In the Pink

Pink Water is a very nice slick lube with a feel similar to, but not exactly like silicone. The bottle is cute enough to leave out in the open and a wonderful easy to use dispenser.
Glycerin free, nice consistency.
Slight smell and taste, does contain parabens.
Rating by reviewer:
useful review
I had heard such good things about Pink Water and loved how cute the bottle looked that, even though I really didn't need another bottle of lubricant, I decided to give it a try. And I'm glad I did, it is a very nice lube.

First of all, as I said the bottle is very cute. It looks like a pretty lotion bottle. I liked the idea of having a lube that I could leave out on my dresser. That way if I need it I don't have to go digging into the dresser to find it at an inopportune moment. Another wonderful convenience is the pump top. Just push down on the top however many times you need to dispense the right amount. No need to uncap and recap the bottle, which means no spills either. I personally only need one pump because I feel a little goes a long way with this. There is a pretty blue outer cap that goes over the pump, but I don't use it and it's really not necessary.

So onto the lube. Pink Water is a very nice slick lube with a feel similar to, but not exactly like silicone. It has a slightly thick consistency, but not too thick. There is a slight smell but it's not a bad one, and a very slight taste from the aspartame. It does get a tiny bit tacky on the dry down but once completely dry it seems to disappear completely and leaves no residue. So jumping up and washing off immediately is not necessary but when you finally do get around to it, Pink Water washes off very easily.

Pink Water contains no glycerin but does have some parabens. It also contains
gingseng, aloe vera, avena sativa & gurana, which they claim adds moisturizing and aphrodisiac properties. I'm can't really say I noticed it doing either. But this is a very nice lube. Not necessarily my favorite, but it's pretty high up there on my list. For me it seems to work best using it with my toys. Mainly because I prefer either no lube or a very natural one for intercourse. I did not, and probably will not use it for anal play.

This lubricant comes in three different sizes. I bought the largest one because it just seemed like the best deal per ounce. But at any size, the price is very reasonable.

While I wouldn't say this is my favorite lube, I would say that I do like it and probably will replace it once it runs out.
Follow-up commentary
I have been using this quite a bit more often lately. And I still really do like it. I will buy more when it runs out. But it still takes 2nd place to my all time favorite.

I think the reason this is getting more use is that it is a bit more economical without compromising on quality and what I need out of a lube.

Really the only thing that puts in in 2nd place and gives it 4 stars in my book is that it's a little bit thicker than what I like. So if you like a slightly thicker lube then this my just be perfect for you.
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  • Contributor: ? Amanda ?
    The bottle is adorable, and I don't think anyone would know the difference unless they wanted to know what lotion you use. I like this one, and I think I need to get some. I hate, like you, having to dig for my lube, and also hate putting it in my nightstand to find it leaked all over everything and I have yet another empty bottle of lube.
  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Thanks mrsthomasjohnson! Yes it is a good lube and looks cute sitting out on the nightstand or dresser.
  • Contributor: Sammi
    This is one I can't try due to the aspartame, but glad it worked for you!
  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Thanks Sammi! What is it about aspartame? I know I can't drink it but curious about it being in a lube besides the fact that I notice the taste.
  • Contributor: Mistress Mandy
    The only other time anyone would know that its a bottle of lube and not lotion or perfume, is if they use it themselves. In which case they'd probably just ask what you think of it. Smile
  • Contributor: Britni TheVadgeWig
    I love this lube. I actually find the taste to be fairly pleasant. Sweet (I'm sure because of the aspertame).

    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: removedacnt
    Thanks Mandy and Britni!
  • Contributor: razmataz
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: lemony
    Good review!
  • Contributor: IndependentlyHappy
    Thanks for the review!
  • Contributor: deltalima
    Thanks for sharing
Discussion Posts Last Update
packaging 38
Compared to the silicone version 2
Length? 7
Best Non-sticky Lubricant 3
sticky lube 3
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