Have you ever been pregnant?

Contributor: Mr. E Mr. E
Nope, I have not been pregnant.

But my wife has!

We have two children.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Blinker
I had an ectopic pregnancy a few years ago. Luckily it wasn't big enough to cause too much concern, but I did hemorrhage heavily and go into a coma due to iron loss and anemia.
I would call that a LOT of concern. I'm glad you're OK, sweetie. Ectopics are so dangerous. Scary stuff.
Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
once. and I have a gorgeous 11 year old girl to prove it
Contributor: Shiloh Shiloh
Yeah, i'm pregnant right now. Due Jan 14. It was very unplanned and very unexpected ( i was using Nuva ring) but my husband and i are both happy. He talks more to my tummy than he does to me now. I'm getting a little jealous.
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I've been pregnant 5 times. Two miscarriages and two sets of multiples which only resulted in two babies making it to term and then my lil girl.

Shiloh - Jan is a fun month to have a baby! My son was actually born in the middle of a blizzard lol
Contributor: VampKitty VampKitty
No, not yet. I want kids after I'm out of school though. I want 3.
Contributor: null null
No, and I hope I never am. I'd get my tubes tied now if I could.
Contributor: lovehurts lovehurts
Yes, don't have kids misscarried
Contributor: Unconventional Unconventional
Pregnant now with #2...orgasms give me Braxton hicks contractions, but it's worth it, haha. 34 weeks along, so even if I went into actual labor, he'd be fine. Midwife says it's fine, so I'm not planning on giving up sex any time soon.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Victoria
Yep, and I have two children.
me too! Glad to never get pregnant again too!
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by P'Gell
Yeah, like 6 or 7 times. I've had several miscarriages and a bunch of kids.

I got pregnant the FIRST TIME in our first 7 years together we didn't use protection. We are one of those really really fertile couples.

I also got ... more
tubes. tied. after my 2nd and last c-section. No more babehs. love em... don't want no more of them. I actually want to have at least ONE brown hair left by the time these two girls leave the nest... hopefully at 18.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by Sera
What exactly is an ectopic pregnancy? That wasn't the thing where they had to go in and cut the fetus out, is it? I'm so sorry for the ignorant question. You don't een have to answer me. I'm sorry about that.
Since no one answered this, I will. You have probably looked it up by now, but someone else may not know.

An ectopic pregnancy is where the egg fertilizes but doesn't leave the fallopian tube and travel to the uterus. It's also called a tubal pregnancy. If the pregnancy isn't terminated surgically, it is fatal to the mother.

They can happen to anyone, but they are more common in women who are tied, so I'm always worried that it might happen to me. We always say that if we were to get pregnant, despite having two gold clamps on each fallopian tube, then that baby was MEANT TO BE, and it would break my heart to terminate a pregnancy due to a life or death situation.
Contributor: RosesThorns RosesThorns
pregnant once, no kids, miscarried.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
Since no one answered this, I will. You have probably looked it up by now, but someone else may not know.

An ectopic pregnancy is where the egg fertilizes but doesn't leave the fallopian tube and travel to the uterus. It's also ... more
Sadly, even if the pregnancy is wanted, an ectopic pregnancy cannot be "saved." Ectopic actually means "anywhere but inside the uterus" or in Latin "out of place." Women have had ectopic pregnancies outside the uterus but not in the tubes, the embryo attaches to the fascia of the abdomen or even the intestines or outside of the uterus, too.

The most common kind is IN the tube. The embryo attaches inside the tube before it gets to the uterus and it has to be removed, almost always along with that tube. Once the fertilized ovum is embedded, it cannot be moved, so there is no way to "save" an ectopic pregnancy if it was wanted. Usually, by the time the pain if felt, in a tubal pregnancy, the conceptus is not living anymore. But, there have been cases of pregnancies carried to nearly term with the fetus attached to internal organs or fascia. It is VERY dangerous to continue these types of pregnancies, since the placenta may detach and without external bleeding to let the woman know this has happened, she is still bleeding heavily inside, her life can be threatened.
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
No, I'm not ready to have kids yet I just don't think the time is right I want to make sure I make decent money and can provide my child with the best life possible and right now I just dont think would be the right time.
Contributor: I'll Miss You EF :( I'll Miss You EF :(
Originally posted by usmcwife99
Pregnant once.....it would of been a little boy. Had a misscarage.

I feel your pain. I lost my child to miscarriage also. He was a little boy.
Contributor: Raggedy Andie Raggedy Andie
Sorry to all of you who have had losses.
I can't imagine what that is like. *hugs*

I had a few scares when I was younger and then I got preggers on the pill. I am super glad I did though. I have a beautiful 8 yr old daughter now who brings my life such joy.
Contributor: joja joja
I've had two "scares" due to slipped condoms, both solved with Plan B. Luckily, I didn't experience any side effects except tender breasts for a few weeks. Annoying, but very worth it. I am so not ready for kids...
Contributor: Kimbertrees Kimbertrees
I have a beautiful daughter and before her I had a miscarriage in the first term. I've had several scares as well but those were just late periods.
The sad thing being that my first pregnancy that resulted in miscarriage I used condoms, and my daughter was a birth control baby.
Contributor: Victoria Victoria
What an interesting thread this has turned out to be! We've all gotten to know a bit more about each other.

I am sorry to hear of the losses on this thread - () to you, ladies.

And I was surprised to learn that we have quite a few pregnant ladies in the community too - congratulations to you all!

Contributor: hick2087 hick2087
Yes one time and thats it.
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
No neither of us have. but we are thinking of adoption some day.
Contributor: mnc5051 mnc5051
no, and probably wont my partner will be
Contributor: Autumnbinature Autumnbinature
Yes and I have 3 kids. mabe more in the very very far away future.
Contributor: sbon sbon
Definitely not! I hope that doesn't happen until I plan on it...
Contributor: minny minny
I have a beautiful, blonde hair, blue eyed almost 2 yr old son
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I have not been pregnant before, though I am on birth control and when I forget to take my pills we use condoms. Before I started birth control, I did have two condoms break, so I had to get the Plan B pill twice. I don't think that counts at all though.
Contributor: Phoenix713 Phoenix713
Originally posted by Sera
So, have you? Just curious!
No, but my wife has.
Contributor: lamira lamira
I'm so glad I've never been pregnant. I don't want kids.
Contributor: Latsyrc728 Latsyrc728
Not yet!