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Feminish: Sex Pozzies

By Loretta Lime (some rights reserved;
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Think feminists don't like sex? Think again. One feminist's discovery of sex positivism.


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Contributor: SneakersAndPearls

I still don't know that I would call myself a feminist since everyone has a different idea of what that entails. I'll just call myself a thinking and fair human being. How's that?

Contributor: Livia Drew

Fair point, Sneakers. Every movement has its dividing points. For instance, there are some people who identify as Republican or Democrat but who may disagree with the party's stance on certain fiscal or social policies. I simply came to the personal conclusion that by not calling what I believe "feminism" (despite the fact that many feminists believe as I do), I was in that very act limiting what could be feasibly called feminism.

I, unlike some others, do not believe this means it is time for the name of "feminism" to change. The term itself is historic and represents a lot of progress in a very short period of time. To think that, many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were not allowed to vote is staggering. Even today, some of the same gender gaps are present that elicit such a strongly negative response when viewed in another historical context (take the TV show Mad Men for instance and the historic women's issues the show portrays).

Issues of women's rights still even come up in presidential debates, and still, in these debates, many of the important questions go unanswered by some of the great political minds of our time. We have, of course, solved some of these issues long ago and have a whole retinue of new ones to address as we grow as a society. These issues include how we view birth control, for one, but also how we view minority women or women who choose not to work. Both of these groups of women have traditionally been neglected or straight-out degraded by past waves of feminism, but both have a huge role in the contemporary feminist movement and making sure the goals and practices of feminism continue to move forward.

I respect your stance, Sneakers, and anyone else who chooses not to label themselves as a feminist. I've learned that the choice not to call oneself a feminist can be the product of much thought. These are just additional thoughts that I've found crucial to my own thoughtful and fair analysis--not meant to convert or insult but merely to inform.

Contributor: SneakersAndPearls

Don't get me wrong. I'm not insulted. (Ok, I found the first line of the article a little insulting.) It's just not something I feel comfortable labeling myself as at this point in my life. Maybe it will change later, maybe it won't. I'm all for equality, women's rights, birth control, equal pay, having a vote, the choice of whether to work or stay home, and everything else along those lines. You could make the argument that those thoughts, by default, make me a feminist. Other people may look at parts of my life and declare me a bad feminist, or not a feminist at all. I do believe in equality, though, but something about the term "feminist" feels wrong when applied to me. Something about it just doesn't quite seem to fit. Maybe it's because there is so much disagreement about what feminism truly means, even among what you may call "core feminists." For these, among other reasons, I hesitate to label myself as a feminist. What kind of bothers me, though, is when people confuse not identifying as feminist and being sexist, woman haters, or unintelligent. They're not the same thing.



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