always exist for people in Western society.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Can I kill my spouse if she's too expensive - I'm broke and lost my job? Or maybe Grandma just cost too much to keep - lets pull the plug eh!
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
A child is a life not a choice.
Where as I agree a child is a life I also believe there can't be a black and white answer. You have to see the consequences for what they are. Curious how you would handle a very real scenario in today's world...

An 11 year old girl has been placed in foster care because her mother is dead and her father has been charged for sexually molesting her. She's pregnant in her first trimester with a child from her father's rape. Should she have to suffer further with an unwanted and potentially dangerous pregnancy? What health risks does an inbred fetus and 11 yr old mother already have? The mother being nothing but a child who only has a distorted vision of love. Hasn't the girl suffered enough? Which child do you protect which child do you destroy? Would you be willing to take on the care of this child and her unwanted baby? If you demand life you must be accountable to it. To force this child to become a mother you would have to be willing to help them care for the infant. An infant that may have any number of disabilities or birth defects from the inbreeding alone not to mention what other ailments could arise with such a young child carrying a baby. Are you ready to support them financially, emotionally and physically these two outcasts? Will you raise them and teach them to love a world that demands black and white answers?

If you are not willing to step up and take on the outcome then how can you judge or say what shall be done to begin with? If you are willing to step up and take on the responsibilities of the world then I hope you have deep pockets cuz our world is fucked up. God gives us guidance but can not stop the evil that exists in a human beings free will.

In today's existence there can not be black and white. Until humans are educated and morally obligated to the well being of each other and the world we live in then black and white is not plausible. Even if a point came where our ignorance is lifted and wrongs aren't righted but simply non-existent, we were the loving, caring beings that God intended, who is to say what is black and what is white?

Without understanding, education and respect for all we won't ever see a better world.
Contributor: Not here Not here
Originally posted by SexyTabby
Where as I agree a child is a life I also believe there can't be a black and white answer. You have to see the consequences for what they are. Curious how you would handle a very real scenario in today's world...

An 11 year old girl ... more
Umm, I think I love you. I wish there were more level-headed people in the world like this! Double like.
Contributor: Avant-garde Avant-garde
Originally posted by SexyTabby
Where as I agree a child is a life I also believe there can't be a black and white answer. You have to see the consequences for what they are. Curious how you would handle a very real scenario in today's world...

An 11 year old girl ... more
You have summed this up very well sexytabby, thank you. I am all for woman's rights. If a woman chooses to have an abortion it is not my right to tread on her right to have one, which I bear no responsibility to. It is a personal issue, that unfortunately sometimes happens. It would be nice if this kind of situation didn't arise, but we do not exist in a perfect world and there are very difficult moral decisions that have to be made that don't always have black and white answers.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
I would like to point out as well that if you believe that 2 cells are that important, 16, 32 etc, you need to stop eating meat, and most vegetables. You are killing them too and though the DNA is different, they are no less alive. Most animals live horrible existences and see, hear and smell the slaughter as it is approaching. They have enough brain function to actually understand and fight against death. Embryos do not.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I would like to point out as well that if you believe that 2 cells are that important, 16, 32 etc, you need to stop eating meat, and most vegetables. You are killing them too and though the DNA is different, they are no less alive. Most animals live ... more
See these types of arguments/tactics never work with me and they certainly don't work on die hard people who are against abortions. I'm not against abortions for others because it isn't a perfect world but if anyone wants to support the right to choose then it should be done with education and health care reasoning. Human consumption is as important to life as your precious two cells. Not to mention in the future if you ever find yourself in the position that you are trying to have a baby and find you can not you'll find two cells a hell of a lot more important. Life is screwed up that way.

There's enough valid reasons to be passionate about and to fight for.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I would like to point out as well that if you believe that 2 cells are that important, 16, 32 etc, you need to stop eating meat, and most vegetables. You are killing them too and though the DNA is different, they are no less alive. Most animals live ... more
How many cells constitute a person? When women get an abortion the heart is already beating. In late term abortions they dismember a child. These are still legal in the US but not in Germany and many other western nations.

Some of these babies are old enough to be saved in neonatal intensive care facilities. The real problem for abortionists is deciding when a baby is a baby. The obvious answer is at conception. But as one famous politician once said 'that's an inconvenient truth'

Stopping late term dismemberment of babies would be a good place to compromise.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
How many cells constitute a person? When women get an abortion the heart is already beating. In late term abortions they dismember a child. These are still legal in the US but not in Germany and many other western nations.

Some of these babies ... more
I fully agree about not dismembering babies in order to abort them. I cannot argue that that is not totally messed up.

I do however value all life as life. I need life to sustain my life as a baby needs a mothers life to sustain them, the difference obviously is that the mother does not die. I eat meat, which in my opinion is almost as bad as killing the animal myself, however if I did have to do it myself I'm not sure I wouldn't just become a vegetarian then and there.

For me the issue is mostly one of a child being self aware. If I were in a constant vegetative state, or a coma and somebody had to decide whether or not to pull the plug, I would not take issue with them doing so. On the other hand,if I were going to be murdered, and fully aware of it, I would not be so cool with that. Once I'm dead, people can do whatever they want to with my remains. Hopefully they will use them to help other people live.

I do not mean to be disrespectful, I just really feel that a life is a life, whether it belongs to a person or a cow. Once a creature is self aware it is not an issue of the species for me. I would eat a cow or chicken just as larger carnivorous animals would eat me. I do not believe in hunting for sport. Or torture.
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
How many cells constitute a person? When women get an abortion the heart is already beating. In late term abortions they dismember a child. These are still legal in the US but not in Germany and many other western nations.

Some of these babies ... more
Some interesting facts:

A fetus's viability (it's ability to survive outside the womb) usually starts around 5.5 months, give or take depending on case-to-case circumstances like genetics and environment. That's pretty late. Most are viable after 27 weeks and almost zero are viable prior to 21 weeks so there is a lot of grey area in the middle.

According to a 2003 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention only about 1% of all U.S. abortions happen at or after 21 weeks gestation.

If you start from the moment of conception (when the sperm fuses with the egg), about 80% of all fertilized eggs are spontaneously miscarried by the body, most without the woman ever knowing there was one to begin with.

Even after fertilization, a woman is not pregnant until the egg implants successfully into the uterine lining generally about 2 weeks after.

And though it's all a matter of opinion on when life starts for an unborn child, I'm with Girl With Fire on this one. I don't believe it starts at conception at all and it's in no way the "obvious" choice. It's a mass of blank stem cells that could actually just form a mass of tissue with no life whatsoever, calcify, and then become a threat to the mother's life. And that mass is definitely not the same as a baby.

Aaaand this is random and off topic but GWF mentioning animals made me think of it. I saw a show about how incredibly intelligent pigs are and that they're actually sentient beings. It definitely made me give up a LOT of pork.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Darling Jen
Some interesting facts:

A fetus's viability (it's ability to survive outside the womb) usually starts around 5.5 months, give or take depending on case-to-case circumstances like genetics and environment. That's pretty late. Most ... more
I had pork for dinner. Yum. (Sorry I just had to)
Do you have any idea how many people eat dolphin?!
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I had pork for dinner. Yum. (Sorry I just had to)
Do you have any idea how many people eat dolphin?!
That's sad too. I guess it wouldn't be bad if all these creatures got to live full lives and then be humanely killed for consumption... but neither are generally the case.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
How many cells constitute a person? When women get an abortion the heart is already beating. In late term abortions they dismember a child. These are still legal in the US but not in Germany and many other western nations.

Some of these babies ... more
Now I definitely agree there should not be abortions in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. In my own children I could see their hearts beating at 7 weeks so...yeah, I didn't realize that the USA did abortions after 12 weeks.

There is a lot of inconvenient truths out there but we all have to make compromises to get to solid ground.
Contributor: sweet seduction sweet seduction
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I have, I was 19,dating an abusive JERK, living with him in his parents house, I did not have a job yet, AND he was cheating on me at the time. That was no situation to bring a child into.
Sometimes it can really be what's the best. No child deserves that. I think you made a very hard and very selfless choice.
Contributor: sweet seduction sweet seduction
I am not exactly for abortion but I do believe it is a woman's right of what she does with her body. In some instances they are honestly doing it for good reason. Also their are the one's who pregnancies could be fatal. The only instance in that I am 100% against is partial birth abortion as I see that that is in fact murder.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by sweet seduction
Sometimes it can really be what's the best. No child deserves that. I think you made a very hard and very selfless choice.
Thank you. I didn't really feel that conflicted about it. I was just scared. My family situation was really really messed up and my mother kept kicking me out of the house and then refusing she had done so.

Abortions aren't fun, there is a lot of fear, involved. A lot of confusion, and second guessing, and guilt. It is a loss you feel in your heart. Physically there is almost always vomiting involved, cramps that rival early to midstage labor contractions for up to 10 days, and up to 21 days of constant heavy bleeding. The physical symptoms are worse the further into the pregnancy you are.
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
Yes - we're all here because our mothers chose not to take the easy way out.

I'm stunned that with the proliferation of birth control that so many abortions are necessary. I understand the dumb-ass teenager thing - but adult women - why?
I find this completely offensive, your flippant comment that abortion is the easy way out.

Do you think it's easy for all women who have abortions to live with themselves after they have done so? Do you think that the decision to end the life of a child is one made with no emotional repercussions? Do you think that women who are unable to care for a child after they are born, financially, emotionally or psychologically would be just fine carrying a baby that they know they can't take care of should be carrying a fetus that they might resent or hate?

Is it better for a child to come into the world drug addicted, or malnourished or ill because the mother was unable to properly care for herself and was unable to get an abortion?

Abortion: not the "easy" choice you seem to think it is.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I have never, thank god, been in the position where I've had to make the choice. A handful of people close to me have had abortions and I've always stood behind them in their decision. Hell, I even accompanied one friend to the clinic. It's a brutally hard thing to have to go through and people shouldn't make it even harder by saddling the woman with extra guilt by telling them they've done a morally wrong thing.