50,000 Reviews, we want your experiences!

Contributor: Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
I just got off the phone with a friend who I haven't spoken with in months. She couldn't get over how happy I sound and how my voice is so much more upbeat, etc. Finally, I told her that I am a "sex toy reviewer" after making sure she was sitting down and not eating or drinking. Its a good thing I warned her.

She laughed and laughed and laughed and then she was like, "You can't be. I mean...you're like the epitome of good...you're 'GOOD Peg' - you can't use sex toys like everyone else!".

By the time we got off the phone (I told her I was even into threesomes now - hubby and I will be having sex and the bunny will jump up on the bed beside us) - she was laughing at what I do -and in total shock.

Oh well - what can I say? Eden has totally changed my life!
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I literally stumbled on Eden while looking for something about two years ago; I placed my order and went about my merry way. About a year or so later, I was looking for another toy and there was Eden once again. I started clicking around the site and noticed a pop-up in the right-hand corner and didn't give it much thought until I went to check out. It was then that I noticed all of the really cool features on the site.

It immediately struck me as odd. Why would a company be so generous, especially an adult novelty store? Each day I would come back and visit and watch the points build and then I got involved in the forums and realized that the people here are generally well-rounded, like-minded individuals. And we all have one thing in common from the start---the desire to improve our sex lives with toys.

With each post, each comment, each review written and read, I found myself being sucked into a vortex of enriched socializing. Never have I seen an internet community go to such lengths to protect one another, inform one another or just put together fun activities to keep us interested.

I've become more confident in my ability to write well and deliver my points using my voice. I've met some amazing people and learned a ton of things I would have had to search multiple sources to find the answer for; and I've learned to become more tolerant.

Eden is the one place where I feel like each individual opinion and outlook on a product, situation or idea is just as valuable as the next person's. This is what makes the review community such an excellent resource for anyone with questions regarding healthy sex and product choices.

Most importantly, I think, is that reviewing products for Eden has allowed me to let go of some of the hang-ups that were holding me back in my relationship and my life in general. Day by day, I was growing more and more conservative in my views and ideas because I was surrounded by conservative people who would allow for nothing jovial, sexual in nature, or un-PC to be uttered in their presence. Eden gave me the launch pad to bring all of that back into my life and be proud of it.

Each and every user who has stood proudly and said "I don't care if they find my information, I don't care what they think," allowed me to reaffirm my own beliefs about expressing my sexuality and need to have a healthy sex life. Each response, each post was an addition to my backbone. And I will forever be grateful.
Contributor: Maiden Maiden
Originally posted by Jul!a
I love reading all of these stories!
Me too! Great coffee time reading first thing in the morning, or all day long. I should be cleaning something right now! lol
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by Jul!a
Hello everybody! As you may have heard by now, the community has reached a huge milestone; hitting 50,000 reviews! This is some pretty big stuff, and we wanted to celebrate this momentous occasion in a few different ways, all of them revolving around ... more
-What got you involved in reviewing to begin with?
I came across Eden Fantasys I think in a search on google and signed up and loved how friendly the entire community was and is to this day, so I decided to become part of the mentor program as a student of course and that's how I started reviewing products. This was my 1st time experiencing any sex toys or adult DVDs. I graduated in like February I think and have been doing great since then. If I have a question, I ask it and if I needed help with reviews, I went back to mentor program one time to get better with punctuation and grammar.

-What got you to keep reviewing?
The point system and how if you write 1 review a month, it's free for the product so how awesome is that? I actually review everything I order from here, so 1. I get more writing experience 2. I get more points 3. People can read more about the product they are wanting to buy than just the main page and 1 or 2 other reviews and 4. I enjoy writing reviews on everything I get, free or not.

-Who was your favorite reviewer when you started reviewing? Has that person changed?
I have a few favorite reviewers actually who I love to read their reviews. Sam (aka Julia) is one of them and Carrie Ann is the other.

-What was the best review that you've written? How about your worst?
My best would probably be the Cake lotion that I just wrote the other day which you can find here link My worst review was this one here is bubble bath link

-How has being a reviewer here affected your sex life? How about your life in general?
It has been better in some ways with some DVDs I have gotten from EF that he and I both enjoy on occassion, but in general it's helped me a lot with being part of the affiliate program as I can earn money by people using my banners from my blog which you can find here where I write new words for my review on EF - link I am very thankful for the community on here and the staff. What a blessing to be able to review different items for free in return for a written review.

-What's been your favorite part of the review program so far? What parts are you not as fond of?
I love the review program and my favorite part of it is that with each review I do, the better I get at writing. My least favorite part is that at the beginning in January I think, it was hard to start writing a review correctly until I figured it out better. Now it's awesome!
Contributor: IdyllWyld IdyllWyld
I got involved with Eden Fantasys by finding a post by someone on a website (a non adult site) that was talking about EF and how great it was. I decided to take a peek just because I am curious and once I got to looking around, I decided that I HAD to join just because the review program and huge variety of toys got my attention. I had a little experience with sex toys before but was still really unsure of what I liked and did not like or what was really out there to try. Because of Eden Fantasys, I have been allowed to explore what things work for me and what doesn't and that has allowed me to become more comfortable with myself and not feel so ashamed.

What got me to keep reviewing is trying to become a better writer and maybe lose some of the awkward shyness that I have. By writing reviews, I am able to express myself and talk about things I do not normally talk about. It also lets me educate people that are looking at my reviews as to what my personal experiences with a particular so they read what a real person that has used it thinks of it instead of just a few sentences by some company that is just interested in getting you to buy their products. Writing reviews still makes me nervous because I want to say the truth yet I don't want to sound like a complete idiot! I am always striving to be better at it and with each review I write, I improve even if it is just a little bit.
Contributor: Gary Gary
Originally posted by Selective Sensualist
I meant the reviews that state that the item was provided free of charge to the reviewer. If you look at the bottom of the review, you can tell whether the person bought the item him- or herself and just decided to write a review on it (which is not ... more
"It confuses me when the reviewer has a lower rank (below 5.0) yet is reviewing a more expensive item that was provided free of charge to them."

I think a lot of the time this is the result non-EF sponsored products / review assignments.
Contributor: Gary Gary
This thread is amazing! This is the Review Program Autobiography right here!
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I'm really enjoying reading this thread. I have a lot more thinking to do before I can even attempt to answer the questions, but the thread sure is a good read!
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
What got you involved in reviewing to begin with?
Well, it's kind of a funny story, actually. I was taking a college course, Intro to Women's Studies, or something along those lines, and this girl--beautiful girl, I had a huge crush on her came in with a huge box--another student asked her what it was, she said it was a product for review. I asked where she reviewed, and the rest is, as they say, history. I saw her again, a few months ago, and she said she no longer reviews--I guess I took up her mantle.

Who was your favorite reviewer when you started reviewing? Has that person changed?
Oh, I don't want to put anyone on the spot--but there were a few reviewers when I came in here that I thought to myself, "I want to be as well known as HER." I don't know that I feel differently--I still want to be as well known as all the same people--but in many ways it's changed from them being these kind of quasi-celebrities to just being those people on the forums that I know--but I've certainly added more people as I've gone along.

What was the best review that you've written? How about your worst?
Best review? That's so subjective! I think the review I'm most proud of (I'm always skirting the rules here, I suppose) is the review I did on the Hipster. I had such a hard time writing it, because I was so ambivalent about the product in the first place--I wrote the whole review out, and it just didn't feel like I'd written it. That's when I started adding the pictures, to make it more ME. I spent a lot of time trying to fix it, and I'm really proud of where it is. My worst review? Ack, there are definitely some reviews I'm not proud of. Hey, JR--can I rewrite them?
Contributor: DeliciousSurprise DeliciousSurprise
Originally posted by Selective Sensualist
I meant the reviews that state that the item was provided free of charge to the reviewer. If you look at the bottom of the review, you can tell whether the person bought the item him- or herself and just decided to write a review on it (which is not ... more
Perhaps it's being done as a buy-out? To the best of my recollection if you've done a buy-out review, it shows the same message as a fully free review.
Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Originally posted by DeliciousSurprise
Perhaps it's being done as a buy-out? To the best of my recollection if you've done a buy-out review, it shows the same message as a fully free review.
A buyout says something like the item was provided at a discounted price.
Contributor: Princess-Kayla ♥ Princess-Kayla ♥
The whole reason I found this site was because of a thread on a website when someone asked what everyone's favorite sex toy website was.
It took me forever to know that I was allowed to write reviews, and I remember my first couple were just awful. I tried to submit it, and it only ended up being like 100 words, and I was so outraged that I had to figure out how to get 300! Now the words just flow. It's awesome.
I've only been here since June, and I've advanced so much. Now I'm doing descriptive reviews, and I feel like I'm really making a difference!

EF really helped me discover more about myself, and my sexual wants. I'm so glad I discovered this site, and I'm so happy for the rest of you too!
Contributor: Kitka Kitka
-What got you involved in reviewing to begin with?
Let's see, I think a friend of mine mentioned that they do reviews on sex toys on fetlife.com (a social networking site for kinky folks) and I thought to myself that's exactly what I want to do. Review products and help people decide which toy is best for them based on great reviews and of course who doesn't love free toys? I was in love as soon as I signed up and started reviewing.

-What got you to keep reviewing?
I'm still fairly new having only joined up in October 2011, but I've stayed with it for the past month or two because I love the community and the sense of helping other people.

-Who was your favorite reviewer when you started reviewing? Has that person changed?
I don't know that I'd like to name who my favorite reviewer was/is but there are so many that are very helpful and pleasant people. They've all had a part in making this an awesome experience for me and I wish I could give them all hugs!

-What was the best review that you've written? How about your worst?
My best review would probably be Oh Icicles, How I Love Thee! and my worst was for the book Story of O. Sadly I couldn't even fix that one as I don't own the book anymore.

-How has being a reviewer here affected your sex life? How about your life in general?
Being a reviewer has added some excitement to my sex life but it's definitely made my solo masturbation times way more fun. So long boring fingers routine, hello toy options! In general life I'd say being a reviewer gave me something to look forward to or a sense of purpose, corny as that is it's true. I'm a stay at home mom and while I love doing what I do for my family it just has never really felt like enough. Reviewing definitely brightens my day and gives me something meaningful to do, after chores of course

-What's been your favorite part of the review program so far? What parts are you not as fond of?
My favorite part of the review program so far would have to be the friendliness of some of the other reviewers and free sex toys. The part I'm not so fond of is the fact that I don't have more money or a quick way to rack up points to get more stuff haha. Seriously, I love this site, it rocks!
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
-What got you involved in reviewing to begin with?
I remember stumbling across the site when shopping, and after purchasing a few times, saw the button on the home page for free toys/reviewing. My husband and I discussed it, and I decided to go for it. Back then you had to submit a writing sample, so my sample was a review for the Venus Butterfly II. It got approved, and then I got to pick my first assignment, the Sherbet.

-What got you to keep reviewing?
It was fun! Choosing products back then could be really interesting, but I got to try a lot of things I otherwise might not have. The rule was 1 assignment a month, and the price of the item depended on how many reviews you'd done.

-Who was your favorite reviewer when you started reviewing? Has that person changed?
Jimbo Jones, Carrie Ann, Sleeping Dreamer, and Dame Demi were some of my favorites.

-What was the best review that you've written? How about your worst?
Hard to say best and worst, but I will say one of my favorites was for the Peni-cake pan. I remember being asked, "you bake, right?" and getting the assignment. I had a blast making Jello and batter penises! That was the day I was trying out my Eroscillator too - so it was bake...eroscillate...b ake...eroscillate

-How has being a reviewer here affected your sex life? How about your life in general?
I think it's made my partner and I much more adventurous. We had tried a few things before, but reviewing has really helped us find what we like and what we don't, and also be willing to try out new items and expand our horizons. For life in general, I think it's made me be a bit more analytical of things.

-What's been your favorite part of the review program so far? What parts are you not as fond of?
My favorite part has been having the opportunity to try new items, and for reviews specifically, making videos. I'd have to ponder what I'm not terribly crazy about
Contributor: Flash777 Flash777
Originally posted by Jul!a
I love reading all of these stories!
Great stories
Contributor: bluekaren bluekaren
Before Eden I did not know much about sex toys. We had a bullet, a few dildos and a strap-on. I didn't know squat about phthlates or material options. I just knew I hated sticky, smelly toys. I had just about figured out that jelly was a bad material for me when I was approached to review a product on my website for Eden. Once I went to the Eden site I became hooked! A whole community of people like me and a place I could find real reviews for sex toys? Awesome! I found so many sexy people on this site. I was a bit over zealous at first and reviewed anything I could get my hands on. I joined every club and gained a lot of knowledge.

I now have it narrowed down to Eden Lit, Naked Reader, and the Porn Club. There just aren't enough hours in the day for everything. I enjoy reading the SexIs articles and the contributions to Eden Cafe. The best part about Eden is the community. I am now an advanced reviewer, ambassador, editor and mentor on the site. I believe in what Eden gives and I love to contribute, although my contribution seems small compared to what Eden has given me.

Before Eden my website was mostly about swinging, now my readers get to hear about how I have incorporated toys into my life. I can go the Eden website anytime night or day and find people to chat with, articles that interest me, forums to find opinions, polls to take... whatever! I can go to the manufacturer link and see more about the companies that make the toys I love. I have also met a whole bunch of other bloggers, like me, who write about sex and toys.

Eden has changed the whole direction of my website, it has increased my knowledge of sex toys and improved my love life. In reality I just mention the sex toys and it is a great way to break the ice with new people. My partner is reaping the benefits of all this, despite what I thought sex toys would do to my relationship. The sex is better than ever before! The swinging play time is better! The tools are sexier and I got some awesome new clothes thanks to Eden for date night! I have also introduced a whole bunch of new people to the world of Eden. I love that I can now call my friends and talk about toys I want or are reviewing.

I wonder now if any other company would have taken a chance on me. I wonder what my life would be like without Eden...It would be totally different.
I am so glad to be a part of Eden Fantasys!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
These are great stories so far guys!
Contributor: jedent jedent
sometimes if i don't think i'll be able to give something a good enough review, like with a food product, i'll take it to a photo shoot and when the models are signing their release forms, i'll ask if they'd like to try a sample.

one time it was kissable body paint. you better believe a few of those models tried it on each other! plus i got a super cool honest opinion and found words to describe the awful taste that were not previously in my vocabulary!
Contributor: buzzvibe buzzvibe
-What got you involved in reviewing to begin with?

Long story. A couple of years ago Fascinations had a home party program (think Pure Romance). It was free to join, you didn't have to buy a kit, you got a free web page for your customers to order online, they offered a 30% commission... anyway, I signed up for it. In an effort to promote my new home-based business selling sex toys, I started buzzvibe.blogspot.com. But the Fascinations website had very little product information. You had no clue what was in the lubes, there wasn't any information regarding toy materials, etc. so I found myself coming to EF to look that information up quite often. I soon started submitting reviews here. I gave up the home party thing after just one booking and decided I'd rather review instead.

-What got you to keep reviewing?

Getting free products to review and affiliate commission.

-What was the best review that you've written? How about your worst?

I haven't written my best review yet. My worst is probably any of the first few reviews I posted on my blog. They lack details and sound too much like ad copy.

-How has being a reviewer here affected your sex life? How about your life in general?

Being a reviewer has vastly improved my sex life in many ways, and therefore my life in general. I've learned a lot about my body, tried things I never would have considered before, and opened my mind.

-What's been your favorite part of the review program so far? What parts are you not as fond of?

I love getting the gift cards for video reviews. I struggle with review titles. Mine tend to be rather lame.
Contributor: Nashville Nashville
What got you involved in reviewing to begin with? I remember placing my first order and then getting a newsletter about how Eden was starting a reviewer program in 2007. I thought it would be a great opportunity to try toys I wouldn't previously considered. I was one of the FIRSTS, a pioneer of sorts. I can totally brag about that. I believe my first review was published September 26, 2007!

-What got you to keep reviewing? The opportunity to review toys no one had tried yet! It was always exciting being not only a reviewer but in some respects, a tester. I love being a lab rat.

-Who was your favorite reviewer when you started reviewing? Has that person changed? I loved Dame Demi. She was who we all aspired to be like, she'd pump out reviewers faster than anyone else in the community but she'd keep them informative and fresh.

-What was the best review that you've written? How about your worst?
The best? Hmm. Probably one of my pony play ones. I got to hop on a genre previously unexplored here at Eden. The worst? Definitely one of my firsts! I have a few bad ones that it's hard to choose just one. lol

-How has being a reviewer here affected your sex life? How about your life in general? It kept us participating in the bedroom. Much of my time spent at Eden, my husband and I were going through infertility treatments- even when we wanted to stop having sex altogether, the toys that constantly came kept us intimate. They made us continue having sex, exploring our sexuality and sensuality, and kept us connected. They helped out marriage survive one of the hardest things we had to face as a couple. Then we finally conceived our daughter in 2010 and I had to stop having sex and using toys completely due to pelvic rest. It was an abrupt end to my participation in the community but the start of my new life and I'm so happy. It was a sacrifice I made gladly and I wouldn't change a thing.

-What's been your favorite part of the review program so far? What parts are you not as fond of? I loved the lab rat part Getting stuck was the worst. I had a few toys that I just have to dig really deep from a place I didn't know existed in order to pump something out. Sometimes I produced something so shittastic I was embarrassed for it to be published but hey, some toys just don't float your boat.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
What got you involved in reviewing to begin with?
I stumbled upon Edenfantasys while looking for an Njoy toy online. I hung around because I liked reading the reviews and loved the forum. But I didn't start reviewing for about four or five months. I was very nervous about trying it. I thought I couldn't write. Another member who no longer hangs around here talked me into trying to write my first one.

What got you to keep reviewing?
I loved it! I loved the toys, and trying new things, and most of all writing. I also really love helping others, and I feel that a well written review can really help others decide what toys are right for them or not.

Who was your favorite reviewer when you started reviewing? Has that person changed?
Dame Demi and Sammi were my favorites, and they still are. But there have been many excellent reviewers that have come along that I enjoy reading their reviews as well, and trust their opinions and honesty.

What was the best review that you've written? How about your worst?
My favorite reviews were the ones where I was having fun with them, writing a story or something along those lines. I would say "The Lady and the Ramp" that I wrote for the Liberator Ramp was one of my best. But I also really enjoyed writing "You're My Obsession" for the Eroscillator, and "Goes from Zero to OMG in 6 seconds" for the Xtreme Pack. The ones I think were my worst are the negative reviews. I hate writing those.

How has being a reviewer here affected your sex life? How about your life in general?
It has totally revolutionized our sex life! The whole Edenfantasys experience has. We've had so much fun trying all these different things. We've talked more about sex than ever. For instance, I had no idea my husband was interested in trying pegging. And I love how I can come here and ask anything sexually related and get really helpful answers. As far as my life in general, oh boy! I found out I can write, and that I like it. I've written articles for both Eden Cafe and SexIs magazine. I found out that I really love editing. I've made many great friends. I have learned more since I turned 50 than I had in the previous 49 years. I could go on and on about the benefits of this place and what it's meant to me. But I'll just say thank you so much Edenfantasys for all of this!

What's been your favorite part of the review program so far? What parts are you not as fond of?
Actually my favorite part of the review program is having all these reviews to read when I'm interested in a toy. I still do that. There was a toy recently I thought I wanted to buy, but after reading the reviews I realized it wasn't going to be right for me. I really can't think of anything that I'm not fond of the program.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
My husband bought my first sex toy for me. One night, I was very tired, as we were preparing for Christmas and I heard his familiar "I've got something for you." as I lay down in bed. And I thought, "Oh, no. Not tonight. I'm too tired." (Yeah, me. I was really tired.) The next thing I knew, he thrust a Doc Johnson Sil-A-Gel realistic vibrating dildo into my hand! I screamed, threw it at him and ran downstairs to cry alone on the couch.

He apologized, and said he "thought I wanted one" and reminded me that my previous hair trigger orgasm was getting harder and harder to get to. I apologized for freaking and asked him to take the toy back to the store. "Uh, babe. They won't take it back."

So, it sat in a drawer. Sometimes I thought about it. One night I was having a hard time with my first orgasm of the session and was still thinking about that "thing" in the drawer and said, "What the hell? Get that thing and let's see what happens." It actually helped, but I wasn't crazy about the smell, but I could orgasm more easily with the toy. (I knew nothing about safe materials, or that there were different types of sex toys, or really anything at all about toys. I was an "All Skin" girl and had only thought about using a sex toy in my darkest fantasies. Certainly not in real life.) I realized we were on to something helpful and good.

I wanted to replace the stinky Sil-A-Gel toy we had, and he said he'd be happy to buy me whatever I wanted. So, I went on a search, did some research about materials, motors, manufacturers etc and bought a few new toys from a competitor of Eden.

The toys were good, but I wanted to talk about my new experiences and gain knowledge about this new stage in our long sex life. I found some very immature sex talk sites and one day stumbled upon Eden. I was probably the only person here who didn't know about the free toys I just wanted to share my experiences with my Wahl and some other things, so I wrote my first review my first day here. I had written reviews for everything from books to breastfeeding supplies to children's amusement parks, but never got much feed back, even when I wrote a few short reviews for other sites before. Eden was open and happy to read my review, and I felt my efforts were being rewarded and actually helping other people find things to help their sex lives.

My first review went live and was a featured review that week, and I found the discussion board and felt at home almost immediately.

Of course, I do and did have "favorite" reviewers, but I'll keep that to myself, because I don't want hurt feelings or to leave anybody out.

I learned the way the reviews were to be written, although I never joined the Mentor program (as either a student or as a reviewer) and took my time with each review. I still take my time and never rush a review. (Not even during "Double Points" week. ) The point system and the free toys just seemed like icing on the cake of an already great experience.

My Man thought it was funny that I was reviewing sex toys, but he was happy that I was happy, and we found our sex life (which was more than 20 years in the making at that point) growing stronger. Being out of work was a bit of a drag, and I felt that I had "work" to do getting up each morning after getting my youngest child off to school and get on with the Business of Eden. I kept writing reviews because I wanted to let people know about great toys I found, but also about the ones that were not so great, as well as some that may work for others, but weren't perfect for me.

I think the best review I've written was Mark, It's Not You, It's Me about the O2 Mark dildo. I wanted to like this toy, and it was just a little too small for me, but a funny insightful review poured out of me one morning (after using it again) while I was getting dressed. Of course, my first review about my beloved Wahl The Mixmaster holds a special place in my heart. It may not be my best review, but it was certainly heartfelt.

I seem to be able to write funnier reviews about products I don't care for as much, for some reason. I guess you can have fun with them, without trashing the product completely.

For a while I really enjoyed doing videos for toys. I put my heart and soul into picking out music, backgrounds, editing, making the credits etc. However, I have had my middle child home (with a part time job) since May when she graduated college and my little one home during the summer, so until the middle one goes to Grad School in January, my video review ability is on hold. Also, working a new job will be cutting into my time here, also.

I really enjoy being an editor. So many times, I've read a review and thought, "That could have been cleaned up a little and it would read a lot easier." With the Task Program, I can edit reviews of newer reviewers and hopefully do a good job while helping them get their point across more succinctly and understandably.

And, like most Eden reviewers, not much is as exciting as getting one of those boxes in the mail, or UPS, knowing that untold pleasures await My Man and I that evening.....
Contributor: SimpleTeaser SimpleTeaser
Originally posted by Jul!a
Hello everybody! As you may have heard by now, the community has reached a huge milestone; hitting 50,000 reviews! This is some pretty big stuff, and we wanted to celebrate this momentous occasion in a few different ways, all of them revolving around ... more
I'm not a reviewer on Eden. However, I do blog for Eden on my personal blog. Since blogging for this company, I've been able to experience a side of myself with my husband that I never knew existed.

Still, I'm a bit shy in the bedroom when using some of the products and I'm hoping to get over this as I started introducing these types of products a long time ago. Every gift certificate goes towards something new and interesting that we could try! I especially love my teddy, it's the first Teddy that I've ever felt comfortable wearing.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
Originally posted by SimpleTeaser
I'm not a reviewer on Eden. However, I do blog for Eden on my personal blog. Since blogging for this company, I've been able to experience a side of myself with my husband that I never knew existed.

Still, I'm a bit shy in the ... more
That's awesome! I think the blog side of the review program is great as well!
Contributor: leatherlover leatherlover
I don't know how I first found Eden, but when I did, all I did was place an order for the Tantus VIP, some rings for a strap-on kit, and one other thing. Then at least 6 more months went by before I came back to Eden. When I came back, at first I just found some articles on toys, materials, BDSM, and so on, and read those. Then one night I was surfing around, and discovered that I could write reviews, read other peoples reviews for toys, there was the forum, and I could earn points for my activities. At that point, I was hooked, and I haven't left Eden since. This was October of 2010.

My first few reviews, I will admit, were horrible, since I hadn't read any before. I just wrote 2 or 3 short paragraphs, and thought it was good enough. My worst review was for the triple orgasm erection enhancer, and it was my 6th review. After that review is when I really learned what needed to be included in a review. I joined the mentor program, even though I was already an advanced reviewer. I wanted to make sure I knew what to include, and after a few reviews, I graduated. I have now gone on the write almost 60 reviews, and I still have 10 products at home to review, with another 10 on the way from an order I placed today.

While the forums are great, especially the new product threads, my favorite part of the site are the reviews. I read over the new reviews every day, and vote on every one I read. A lot of the time I will see new products I didn't know about, and I add them to my wish list. The reviews have definitely affected my sex life, because since I came to this site, my wife and I have added a lot of different products to our collection. We just got our first stainless steel toy, which wasn't a huge success. But glass toys, which all came from Eden, have been well accepted by my wife, along with dual density silicone toys. There is just such a large collection of toys from Eden, and you can feel safe ordering from here without worrying about getting ripped off.

A few months ago I became an editor, and I have been very happy with being able to contribute back to the community. I have also become a mentor, and I have my first student in class right now. I have quite a few reviewers that I follow closely, looking for every new review that they post.

The only thing that disappoints me with the review program is just went you work really hard on a review, read over it, make sure its great, and then don't get any votes at all for it. I know at some point someone is going to read it when looking at a product, but it is just an initial disappointment.

Overall, Eden has been a great addition to our sex life, and I can't wait to be here for 100k reviews. I'll contribute a few more next week.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
Originally posted by Jul!a
Hello everybody! As you may have heard by now, the community has reached a huge milestone; hitting 50,000 reviews! This is some pretty big stuff, and we wanted to celebrate this momentous occasion in a few different ways, all of them revolving around ... more
I am very thankful to be a reviewer with EF. It's been a great experience, and I really appreciate everyone's commitment to being honest about their experiences in and out of the bedroom too.