Would/have you ever? Abortion. Private poll.

Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
"Almost half the women getting abortions have had one before - what's with that?"

All I am going to say is this, many women, and young women especially who are being molested or raped by a partner, are being molested/raped ... more
If you're trying to say that 1.2 million abortions happen strictly because of rape the facts don't support you.

First of all, every rape does not result in pregnancy - just like in regular sexual activity, pregnancy is not the typical result of sexual activity. 67% of women use the pill, have an IUD or have had tubal ligation.

Secondly more than 75% of women just say that the pregnancy is an inconvenience or some other non-medical reason.
Contributor: Emma (Girl With Fire) Emma (Girl With Fire)
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
If you're trying to say that 1.2 million abortions happen strictly because of rape the facts don't support you.

First of all, every rape does not result in pregnancy - just like in regular sexual activity, pregnancy is not the typical ... more
In no way was I implying that all abortions are rape related. Only that your views on how many are, are likely off, and by a long shot. Also, being on the pill, having an IUD, or any other type of birth control does not guarantee that a person will not become pregnant. I should know, My mother was on the pill when I was conceived and she hadn't even missed one, which is very common. Women do not prepare for rape, they prepare for voluntary sex with partners. Tubal ligation, does not always stick, many women have them "come undone" so to speak, and the only way they know it is because they HAVE become pregnant.

Saying something does not make it true, many women who have been raped or molested are not likely to volunteer that information to a doctor, or a stranger handing out forms asking for it.

You can argue all you want, but the truth is, you are not likely to change the opinion of anybody who has had, or considered, or is planning to have an abortion. It is a very personal situation, and I would wager that 90% of statistics are misrepresentations of reality because as BBWTT mentioned above, women will not always admit their true situation, or reasoning even to themselves.

No side of the argument is definitely right. The answers are situational and we are obviously not going to go over the history of every single person who has ever had an abortion, nor would we have the right to. Until your rights to your body are threatened, I really don't see how you can look at this situation with any subjectivity and it certainly is not an objective debate. To make it one, would be disrespectful to any woman who has ever been in the position of having an abortion, voluntarily, or as a result of circumstances outside of their control.
Contributor: Kim! Kim!
Originally posted by P'Gell
I read these links, and the site Clinicquotes.com is an anti-choice/prolife website.

Sorry. I can't accept sites that have either side as their "only way" and uses hyperbole to get their point across. And this one is ... more
Right, but my point in choosing that site was the map of the states and their laws on late-term abortions and pointing out the fact that they are not common, which that site is NOT skewing.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Kim!
Right, but my point in choosing that site was the map of the states and their laws on late-term abortions and pointing out the fact that they are not common, which that site is NOT skewing.
I understand. I wasn't criticizing you, but when the rest of the site is skewed, people may wander off (like I did) and see skewed comments and think its a fully factual site.

I learned the hard way to make sure all sites I used for stats were as neutral as possible, if possible. It IS hard to find completely neutral sites with stats for such divisive subject as abortion.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
In no way was I implying that all abortions are rape related. Only that your views on how many are, are likely off, and by a long shot. Also, being on the pill, having an IUD, or any other type of birth control does not guarantee that a person will ... more
I see - the statistics must be wrong because you don't want them to be true. It's a common strategy for to support ones biases - often called dissonance. "Dissonance can also lead to confirmation bias, the denial of dis-confirming evidence" link.

I'm not trying to change anyone's mind - just make people think that maybe there's more here than the fate of the mother to be, there's another life involved.

Thanks for you input - I'm signing out...
Contributor: v23 v23
I never have. I do think it's a woman/couples choice an she/they have a right to that. However, if you know that you don't want a baby, you should do everything possible to prevent it.
Contributor: K101 K101
I chose other because I have no had an abortion, but I would not say it is wrong. I'm not anyone's judge. I believe in my heart that women have their own reasons and we cannot ever truly know what they're going through. Why judge and put them down and take away their rights? A VERY close fam member of mine has. She had a high risk pregnancy that developed into severe complications and she had every reason to do it. She was already rsking her own life very much and it would hurt me so bad to hear someone say mean things about her decision. Like I said, we do not know a person's circumstances or reasons. I was... raped at 15 and now, I totally see how women having the right to HER OWN BODY is ok. Think about that? What if all these people who said it's wrong were raped. I know I couldn't have ever given birth to my rapists child and if I had been MADE to give birth to my rapist's child, I'd have gone through a much harder time with it. I don't think any person has the right to take another woman's rights away. I also consider those women who have abortions and truly don't want their child. Why force it on them just to hurt the child? That only causes child neglect, abuse, abandonment, etc. I would rather a woman abort than to have the child and be FORCED to keep it and the child end up being un-loved, un-wanted, abused. Those who condemn and judge and object to abortion are only harming the child. Real thoughtful!

Anyways, I would never have an abortion. I'm not necessarily FOR it, but I think it being an option is a good idea. If abortion isn't legal, girls WILL find ways and that will only result in them harming themselves and possible dying. I'd prefer them have it done professionally. I'm unable to have children now and I'm only 21. I had 2 babies and lost them both. I couldn't imagine giving one up, but even I, a woman who won't be given any more babies, a woman who lost the children she loved and wanted, would not judge someone else for their decisions.

I'd prefer abortion be always an option for women. Not every abortion is a result of an irresposible girl. I'm not God it is not my place to judge and I wouldn't think any less of a person for their decision to abort. In a world where people who abort are HATED (I MEAN TOTALLY HATED) the last thing I would do is turn my back on them. I think it's sad that a girl has to live with it, but everyone should have support and no-one deserves to be judged.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Naughty Student
I have never had one.

I might have gotten one if I had been pregnant before now but at this point in my life, I would keep it. I am almost done school and I will be working soon. My partner and I have been talking about babies a lot and we ... more
Wow. I can relate to ya a little. A very close relative of mine did too. For health reasons, the baby had little chance of making it and it was detrmental to the mother's health. I hate it that women have to go through it pretty much alone. I'm glad to hear you weren't downing her about her decision. People DO have reasons for their actions and I don't understand why abortion (a stranger getting an abortion!) could cause the world to hate the person for it. I'm able to be there for my person when she's down about it. She blames herself and really she shouldn't. I always tell her not to dwell on her past. I'm glad to see you weren't belittling your relative for it. I'm glad to see other females understanding/not jumping straight to judging. I've never met another female who didn't hate women who have had abortions.
Contributor: K101 K101
Just thought someone might find this helpful after reading so many of you say you 100% totally support a woman's right to do as she wishes with her body (KUDOS TO YALL! I'm so glad to hear that!) I thought I'd post something for those who really are serious about a woman having those rights. You can sign a petition on Mycare2.com to help protect those rights. We've been working on this issue for over a year now and a lot of people refuse to bother with the petitioning because they think 'oh, what can one little person do.' Well, one person can do everything! We've actually managed to save 3 women already who were being imprisoned, abused and stoned! Just thought some of you ladies (and men?) might be interested in signing that petition. If you are, you can always message me if you need help finding it. We've all been spreading the word for over a year and sadly, not many people believe in supporting that right.
Contributor: AncoraImparo AncoraImparo
Yes, only if my life was in serious jeopardy and the fetus was too young to be viable outside the womb
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I believe abortion is murder because it takes a life. Abortion also OFTEN-not always-does irreparable harm to the woman physically and/or emotionally. How many mothers do you know who would say, "I wish I had aborted my child?" vs. how many women who've had abortions regret that decision?
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Originally posted by Emma (Girl With Fire)
I would like to point out as well that if you believe that 2 cells are that important, 16, 32 etc, you need to stop eating meat, and most vegetables. You are killing them too and though the DNA is different, they are no less alive. Most animals live ... more
An animal life does not equate to a human life.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by bayosgirl
An animal life does not equate to a human life.
I have met people who would disagree with that. Not saying I do, per se; but there are those out there with the belief that animal life is equal (if not greater than) human life.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
I have met people who would disagree with that. Not saying I do, per se; but there are those out there with the belief that animal life is equal (if not greater than) human life.
Oh yes, I know there are people who believe that...I happen to live in a 'mixed' liberal community where there are a fair number of vegans. Personally I believe in animal welfare as opposed to animal rights. I believe animals should be treated with compassion, and yes there is a compassionate way to kill an animal. I guess the problem I have with the animal rights people is that they believe someone who eats animals-no matter how humanely raised-is a murderer. Should a meat eater go to prison? I hesitate to call their beliefs "ridiculous".. but, I digress. I just don't think the argument of "well, you eat animals so you can't be against abortion" holds up very well. :-/
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by bayosgirl
An animal life does not equate to a human life.
Bravo - thanks for speaking up!
Contributor: Beck Beck
I voted no it is wrong, but I believe no it is wrong for me. I do not believe myself to ever get an abortion, I lost a child naturally and this was horrible, I do not think that I could ever chose to do this even if this was a rape child. I am all for women's right to chose I just hope women choose the right chose for them, as I do.

I currently have two sons I am 22years old and I do not work am a stay at home mom. I do not even have drivers license, I do have a high school diploma but this is all. Some may think I am irresponsible, but I take care of my boys and they are perfectly healthy and need for nothing. I am one of the most responsible people my age. My husband was laid off for just under two years timing was not right for our youngest, but what the hell he was worth it. Husband did recently find job though!
Contributor: brittany8612 brittany8612
Originally posted by ~LaUr3n~
I commend you for making that decision. I wish I could say the same for my future sister in law. She is 18. Had just gotten out of rehab that she manipulated my boyfriends brother to get her out of and then she moved in with him and got knocked up. ... more
maybe it will open her eyes to real life and you could always remind her that adoption is available
Contributor: MJ1337 MJ1337
I have not had an abortion, nor would consider one. I don't think abortion is wrong, I would just rather put a baby up for adoption than terminate it. If you ever look up partial-birth abortion.. ugh, its crazy. I won't get on my soap box. I believe everyone should have their choice... I just feel that an abortion would psychologically/emotio nally scar me. Why go through that, suffer the 9 months and childbirth as a consequence and grace a couple with a newborn baby that they want (the list is LONG and they will take babies with diseases, down syndrome, etc.).
Contributor: Lorien239 Lorien239
I'm rather surprised by the results of this poll. I can say it is not the result I would have predicted. Learn something new about the world everyday
Contributor: Screen Door Screen Door
Who knows, if I get pregnant at the wrong time...and I haven't finished everything I want and it could jeopardize my future I may, it also depends on who's child it would be...if it's with my boyfriend...I would almost definitely keep it...I don't know...I hope the situation doesn't come up.
Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
yes i had one because my ex cheated on me on my so called friend. but now im happy and have a son w my bf of 5 years and are very happy.
Contributor: AndroAngel AndroAngel
If I fell pregnant, I would have an abortion in a heartbeat. I've actually recently considered calling around and finding out where my options were should the worst happen. But I've always been extra careful, so I have never needed to.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
I would never get an abortion, to me they seem wrong and against human nature...Just my opinion though, i do understand some times why you need an abortion (health problems, ect) But, I myself would never get one. Each to their own.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
I would never get an abortion, to me they seem wrong and against human nature...Just my opinion though, i do understand some times why you need an abortion (health problems, ect) But, I myself would never get one. Each to their own.
Contributor: eeep eeep
I'm all for women having the choice for an abortion, sometimes it id the best thing for them to do at that point in their lives or the situation they are in. Birth control is hardly 100% effective. Also, some women know they will not be able to give a child up for adoption if they carry it to term, it's hard not to get attached to something you carry inside you for 9 months and feel kick in response to things you do.
Contributor: Willow Wand Willow Wand
No way, No how and never have. I was 16 when I had my first child. I had the appointment for the abortion set up, the day came to go and I couldn't do it. SOOOO glad I didn't, my son is AMAZING in every way! I have 6 total now and would love more.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
wow, touchy subject all.

I'm all for legalized abortion because if it's not legal, women aren't going to stop having them; instead, we're going to revert to back alley abortions. And if you think abortions are bad now? Infertility, infection and death will skyrocket. And that's something I don't want to see affecting the population of our country.

The law (and science) defines a fetus as a fetus, not an actual human being, unless it is killed against the wishes of the mother. To call a fetus a baby is misleading and false.

I have nothing else to say on the matter.
Contributor: karay123 karay123
This is the first time in a public forum I've said this, but yes, I had one in college. I don't regret it one bit. I can't live in the past and dwell on the "what-if's".
Contributor: Darling Jen Darling Jen
Originally posted by karay123
This is the first time in a public forum I've said this, but yes, I had one in college. I don't regret it one bit. I can't live in the past and dwell on the "what-if's".
We support you. I hope it was liberating to be able to share because I think a lot more of the women here have had experiences with it and every little bit is helping them too.
Contributor: Cherrylane Cherrylane
I would get one if I felt like it was necessary (not exclusive to my life being at risk, just for the record). However, I am definitely of the mind that I go absolutely out of my way to ensure that I won't be in the position where I should ever need one. And if I do, I'm well organized and obsessive enough I'm confident I'd be able to have the pill-shot version, rather than the "surgical" version. Which really doesn't matter, but all the same. I just think it's important to note that even though I'm totally supportive of the right to abortion, and know that I would get one myself and wouldn't feel guilty about, and that that doesn't also cause me to replace other forms for birth control with abortions. It's not one or the other, it's all of the above lol