Roland Hulme,
Jul. 16, 2012
A court ruling in Germany last month saw the practice of infant circumcision restricted throughout the city of Cologne, after police were alerted to a Muslim child who was bleeding seriously following a botched circumcision.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Jul. 16, 2012
When did we start calling our private parts ‘junk’?
Jul. 13, 2012
If you stay together with someone long enough in a loving relationship with sex involved, I figure you will eventually run up against one of those “surprise moments.”
Jul. 10, 2012
Imagine a world where true, pure love was between two men, and two men only? Or if a man had genuine love for a woman, beyond reproduction, he was in some way seen as inferior? A world where the most sacred relationships were bonds between a teacher and his disciple, where these two men would be together in all ways: intellectually, spiritually, and sexually?
Jul. 10, 2012
This month, our parent company EdenFantasys is celebrating 10 sexy years of business! To honor the anniversary, we asked the EdenFantasys Community to tell us what being a member of our community has done for them. This is what sktb0007 had to say.
Jul. 09, 2012
Culture dictates that women dress all sexy-like to tantalize and entice their men when they’re headed to bed. The fellas? Not so much.
Roland Hulme,
Jul. 09, 2012
The University of Minnesota, Duluth (UMD) is sponsoring a bold new advertising campaign aimed at achieving racial justice by raising awareness of “white privilege.” But is this campaign a positive measure? Or just as racist as the issues it claims to highlight?
Jul. 06, 2012
There is an amazing thrill to doing that “new thing.” I remember the first time I stepped on stage, the first time I kissed a boy, the first time I kissed a girl, the first time I kissed someone’s boots, the first time I was spanked to tears…
Jul. 05, 2012
A recent study on body image shows overweight people who lose weight find themselves still lingering in the “fat” mindset. Another reports people view those who lose a lot of weight in a more negative light than even overweight people who maintain a stable weight. What, then, is the point of losing weight?
Jul. 03, 2012
Why does society pressure us to label and define our sexuality?
Jul. 02, 2012
I was recently on a business trip and had an afternoon to kill and went to a museum for a change of pace. As I was walking around all of the great pieces of art, I noticed something. Back in the Renaissance people were not afraid to have everything hanging out and on view to the world.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Jul. 02, 2012
Pulling myself up by my bra straps and facing fear – that’s the greatest reward thus far from my journey stepping toward the edges of human intimacy.
Jun. 29, 2012
Imagine you’re just meeting someone new. It could be in person at a party, someone you bump into while going about your daily business, on a first date, or it could be on an online dating or social networking site.
Jun. 28, 2012
Many men and women report oral as being their favourite sexual act, if not at least enjoying it quite a bit. Oral sex is one of the most common ways of being able to make a woman orgasm, as it gives her partner much more control over the type of stimulation and the exact spots to hit to pleasure her.
Roland Hulme,
Jun. 26, 2012
Will rapid, affordable and anonymous HIV testing help quash the HIV crisis?
Jun. 26, 2012
Recently, I read an article discussing whether or not gender equality had changed the rules on who should pay on a date. Like the author, I also grew up thinking that when I was older and dating, the man would automatically pay for the first date, and probably any future dates. It was his responsibility assigned to him by gender, right?
Roland Hulme,
Jun. 25, 2012
“Thinspiration” – images meant to inspire anorexics in their pursuit of skinniness – are no doubt dangerous. But is the pursuit of “acceptance” for being dangerously overweight any better?
Jun. 22, 2012
I grew up poor in New York City, so my relationship to nature is…tenuous, at best.
Roland Hulme,
Jun. 20, 2012
Scientists say they have identified the “gay gene” – but is that a good thing or not?
The Bloggess,
Jun. 20, 2012
Yesterday, I was watching Star Wars for the 8,000th time and I realized that with a little creative trimming and some strong imagination, Star Wars could make some pretty great erotica. Better than 50 Shades of Grey, at least.
Lilith Bealove,
Jun. 19, 2012
So many erotic novels make becoming aroused out to be some simple, five-second thing. Us girls know the truth. Here's a handy guide to the different types of lube you can use for... well, whatever!
Dorian Darque,
Jun. 15, 2012
Seminars on sex as healing, as transcendent joy, as an act of magic, as a way of communing intimately with the Earth, in film, therapy and pleasured practice highlighted the recent 11th annual Conference of Sexuality and Consciousness, presented by the International School of Temple Arts and held in the New Age colony of Sedona and in Camp Verde, AZ.
Jun. 14, 2012
Should men still be held responsible and expected to shoulder the financial burdens? Even in such small things as paying for the first meal?
Jessica Elizabeth,
Jun. 13, 2012
What happens when your dream doesn’t run along side your lover’s?
Jun. 11, 2012
I’ve never lived or worked on a farm, but I’ve choked many a chicken. Never played one of those Indian flutes while wearing a turban, but I’ve charmed a snake thousands of times. Never worked at a BDSM-friendly water park, but I’ve been known to frequently flog the dolphin.
Roland Hulme,
Jun. 11, 2012
On Monday, opening arguments in the trial of former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky began – and one of Judge John Cleland’s more controversial rulings in the case was the order that accusers use their real names during testimony.
Jun. 08, 2012
I remember holding my boyfriend’s hand in high school. There were ways our fingers fit, over and under, woven together, that felt right, and other ways that just felt…weird.
Jun. 05, 2012
The evening news comes on to report about the protests in New York – the 1% protests. The reporter clutches her microphone as she gestures with her other arm at the crowds behind her with a serious and solemn expression.
Lady J,
Jun. 01, 2012
My second trimester started out with a bang. Two, to be exact.
Roland Hulme,
May. 31, 2012
In recent months, there’s been no shortage of controversy over the topic of breastfeeding.
May. 31, 2012
National student loan debt has surpassed $1 trillion, topping credit card debt for the first time and has prompted new calls for a student debt bailout. At the same time, marriage and birthrates are falling, while the average age people tie the knot is inching ever upward.
Roland Hulme,
May. 28, 2012
In the United States, a woman can have an abortion with or without the consent of the unborn baby’s father. Is that how it should be?
May. 25, 2012
Few of us are able to live an openly kinky lifestyle around the clock and under all circumstances. The pressures of what many call “vanilla” life, but what I prefer to refer to as the “Default World”, are overwhelming at times.
Rydell Johnson,
May. 25, 2012
Even if you take nothing else from this recap of our experience with the FixSation Couple’s Vibe, do yourself a huge solid and tend to this one golden nugget of guidance: After you’ve charged the device, but way before you intend to use it (way before), study the enclosed instruction card and properly fasten the vibrating mechanism to the included “panties.”
Ava Darke,
May. 23, 2012
I confess that I have trouble sleeping if I don’t have an orgasm that night. It usually doesn’t even matter if I got off in the morning, or if we had sex four hours before bedtime. If my body has already gotten over the endorphins, I have trouble sleeping.
Roland Hulme,
May. 21, 2012
One of the most talked-about cases last year was the tragic story of Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, who threw himself to his death from the George Washington Bridge after his roommate, Dharun Ravi, set up a webcam to clandestinely broadcast Clementi’s intimate encounters to his fellow students.
May. 18, 2012
Should we take back the word “slut” or just do away with it entirely?
Roland Hulme,
May. 17, 2012
Two bits of news hit the headlines this week, and together, they raise alarming questions about how best to tackle the HIV/AIDS crisis.
May. 17, 2012
With all of this drag queen love emanating from gay and straight circles, you have to wonder: Why aren’t drag kings being embraced with equal excitement?
Roland Hulme,
May. 14, 2012
When it comes to introducing sex positive ideas and concepts to mainstream America, are we “setting the mood” for a failure of communication?
May. 11, 2012
Among the more persistent illusions non-kink identified people have about the pervert milieu is that we kinksters live in some sort of rarified place where protocols reign supreme, and those who would call themselves masters lounge about being waited on by doting droves of swooning slaves.
May. 10, 2012
Age play is a sexual or non-sexual role-play activity in which those role-playing get into the mindset of a younger or older person. Role-playing as a younger person seems more common, however.
Roland Hulme,
May. 09, 2012
Some seem to think so.
May. 09, 2012
I’ve never really been all that keen on telling people in anger or irritation to bite me. Not sure why. Maybe it’s because I’ve always known deep down it didn’t make much sense. After all, the implication tends to be that the offender should bite the offended person’s naughty bits.
Tinamarie Bernard,
May. 08, 2012
If you can’t remember the last time you made out on a hard surface because you were too aroused to wait, then it’s time you reacquaint with your sexual selfish side.
Lady Neshamah,
May. 07, 2012
How do you set the mood for a night in the park? Lady Dream Kitten’s way might surprise you!
May. 03, 2012
So this month’s theme here at SexIs is all about expressions of love. I think the most obvious way to show your love for someone is to tell them. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the hardest things to do as well.
May. 02, 2012
Can making the decision not to have children be an expression of love?
Roland Hulme,
Apr. 30, 2012
As the author of a column called “Devil’s Advocate” I’m no stranger to causing controversy, but I was genuinely astonished that what I thought was an innocent comment ended up “offending” so many people when I posted it on Facebook.
Roland Hulme,
Apr. 30, 2012
Activists are hopeful numbers will reach heights of more well-known parades within five years.
Apr. 26, 2012
Sometimes it’s the simplest things in life that bring about the greatest joy, and I consider selfless acts of love to be the best expression of love that anyone can ever receive.
Apr. 25, 2012
Apr. 20, 2012
I should love smexy, but I can’t. The portmanteau word is like a hideous chimera made from two beautiful species of animals that never should have mated.
Apr. 19, 2012
So, how does an open relationship begin? And is it just a case of “Hi, we’re swingers.” and you’re having sex with someone else? Here’s Smokedawg’s story.
Liz Langley,
Apr. 19, 2012
Well, it worked on South Park.
The Bloggess,
Apr. 18, 2012
Sometimes when I can’t think of a good topic to write about for my sex column I just turn to Cosmo, the holy grail of sex talk. I choose a headline at random and I try to write the article based on my personal knowledge without peeking at the answers.
Apr. 17, 2012
How do you express your love for your spouse? Maybe a surprise gift when they’re not expecting it? Or doing a chore they usually handle? Or a trip to the Caribbean?
Roland Hulme,
Apr. 16, 2012
Whether you stand for Trayvon Martin, or the neighborhood watchman who shot him, your arguments likely mirror those of “rape apologists.”
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 16, 2012
Have you heard the word? EdenFantasys and Evolved Novelties are joining up for another inspiring collaberation: One Toy One Tree. From now through April 23rd, every Evolved toy you purchase will result in our joint donation of one tree to Plantabillion.org.
Apr. 12, 2012
Guess what! We found a number of articles from our month of Sexy YOUs that never made it to our pages. We figured since you guys enjoyed this topic so much, we’d go ahead and share. First up, GoddessEden tells us how she keeps her goddess from starving.
Apr. 11, 2012
“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.”
– Henry Van Dyke, 1852-1933
Apr. 10, 2012
There is a lot of talk about the importance of self love, and I’m not just talking about masturbation. How many times have you heard the following platitudes (often when you’re single and miserable, and wish people would just shut up):
Tinamarie Bernard,
Apr. 09, 2012
Studies about how the nose weighs in on mating also have the potential to uncover the workings of some of our most primitive mating behaviors. Which can go a long way in explaining how we sometimes we find ourselves in the strange predicament of being aroused by a “Beast”.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Apr. 06, 2012
Just what is it about strap-on blow jobs that turns people on?
Tori Rebel,
Apr. 05, 2012
My journey was not the most common, but I believe it made me the best I can be. It was an odd progression of finding my own way early on, dotted with self-education, and topped off with a healthy dose of rigid, formal education.
Apr. 04, 2012
I tried incorporating things into the sexual activities with my lost love. He unenthusiastically obliged and never gave it any full effort. It’s not something I want to ever feel like someone is doing only to satisfy me. I want them to do it because they enjoy it, as well.
Liz Langley,
Apr. 03, 2012
Friends of an abortion clinic landlord rally to protest pro-life protesters who harrassed the man’s daughter at her school.
Roland Hulme,
Apr. 02, 2012
Don Draper is a role model for millions of American men – but is that why we’ve become increasingly unhappy in love?
Mar. 30, 2012
I hate negotiation for scenes. Seriously. Way to just suck all of the magic and romance and mystery and spontaneity out of what is supposed to be a sexual act. Yeah, yeah. I know it’s all supposed to be consensual and shit. But this is ridiculous. “May I?’ “Is this OK?” “Do you mind if we…” I mean, fuck.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 30, 2012
Kat Shanahan,
Mar. 29, 2012
I don’t know what changed, but in 2005, I decided that even if I couldn’t come out to my family, I had to come out to someone. I had to try it out. I had to say the words, at least.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Mar. 29, 2012
As her understanding of gender and sexuality have transformed, the author realizes that it’s going to take more than an understanding of biology to answer an age old question: Is it a boy or a girl?
Mar. 28, 2012
None of that is what makes me feel sexy. Yes, I love sexy lingerie, and relaxing, but that’s not what makes me feel at my sexiest. The number one thing that makes me feel the sexiest is when I am with my friends having a good time.
Liz Langley,
Mar. 28, 2012
Lawmakers assert brothels are safer for prostitutes.
Mar. 27, 2012
We all have our preconceived notions of what sexy is like. Quick, when you think of sexy, what comes into your mind? Is it a candlelight dinner, bubble bath, lingerie, roses, or maybe satin sheets?
Mar. 26, 2012
I’ve been hearing a lot about the fat acceptance movement. Many people are touting it, and it seems that if you suggest that many people in the United States (and elsewhere, especially in the Western world) are overweight and that it’s a bad thing overall, it makes you a discriminatory, judgmental jerk.
Liz Langley,
Mar. 23, 2012
“They were struck by the beautiful mountains, the clean and clear fresh air and were having a few cocktails, and so threw caution to the wind.”
Mar. 22, 2012
There are some things that are sexy that have nothing to do with sex. The sight of a man tenderly holding his baby is sexy, don’t you think? How about a woman mechanic working on your car? I think a lot of people find intelligence sexy. The librarian wearing glasses, with one strand of hair out of place, helping you find just the right book.
Mar. 22, 2012
I know I’ve said this before. I don’t generally find one thing about girls sexiest. I don’t go just for legs, ass, or tits. I am a guy who likes the whole body.
Mar. 21, 2012
I’m not going to be a jackass and say that being beautiful is easy. Few things worth doing in life are easy. But it doesn't take nearly as much work as you might think. Well, in my opinion, anyway. All guys might not agree with me, but I think more do than you women might think.
Lady Neshamah,
Mar. 21, 2012
Who doesn’t love to learn new things? Education is uber sexy. So Lady Dream Kitten thought she’d educate us on V-point relationships.
Mar. 20, 2012
Do men feel sexy? What does it for them? Our friend AHubbyof2SexualMinds gives us his opinion.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 19, 2012
It’s the last day of our 3YRSEXIS promotion (25% off at checkout with coupon code 3YRSEXIS), and with it comes our final recap of SexIs in years past. The media can play a crucial role in our opinions, at times. Here’s what our authors had to say about Sex in the Media.
Roland Hulme,
Mar. 19, 2012
When one sex blogger cried copyright foul, it highlighted the daily hypocrisy she and other sex bloggers exhibit in thieving other people’s intellectual property. Copyright infringement, without a doubt, is unsexy.
Mar. 16, 2012
What’s so sexy about submission anyway? Why do people do it? How can someone enjoy pleasing someone else all the time without getting their needs met in return? Mollena has the answer.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 15, 2012
In honor of our third anniversary, we thought we’d dredge up some of our awesome past. We’ve got so many posts in our archive that meant so much to us – and we hope to you! – and shouldn’t be forgotten. So over the next couple weeks, we’ll be sharing some excerpts with you.
Mar. 15, 2012
How have we slipped so far so fast, with perhaps more backsliding to come? On the face of it, that doesn't make sense, even with so many cranky and fascist old white guys in leadership positions in the local, state and federal government despite men being only half the population.
Mar. 13, 2012
It can be hard to feel good about yourself when you don’t see much diversity in the body types and appearances of people deemed “sexy” by the mainstream media. So I decided to take matters into my own hands by working with several talented photographers to create my own sexy photos!
Tinamarie Bernard,
Mar. 12, 2012
The author contemplates if we are “one step closer to saying good-bye to an era when simply being a woman is treated as a preexisting condition” as Senator Barbara Mikulski stated, or heading into the equivalent of the sexual dark ages in our own civilized backyards?
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Mar. 09, 2012
Gender is, for many folks, a deal-breaker and a key alignment on which they seek partners, but it’s not the only factor. Power, kink interests, cultural familiarities, spiritual beliefs, common values—there are lots of things to consider. Get your shit together, own your orientations because they are legitimate and real and wonderful, and you’ll have interest.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 08, 2012
In honor of our third anniversary, we thought we’d dredge up some of our awesome past. We’ve got so many posts in our archive that meant so much to us – and we hope to you! – and shouldn’t be forgotten. So over the next couple weeks, we’ll be sharing some excerpts with you.
Mar. 08, 2012
This month, our parent company, EdenFantasys, wants to know what is sexy TO YOU or what makes YOU feel sexy. So, we asked our columnists and contributors to help kick-start the discussion here on SexIs. Serenesub knows her curves are sexy and that's sexy in and of itself!
Mar. 07, 2012
AndroAngel's acceptance of their “imperfections” is definitely sexy!
Mar. 06, 2012
AHubbyof2SexualMidns finds his wife’s confidence in her sexuality sexy!
Roland Hulme,
Mar. 05, 2012
There's so much more to being sexy than just body image. Here's what Roland concentrated on when he decided to get his sexy back.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 05, 2012
Mar. 02, 2012
The rituals and emotional trips and triggers of BDSM have deep resonance for some, and not for others. And it is all good, so long as, when you come together to play, you are all reading the same fucking playbook.
Tucker Cummings,
Feb. 29, 2012
As we’ve covered in past articles, Game of Thrones is a TV show rich with sex scenes, many of them involving prostitution. But Thrones isn’t the first TV series to showcase characters in the world's oldest profession. In fact, prostitutes have been portrayed on television since at least the 1950s.
Feb. 28, 2012
Is play really just for children? Does that even make sense? Adults like to have fun, too!
Feb. 27, 2012
Finding a way to get consent in the middle of a really hot make-out session can sometimes kill the mood. Why not make it part of the foreplay?
Feb. 24, 2012
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Feb. 24, 2012
Feb. 23, 2012
You hear about kids growing up just like their parents. What about their sexuality?
Feb. 22, 2012
Ever wonder what a LGBT- AND family-friendly burger joint would look like? Hamburger Mary’s is the answer.
Liz Langley,
Feb. 22, 2012
All eyes are on Virginia as their government decides whether or not to state-sanction rape.
Feb. 21, 2012
Are designer sex toys the new designer stilettos?
Feb. 17, 2012
Does taking a pass on being “out” about one's gender persuasion, kinky proclivities and sexual relations make one a coward?
Chris Corrigan,
Feb. 16, 2012
Ever wonder what it’s like to transition? Are there changes we don’t often hear about? Chris Corrigan’s got a few interesting experiences to share.
Liz Langley,
Feb. 14, 2012
So, just what is it that causes that excited, gnawing, obsessive feeling we get when we’re “hopelessly in love,” huh? And why does it feel so bad when we fall out of it?
Em & Lo,
Feb. 09, 2012
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Feb. 08, 2012
The best way to turn me on is to be yourself, whoever that is. Way too many people posture and try to seem like someone they’re not, and I find that confusing.
Roland Hulme,
Feb. 06, 2012
Opponents of gay marriage might be forgiven for thinking that their's is a lost cause – but little do they know that forces are still at work ensuring same-sex marriage will never come to pass (or, at least, nobody will want one if it does).
Feb. 03, 2012
The sting of the needle is exquisite agony. The sting of 104 wounds may be too much agony to bear.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Feb. 03, 2012
Reverend Jen Miller, Patron Saint of the Uncool is an author, artist, elf, a former sex surrogate, former professional submissive and all around New York City celebrity. Here we untangle that history: nude house cleaning, tantric sex, upscale BDSM while taking a stroll through the troll museum — which the ordained-by-mail Reverend runs out of her Lower East Side apartment, of course.
Liz Langley,
Feb. 03, 2012
What would you give up if someone would pay your bills?
Liz Langley,
Feb. 03, 2012
But don't expect to get too far. It’s easier to prove a botched vasectomy.
Liz Langley,
Feb. 02, 2012
Ladies, if you were prescribed these pills, return them and get tested.
Liz Langley,
Feb. 02, 2012
Those still standing with Planned Parenthood put their money where their mouths are.
Liz Langley,
Feb. 01, 2012
Senator Janet “Lovey” Howell steps in with a suggestion of her own.
Liz Langley,
Feb. 01, 2012
Restaurant owner tells State Senator Stacey Campfield where to stick it.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 31, 2012
But don't get it twisted. He's no pimp.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 31, 2012
How about an ultrasound to make your sex safer?
Jan. 30, 2012
Kinksters talk quite a bit about the inherent risk of bondage and other kinky play. They learn the proper procedure, to mitigate that risk — but rarely do you hear about the stark reality that no matter what precautions you take or how safe you play, people can still get hurt.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 30, 2012
Oh, no! What’ll we do without our Embry-Ohs?
Liz Langley,
Jan. 30, 2012
With their propensity for sex-driven war, who else could have fathered them?
Liz Langley,
Jan. 27, 2012
Because pretending homosexuality doesn't exist solves everything.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 27, 2012
Now we just have to figure out what to do about the glitter.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Jan. 26, 2012
Any experience of submission or domination – if I were to play that way – are for pleasure’s sake, not to get the Church off, writes the author in an essay that challenges the power structure of sin, sex and spirituality.
The Bloggess,
Jan. 26, 2012
In a few weeks my sister and I are throwing an anniversary party for my parents. My parents are just as odd as I am so we decided to do an old West-Little-House-On-The-Prairie-style party at a Texas fort, complete with a chuck wagon serving supper and a women playing the fiddle into the night around the bonfire. It should be awesome.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 26, 2012
Nurse Ratched puts his presidential campaign on suicide watch.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 26, 2012
Well at least Iran has someone to play with now. That might not be a good thing.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Jan. 25, 2012
Gossips love to speculate that strip club visits equal marital doom, whereas I don't think you can infer anything from a strip club visit other than that a guy likes to look at scantily clad women.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 25, 2012
Maybe some soundproofing is in order?
Liz Langley,
Jan. 25, 2012
‘Cause how we raise our children is totally society’s business.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 24, 2012
Andrew Shaffer gives us the skinny on the private lives of 37 philosophers, in Great Philosophers Who Failed at Love, all full of various types of affairs, angst, desire, despair and scandal.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 24, 2012
We told you we could tell!
Liz Langley,
Jan. 24, 2012
Much, much less than you'd think.
Roland Hulme,
Jan. 23, 2012
In September 2010, pundit Dan Savage started the “It Gets Better” project — a series of videos aimed at informing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender teenagers that despite the bullying and abuse they were victims of in school, “it gets better” as they grow up.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 23, 2012
Don't worry! Ads won't be all abortion, all the time.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 23, 2012
What would we do without strangers protecting us from evil, discriminatory children?
Rachel Rabbit White,
Jan. 20, 2012
Schmekel is Yiddish for "little penis" and seems to be the perfect name for a “100 percent transgender, 100 percent Jewish” punk band that doesn't take itself too seriously. The band’s parody punk rock is made for fun but the end result is an act that crosses boundaries and reaches beyond the queer audience you'd expect.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 20, 2012
Apparently "one man, one woman" only applies to LGBT relationships.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 20, 2012
Check one out at Ottawa's new Human Library!
The Bloggess,
Jan. 19, 2012
Every month, tons of strangers send me links to things that cannot be unseen. Then I carefully curate a list of the most WTF links that you probably need to know just to be able to keep up with popular culture references. Think of it as educational.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Jan. 19, 2012
Stepping out into the world of dating at the age of 18 is scary enough without adding the worry that your kinks will make people think you're a freak. Mr. Sexsmith offers some sage advice on coming to terms with who you are and building up the courage to step off the dating curb.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 19, 2012
American women might do well to take a cue from the French.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 18, 2012
It would have been okay if he were having sex.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 18, 2012
We like it when science proves us right.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 17, 2012
Creepy or commendable?
Liz Langley,
Jan. 17, 2012
Why do we distinguish by title between married and unmarried women, anyway?
Liz Langley,
Jan. 16, 2012
They will be if the ostriches have their way!
Liz Langley,
Jan. 16, 2012
Teens need more than knowing it gets better. Like, you know, an end to bullying.
Nikol Hasler,
Jan. 13, 2012
Tim is my best friend, and I love him enough that I would marry him as long as one of us were dying within a year, because I'd probably stop being able to handle being married to him after that.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 13, 2012
Now your toothbrush can be used for what it was meant for: Your teeth.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 13, 2012
Maybe he won't have to take Viagra anymore?
Liz Langley,
Jan. 12, 2012
Obviously, expedient divorce is more important than marriage equality.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Jan. 11, 2012
The biggest thing I learned about sex in 2011 is that, like life, it's unpredictable. Every time I thought I had a handle on my desire(s), on what I'm looking for, and not looking for, the universe threw me a curve, a challenge, a dare. I was engaged in a power play scene with the universe and it was my master, big time.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 11, 2012
You might be pleasantly surprised!
Liz Langley,
Jan. 11, 2012
Maybe they think we'd put men to shame with our vagina knowledge?
Liz Langley,
Jan. 10, 2012
What if you merged politics and the Kama Sutra?
Liz Langley,
Jan. 10, 2012
Oh, if gender reassignment were only that easy.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 10, 2012
Who knew pedophilia was a medical disability?
Roland Hulme,
Jan. 09, 2012
Certainly being overweight can make life more difficult for some individuals, but declaring the state of being thin as a privilege is inappropriate and dismisses the efforts of many people who work to achieve a healthy weight.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 09, 2012
Brought to you by the folks of Improv Everywhere. We love you guys!
Liz Langley,
Jan. 06, 2012
If he doesn't get women, nobody ever will.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 06, 2012
Being stuck in the desert with other Scientologists wasn't torture enough.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Jan. 05, 2012
Rachel recently sat down with Preston Charles (you know, the black gay guy from The Real World, New Orleans) to talk about his recent MTV special, Coming Out, his own coming out and well, then things get a little out of hand...
Liz Langley,
Jan. 05, 2012
Ooo, maybe she'll let us play with her whip!
Liz Langley,
Jan. 05, 2012
Have you ever heard of “The Elephant Posture”?
Liz Langley,
Jan. 04, 2012
Not if the feminists have their way.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 03, 2012
There's more to Mongolia than Genghis Khan and Buddhism.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 03, 2012
’Cause they like to guarantee Cancer in France.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 02, 2012
Boy, did we have some doozies this year.
Liz Langley,
Jan. 02, 2012
According to Cardinal Francis George, they both oppress the Catholic church.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 30, 2011
Says the Internet kept him honest. Thanks, Internet!
Liz Langley,
Dec. 30, 2011
Way to start it off right!
Tinamarie Bernard,
Dec. 29, 2011
We may abhor the streetwalker, glorify the escort, covet the centerfold, and vie for the attention of the sacred priestess, but the differences in the transactions seem like minutia lost in the facts; money is exchanged, sexual favors are granted.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 29, 2011
He is to blame. He is not. He is to blame... Oh, who knows, really?
Liz Langley,
Dec. 29, 2011
LA voters may be asked for their opinion.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 28, 2011
Or better yet ... What if his lover was in the mob?
Liz Langley,
Dec. 28, 2011
But only for female detainees in military prisons.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 27, 2011
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Etchemins High School.
Nina Hartley,
Dec. 27, 2011
Nina is wrapping up the year with a collection of questions on several topics.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 27, 2011
Even the coffee's gay around here.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 26, 2011
We're betting the missus is grateful.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 23, 2011
Just what you always wanted!
Liz Langley,
Dec. 23, 2011
... while Louisiana troop leaders give hatred instead.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Dec. 22, 2011
Winter Solstice, meet your kink. A dendrophiliac is a person who is attracted to trees, who has romantic, sensual, sexual encounters with the forest. So, in this (most wonderful) time of year, when the evergreen tree becomes a decorated centerpiece of the Holiday Season, why not draw our attention to those who have a very personal relationship to trees?
Liz Langley,
Dec. 22, 2011
Log Cabin Republicans say we're just hearing him wrong.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 22, 2011
Holiday fairy tale endings are the best kind.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Dec. 21, 2011
Butch Top is feeling nervous about their partner touching their "man boobies" and finds the attention makes them feel less "top-confident" in the bedroom. Mr. Sexsmith has some suggestions for how to overcome this uneasiness and maintain confidence in the bedroom.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 21, 2011
Court cites spirit of the law rather than letter.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 21, 2011
In as few as five years, HIV may go the way of Polio.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 20, 2011
... With himself, his family and his constituents.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 20, 2011
Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be rapists.
Dec. 19, 2011
What’s with all the alien or monster tentacles in Japanese porn and anime?
Liz Langley,
Dec. 19, 2011
It's the right thing to do.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 16, 2011
We hope they all get to explain this to their moms.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Dec. 15, 2011
The author explores the sexier side of where God meets Sex to ponder: what is it about bliss that turns our brains to mush?
Liz Langley,
Dec. 15, 2011
Pretty much a recipe, there, for offending someone. But not us.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 15, 2011
Oklahoma is rated worst for domestic violence, CDC says.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Dec. 14, 2011
The new film Shame, starring an often-nude Michael Fassbinder as Brandon, with Carey Mulligan as his sister, Cissy, directed by Steve McQueen, is drawing lots of buzz and discussion about whether sex addiction actually exists.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 14, 2011
Accommodations for women only: Feminine choice, or discrimination?
Liz Langley,
Dec. 14, 2011
Now there are 24 flavors of sexual orientation from which to choose!
Liz Langley,
Dec. 13, 2011
Politicians propose on-site "passenger advocate" for JFK airport.
Nina Hartley,
Dec. 13, 2011
What do you do if you hate sex, but still want a relationship? is it normal to want nothing to do with sex? Is it possible to find a companion who can accept this or perhaps even shares your lack of desire?
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 13, 2011
Hulk files defamation lawsuit, Brutus may as well.
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 13, 2011
It's sort of hard to find someone to root for, in this battle.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 13, 2011
Women with unwanted pregnancies have higher incidence of mental health problems.
Sexis Editors,
Dec. 13, 2011
Marriage. Divorce. Dating. Sperm Donors. Insect Sex. November had a little bit of something for everyone to be thankful. Break out the leftovers and dig into the best of SexIs from November.
Roland Hulme,
Dec. 12, 2011
The Internet is home to a lot of heated commentary — these discussions often get out of hand, resorting to name calling and accusations of hatred for marginalized groups. But having a different point of view shouldn’t automatically condemn someone to the Dark Side — it’s time we gave the language we use in such discussions a reality check.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 12, 2011
Silicone injections from a fake doctor? Not surprisingly, someone dies in this story.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 12, 2011
More than two partners in the last year? Your organs might be "risky" under proposed guidelines.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 12, 2011
We're thinking she didn't think this all the way through.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 09, 2011
9-year-old boy who made "suggestive" comments to teacher is in the clear, but principal loses job.
Nikol Hasler,
Dec. 09, 2011
For years now I've had a saying. "Anything worth doing is worth doing in excess." When I drink, it's single malt scotch. When I eat, it's lemons and the hottest peppers I can find. When I work out, I push myself past reasonable limits. And, when I date, well...
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 09, 2011
No, this was not BDSM college; Virginia man gets two years in jail.
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 09, 2011
Files suit to "protect other women" from sexual abuse; alleged abuser still working.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 09, 2011
Sisters on The Pill? It might help lower their risk of cancer, later in life.
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 08, 2011
Dispensers removed from dormitories; university's role in sex safety and education debated.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 08, 2011
Shockingly, The Great Wall doesn't come tumbling down, either.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 08, 2011
FDA says it's safe for over the counter; HHS secretary says more study is needed.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Dec. 07, 2011
Given pole-dance aerobics mania and how many times we’ve heard the “what would you dance to” question, it seems being a stripper has become a common female fantasy. But there is a difference between the fantasy of what you might dance to and the reality of stripping and the music you would end up dancing to shift in and out.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 07, 2011
You know what? We think grandmothers, generally, are much more trustworthy than government officials.
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 07, 2011
"Control Tonight" tries to be helpful but is utterly tone-deaf on sexual assault.
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 07, 2011
Conflict of interest? What conflict of interest?
Liz Langley,
Dec. 07, 2011
Clinton gets a standing ovation for speech at United Nations.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 06, 2011
As ArtInfo.com points out, there are two ways you can hear the phrase “Fucking James Franco,” and how you feel about James Franco probably determines your interpretation.
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 06, 2011
... because we're in horrible danger from back braces and colostomy bags.
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 06, 2011
The moral of the story is: If you're going to hire a male escort, don't make him mad at you.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 06, 2011
Apparently no need to get hysterical about teens and their sexy cell phone messages. Which we weren't.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Dec. 05, 2011
There is this game played among women, usually on long car trips or on the couch with some wine. It goes like this: if you were a stripper, what songs would you dance to? Given the seriousness I’ve seen this question approached with, it seems many women have pondered this — the popularity of pole dancer-cizing would attest to this as well. Stripping seems to have become a common female fantasy.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 05, 2011
Fake profiles of babies will probably all get deleted ... someday, somehow.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 05, 2011
Group wants soccer association to raise awareness, educate fans ... or else.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 05, 2011
Thanks, now we have the Beatles' song "Baby You Can Drive My Car" stuck in our head.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 05, 2011
But he leaves us with a Pokemon quote, which is cute and creepy at the same time.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Dec. 02, 2011
The Starlite Lounge, founded in 1959, was Brooklyn’s oldest gay bar and the first black owned gay bar in the city. It was more than a gay bar; it was more than a neighborhood safe haven; it was both and so much more to those who gathered on World AIDS Day to remember the times they shared.
Barak & Sheba,
Dec. 02, 2011
Why are the smallest words in our language the hardest to say? When looked at impassionately, these opposing tiny words are easy to write and say. They practically draw no attention; that is until we add emotion. Then they can become almost impossible to use. What are we talking about? The words that compose the shortest sentences in our language: “Yes”, and “No.”
Liz Langley,
Dec. 02, 2011
Board votes, 9-6, against participation by interracial couples.
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 02, 2011
... and he's held in a jail that was named after him.
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 02, 2011
Judge says Cuomo's tactics in securing passage of law were legally questionable.
Sexis Editors,
Dec. 01, 2011
In honor of World AIDS Day 2011, the staff of Edenfantasys got together to share our personal messages of hope, remembrance and encouragement.
Kal Cobalt,
Dec. 01, 2011
Though chronic pain has become a more medically-recognized condition, whether as a complication of another diagnosis or an unexplained phenomenon existing by itself, one frontier remains: How do people with chronic pain and their partners maintain a healthy, exciting sex life?
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 01, 2011
... and, turns out, teacher has a lot of support and Fox, less than they expected.
Liz Langley,
Dec. 01, 2011
Great idea, and also probably a porn movie just waiting to happen. What would Freud do?
Rayne Millaray,
Dec. 01, 2011
Judge says photographic evidence and victim's testimony aren't persuasive.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Nov. 30, 2011
When the doors to your bedroom, and what you do inside, are thrown open for the world to see; when your sex life becomes fair game for speculation, it can change everything.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 30, 2011
If you're caught being gay, supporting gay rights, hanging out with gays ... go to jail.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 30, 2011
Youth organization says sex education curriculum is inadequate.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 30, 2011
Memorial at Paris gravesite will be cleaned, put behind protective glass.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 30, 2011
Expansion of testing and care are priorities for stopping spread of HIV.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 29, 2011
Attorney says alleged 13-year affair is really none of anyone's business.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 29, 2011
... But we have to wonder if it's just an excuse to publish photos of hot women in short skirts.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 29, 2011
Because it's, like, in the Constitution. Uh-huh.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 29, 2011
Ground-breaking film director battled censors and prudish critics throughout career.
Nov. 28, 2011
As World AIDS Day 2011 approaches, on December 1st, I've been thinking about what I have to say that I have not said before on the topic. My thoughts inevitably turn to my daughter who, each year, as I write about WAD, has just had a birthday, bringing how her life has changed in the last year to the forefront of my thoughts. At her age (now 14) things change quickly.
Roland Hulme,
Nov. 28, 2011
The more the sex positive community talks about the importance of respecting boundaries, the more alarming it becomes when, in mainstream dating, some women have been encouraging men to do the opposite for decades.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 28, 2011
Trial of three of them starts today; Police say semen was used for rituals.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 28, 2011
Though maybe not with each other ... Even Riverdale can catch up with the times.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 28, 2011
Sam's Club washes its hands of "The Brick Testament."
Liz Langley,
Nov. 28, 2011
If your spouse works for the phone company ... Um. He trusts you, right?
Liz Langley,
Nov. 25, 2011
Feds think temporary use of vaccine might stop spread of bacteria that causes spontaneous abortions.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 25, 2011
Scientist show that clothes just slow us down. Well, in a way, anyway.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 25, 2011
Riot police “acted like animals.” And then they found out she was an American citizen. Oops.
Jeff Schult,
Nov. 24, 2011
Former pro wrestler faces some serious prison time in Ohio.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 23, 2011
Reunited with ex, they share their story with tabloid press.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 23, 2011
Pastor starts public kissing competition for married couples, and we watch approvingly.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 23, 2011
Mamas, Don't let your daughters grow up to be waitresses? C'mon ...
Liz Langley,
Nov. 23, 2011
New HIV infections steady since 2007; Deaths from AIDS declined slightly in 2010.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 22, 2011
You think you’ve got romantic problems.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 22, 2011
This sounds like an upgrade, but taxpayers aren't necessarily buying it.
Veronica Monet,
Nov. 22, 2011
People who are born biologically male may not have wombs in the medical sense of the word, but do they have wombs in any other sense? Most of us think the word “womb” applies only to that aspect of anatomy in which a baby grows, but some envision womb as a gender-neutral energetic reality.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 22, 2011
We totally approve of getting naked for peace, don't you?
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 22, 2011
Robbery suspected as motive, NYPD searches for killer.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 21, 2011
It's in Ohio! And it's in the UK, where grandma says a spirit is “like an octopus.”
Liz Langley,
Nov. 21, 2011
Stars make good on promises of dates for enterprising soldiers.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 21, 2011
Guys: “Cocksox” will help you stand out in a crowd. Or get you arrested. We're not sure.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 21, 2011
Guys, it increases the risk of penile cancer. Seriously. Scientists say so!
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 18, 2011
And then there's the AT&T “Vivid,” which was a trademark lawsuit (or partnership?) waiting to happen.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Nov. 18, 2011
Last week when news of Kim Kardashian's divorce shook up the Internet, I asked: What's with the so-called “sanctity”of this marriage? Does the institution actually have any sanctity?
The short answer? No.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 18, 2011
Let's face it: Some kids make it a little too easy.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 18, 2011
And we're glad she didn't do it via Twitter, you know?
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 18, 2011
But, see, it's perfectly legal to discriminate against gays in Texas.
Cherry Trifle,
Nov. 17, 2011
Sexuality educator Marylou Naccarato waxes on the importance of sensuality to happiness and creative uses for low, Japanese tables that don’t involve sushi.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 17, 2011
Apparently, they've been busy with other things up until now.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 17, 2011
Suspect turns self in, says he was “broke and lonely.”
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 17, 2011
Unnamed hackers blamed for “coordinated spam attack.”
Cherry Trifle,
Nov. 16, 2011
Sexuality educator and vibrator aggregator Marylou Naccarato discusses the importance of sensuality to happiness and why being “differently-abled” simply means finding alternative paths to fulfillment.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Nov. 16, 2011
Shopping for a potential mate and a potential sperm donor involves evaluation of very different sets of information. When choosing the DNA material to pair with yours to create a child, what's really important and how does it different from choosing a potential life partner?
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 16, 2011
If monogamy isn't for you, 'fess up. Addiction doesn't seem like it's the real problem.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 16, 2011
Yes, we're a little skeptical, too. But hear them out ...
Liz Langley,
Nov. 15, 2011
Lady spiders, take note. There are cheapskates out there.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 15, 2011
It seems, to us, that comprehensive sex education pays off.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 15, 2011
Tolerance, anyone? You don't have to actually like him.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 15, 2011
According to aide, some women had to be hospitalized afterwards.
Roland Hulme,
Nov. 14, 2011
In the sex positive talk space we hear a lot about “male privilege” but rarely — if ever — discuss what privileges women have that men don’t.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 14, 2011
Icon tells how she didn't fit in, was tortured in high school.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 14, 2011
Texas teen said her story wasn't believed, and she committed suicide.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 14, 2011
Shades of Penn State: “We regret that we did not pursue this matter further.”
Liz Langley,
Nov. 14, 2011
Until now, gender reassignment expenses were denied as being “cosmetic.”
Liz Langley,
Nov. 11, 2011
Defending Joe Paterno to 8 million followers didn't work out well for him.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 11, 2011
We don't know why they denied it, but we guess they didn't know there were ... photos.
Nikol Hasler,
Nov. 11, 2011
Hey guys, you think you've got the online dating thing figured out, you think you have game, but really, you don't. Nikol says you're "gaming yourselves out of the game" and there are three things you need to stop doing.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 11, 2011
He thinks so, anyway, and he should know. Neurologists are fascinated.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 11, 2011
Student, age 60, files complaint about class in human sexuality. What was she expecting?
Tinamarie Bernard,
Nov. 10, 2011
It wasn’t until a long-time friend confided in her about her a midlife lesbian affair that the author was willing to investigate female sexual fluidity, and not just from a scientific distance — new research suggests a woman’s libidinous nature expands as she ages — but also psychologically.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 10, 2011
Dudes: Learn to dance. Because that's what it's all about.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 10, 2011
Yes, that's all it takes. You can't pose like an adult if you don't look like one?
Liz Langley,
Nov. 10, 2011
Yes, it is crazy that they would have to vote on it.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 10, 2011
$48M program hopes to identify up to 3,500 untreated cases.
Nov. 09, 2011
Get to know our newest columnist, Mollena Williams.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 09, 2011
As porn-friendly as we are, we're not sure we want to see it on airplanes.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Nov. 09, 2011
Melting the Stone wants to know if she can ever move past childhood abuse and allow herself to be touched by others, or if she's doomed to a life lacking physical intimacy.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 09, 2011
Fortunately, it was bird shot. And she's not mad any more.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 09, 2011
He dug them up, took them home and dressed them up. Not kidding.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 09, 2011
Some journalists really will do anything for a scoop.
Sexis Editors,
Nov. 08, 2011
October was boob month. Breast Cancer Awareness Month sparked somber inspiration for many of our writers and columnists and the subject was clearly on the minds of many of our readers. Still, we tried to approach the topic as a celebration of not only surviving the disease but of breasts themselves.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 08, 2011
Pop star denies everything, says he'll take paternity test.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 08, 2011
“... Our relationship was overcome by this tragedy.”
Liz Langley,
Nov. 08, 2011
Harassers think it's not a big deal or that they're funny.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 08, 2011
The population on earth recently topped seven billion people. Most experts agree the planet's ability to support us is already stretched thin. You'd think, then, that population control as a method for preserving our ability to survive on this planet with it's finite resources would be a popular topic. So why are people and organizations who support the concept shying away from bringing it up?
Liz Langley,
Nov. 07, 2011
We imagine they'll have to say a few “Hail Marys.” Or something.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 07, 2011
No, not “The Quadraboob!” Cue the scary music at The Boobie Trap.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 07, 2011
But we will, because he's running for president. And if he sexually harassed women, we'd like to know.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 07, 2011
School's athletic director and a vice president of the university allegedly failed to report incidents.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 04, 2011
Yes, this is abuse. And we're thinking he got off easy.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 04, 2011
And the mom might be guilty of statutory rape.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 04, 2011
Dead Libyan leader kept photo albums and a video, set to music. Um. Eww?
Liz Langley,
Nov. 04, 2011
Censors and politicians are more recent inventions, you know?
Liz Langley,
Nov. 03, 2011
We know, everybody's gotta make a buck, but ...
The Bloggess,
Nov. 03, 2011
When my grandfather died he left me partial ownership of a used tractor.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Nov. 03, 2011
Kim Kardashian threw a lavish multi million dollar wedding, only to divorce two months later. The gossip has prompted a wave of tweets along the lines of... “tell me again why the sanctity of marriage is threatened by gays?” But I ask, has marriage ever had sanctity?
Liz Langley,
Nov. 03, 2011
Compared to seniors in the '70s, they're also more sociable ... yet lonelier.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 03, 2011
His computer was hooked up to a billboard. Oops ...
Liz Langley,
Nov. 03, 2011
Police remove one guy from Zuccotti Park who really didn't need to be there.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 02, 2011
Maybe the tabloids will leave her alone now but we totally doubt it.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 02, 2011
This sounds entirely NOT funny and not sexy, and we hope it goes away.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Nov. 02, 2011
Age has been on my mind since I'm about to turn 36 on November 10th. I'm often told I don't look my age, and I certainly don't feel my age, but I can't deny that what I want out of sex and relationships has changed since I was 26, and even from when I was 30. Sometimes I think the older I get, the less I know about how sex works — not so much the physical side, but the rest of it.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 02, 2011
There's no shortage of wives and girlfriends to volunteer, either.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 01, 2011
It's probably bad enough to be known as the penis-pump judge, but ...
Em & Lo,
Nov. 01, 2011
Before Facebook, MySpace, Google, et al, the “one who got away” (OWGA) was rarely more than a passing daydream — or a handy bit of masturbation material.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 01, 2011
Tradition, the "King" asks? Be careful what you wish for.
Liz Langley,
Nov. 01, 2011
GOP presidential candidate says he was falsely accused.
Rayne Millaray,
Nov. 01, 2011
Yes, she was arrested. It could have ended a lot worse, right?
Cherry Trifle,
Oct. 31, 2011
If your breasts could talk, what would they say?
Liz Langley,
Oct. 31, 2011
Adult stars happy they did it and pilot is in no trouble. So plan your jump now?
Liz Langley,
Oct. 31, 2011
And yes, he is an ordained minister. It's legal in New York, so plenty good enough for us.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 31, 2011
“Please no masks or cross-dressing.” So ... what's left?
Liz Langley,
Oct. 31, 2011
Newspaper's investigation says organization has secret files on reports of molestation.
Roland Hulme,
Oct. 31, 2011
Reports suggest human breast milk can combat more than 40 types of cancer — with safer and more reliable results than anything with a FDA approval label stamped on it. Despite milk clearly “doing the body good” are we as a society too hung up to take advantage?
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 28, 2011
... Or you can look at pictures of the real thing in Playboy.
Cherry Trifle,
Oct. 28, 2011
Call me crazy, but I like my monsters monstrous.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 28, 2011
Look for yourself. What else could they be doing?
Liz Langley,
Oct. 28, 2011
They're much more comprehensive. And their teen birth rate is half that of the U.S.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 28, 2011
More proof, perhaps, that some shoplifters need treatment, not punishment.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Oct. 27, 2011
The powerful meanings breasts convey as life-givers and life-destroyers are varied and complex. There are the ‘good breasts’ that we associate with lactating mothers and the ‘bad breasts’ that kill us with cancer; in between we squeeze in the ‘naughty breasts’ of sexuality that, depending on perspective, can be bad, good or both.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 27, 2011
Repulsive? Unreliable? Probably. But ... well, they're college kids ...
Liz Langley,
Oct. 27, 2011
Unconstitutional? Sure. Will it stop them? Maybe not ...
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 27, 2011
More than 100 women are suing companies and the FDA is under fire, too.
Cherry Trifle,
Oct. 26, 2011
Contemplating a controversial artist’s new “toy” – and the all-important question of whether it should be placed in your bum.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 26, 2011
We know, that sounds kind of obvious. But ... read on ...
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 26, 2011
Controversial group vows to continue to crash targeted servers.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 25, 2011
Yes, now airport security leaves notes when they find vibrators in luggage.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 25, 2011
Halloween is without question the best of all possible holidays…there’s no family BS, no gift guilt, just tricks, treats and terror. But let’s face it…trying to squeeze something sexy out of it is like trying to take candy from Rosemary’s Baby.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 25, 2011
New York curriculum for mandatory classes draws scrutiny.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 25, 2011
We don't know if she minded, but of course the police did.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 25, 2011
In Hindi, it means “unwanted.” Maybe now, they won't be ...
Liz Langley,
Oct. 24, 2011
Breast Cancer Is Not a Pink Ribbon.
Oct. 24, 2011
Sydney Australia – A world class city, with gorgeous beaches, beautiful people, and brilliant food. But there’s more to this city than what the guidebooks share. If you want to take the time to go find the naughty side of Sydney, it’s there for the taking. Nude beaches? SM parties? Cruise bars? Swingers clubs? Wacky drag queens and drag kings? Legal brothels? They’ve got it!
Liz Langley,
Oct. 24, 2011
Ben & Jerry's sensation is apparently too naughty for some supermarkets.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 24, 2011
The case of the missing “G” ... two points for sneakiness, perhaps.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 24, 2011
Transplant surgery a first in Australia.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Oct. 21, 2011
We made it! After twelve episodes of fighting, literal head-banging, drinking and cooka-baring, the fourth season of Jersey Shore has come to a close, which means the show’s cast members can finally, FINALLY escape from the cesspool of Florence, Italy, back to the bastion of culture and sophistication that is Seaside Heights, New Jersey.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 21, 2011
Oops. Elementary school recalls fund-raising rewards.
Oct. 21, 2011
Queer porn director, producer, and performer Courtney Trouble has spent the last ten years changing the face of the porn industry with her sites No Fauxxx and Queer Porn TV that feature performers of all ethnicities, body types, genders, and sexual orientations coming together in one hot, steamy sex pile. Trouble is breaking new ground by declaring today International Fisting Day.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 21, 2011
“So putting your foot in a heel, you are putting yourself in a possibly orgasmic situation.”
Liz Langley,
Oct. 21, 2011
We're not sure science is the best way to judge, either, but here goes ...
Liz Langley,
Oct. 21, 2011
Sad saga of Ohio exotic animal farm winds down; nearly 50 were killed.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 20, 2011
Scientists are at it again. And “the older they got, the more likely they were to choose ‘unlabeled.’”
Rachel Rabbit White,
Oct. 20, 2011
The transman who once loved women, but finds himself attracted solely to men after taking hormones has become LGBTQ lore. There've been few formal studies, but it comes up again and again in discussion; it was a plot-line on The L Word and was even covered as a ‘trend’ by New York Magazine. Now, porn star and trans activist, Buck Angel is making a documentary on the ever-controversial topic.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 20, 2011
In case you weren't watching at 3 a.m., Zach, his name's Dan Kloeffler ... 35/GWM ...
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 20, 2011
Just in time for Halloween, we suppose, if you feel you need to know where they live.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 20, 2011
We love, love, love this idea. Coming to Showtime ...
Rydell Johnson,
Oct. 19, 2011
Fighting cancer – and saving beautiful ta-tas – one t-shirt at a time.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 19, 2011
Proposed law would make it a crime even when both are adults.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 19, 2011
No, this is apparently NOT a good way to help her get into the school of your choice ...
Veronica Monet,
Oct. 18, 2011
Sexual trauma often occurs in response to incest, molestation and rape; but other events can incur sexual trauma as well. Both necessary and unnecessary medical procedures can lead to sexual dysfunction if they result in damage to the sex organs or pelvic trauma.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 18, 2011
Yes, we had the same reaction. Is NOTHING sacred?
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 18, 2011
Lawsuits fly between Larry, Jimmy and sons over use of name.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 18, 2011
Texas teen's parents vow to pursue reinstatement. Yeah!
Liz Langley,
Oct. 18, 2011
“Call your doctor tomorrow, make an appointment. That’s what you could do for me.”
Aubrey Sitterson,
Oct. 17, 2011
It’s the penultimate episode of Jersey Shore, which means there’s only one week left to watch the Situation, Snooki, et. al. embarrass themselves and America as a whole in one of the world’s most beautiful cities. So before the cast makes it’s triumphant return to Jersey next season, let’s take a look at some of this week’s most fascinating moments, shall we?
Liz Langley,
Oct. 17, 2011
... but contraception for all the deer in New Jersey is a little pricey.
Roland Hulme,
Oct. 17, 2011
Doctors still attempt to promote the unnecessary and unethical practice of male infant circumcision – and have begun using increasingly questionable science to support their argument.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 17, 2011
Now starring in “Margin Call,” actor opens up about his sexuality and puts rumors to rest.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 17, 2011
Breast cancer group wants the product taken off shelves.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 14, 2011
This probably doesn't work for just anyone, of course ...
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 14, 2011
Federal definition of marriage still excludes same-sex couples.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 14, 2011
Would you pay $15K for this particular piece of ass?
Liz Langley,
Oct. 14, 2011
Prosecutors won't bring charges despite evidence in 2003 case.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 13, 2011
Budget cuts, political gamesmanship blamed. Meanwhile, prosecutions stop.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 13, 2011
Jocks wouldn't fit in. Unless they were gay, of course.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 13, 2011
Condom use among teen-age boys on the rise.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 12, 2011
We get the joke, but we're not sure it's the same joke they think it is.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 12, 2011
If that epic image is burned onto your retina, you're welcome!
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 12, 2011
ACLU may go to court in Tennessee. Bullies, beware!
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Oct. 12, 2011
Mary's struggling with the gender roles and sexual top and bottom roles within her relationship and getting her partner to fill the role of top is proving to be a challenge.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 11, 2011
Dr. Drew's Celebrity Sex Rehab has brought focus to sex as an addiction, an idea with which many disagree, including some of his former celebrity patients.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 11, 2011
You can blame him for a lot of things, sure, but not that.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 11, 2011
Malawi loses out; Uganda and Ghana may be next.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 11, 2011
We'll be avoiding those free samples from now on, thanks very much.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 11, 2011
Former babysitter caught on camera.
Sexis Editors,
Oct. 10, 2011
September was a month filled with the strange and unusual. From pool toy fetishes to Schweddy Balls ice cream to Eels you might want to avoid swimming with… the bizarre topped this months’ list of most read and most shared articles.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 10, 2011
For ourselves, we think we'd be a little gun-shy ...
Liz Langley,
Oct. 10, 2011
We wonder if they'll be watching in Indiana ... sure they will!
Liz Langley,
Oct. 10, 2011
Oops. Surgeon leaves names on before-and-after photos.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 10, 2011
Ever more powerful antibiotics needed, as STD's resistance grows.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Oct. 07, 2011
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 07, 2011
We get the point. But the road to censorship is paved with good intentions, you know?
Liz Langley,
Oct. 07, 2011
Funnier still, maybe: He could change his own name to "Big Swinging Dick" ...
Liz Langley,
Oct. 07, 2011
Men more affected than women, but scientists don't know why.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 06, 2011
Yes, we said “cannibal murderer model.” You read that correctly.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Oct. 06, 2011
The Queen of Pop became the King of Drag on stage (and off) at the recent MTV's VMA 2011, performing as her alter ego, Jo Calderone, and opened up the world of drag kings for a peek from millions of mainstream Americans. Has she done for women in drag what RuPaul did for men in dresses?
Liz Langley,
Oct. 06, 2011
And her new husband is just a youth of 60. She's our kind of royalty.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 06, 2011
Study suggests that the sex of the people around us may lead us to consume more or less food.
Tucker Cummings,
Oct. 05, 2011
There’s an old saying: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But when life gives you breast cancer, is it possible to find anything positive about the experience? These eight women bravely fought their disease in the public eye, so others like them would know they are not alone.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 05, 2011
Since it's Tupac, the bidding apparently starts at $150,000.
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 05, 2011
It turns out the video was shot in 2008, so it's too late now.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 05, 2011
If it was a few times, we'd call it romantic. But this is borderline OCD.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 05, 2011
Study of African couples under review by World Health Organization.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 04, 2011
See? They really are very safe ...
Rayne Millaray,
Oct. 04, 2011
F*ck Cancer t-shirt proceeds intended for Raven Alexis will benefit St. Jude.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 04, 2011
Just add that picture we know you have. Yes, that one ...
Roland Hulme,
Oct. 03, 2011
Today’s political arena has seen several right-wing female icons emerge — Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, amongst others — but feminists and liberals seem unable to criticize these new political figures without resorting to the same sort of misogyny they’ve spent years complaining about.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 03, 2011
GOP presidential candidates almost uniformly run from issue.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 03, 2011
We think we'd be able to tell, but apparently not everyone can.
Liz Langley,
Oct. 03, 2011
Pull 'em up, it's the law. Oops, too late!
Liz Langley,
Oct. 03, 2011
FakeGirlFriend.co is for when you're really lame, or really need an excuse.
Roland Hulme,
Sep. 30, 2011
As a column, Devil’s Advocate is intended to push the envelop, challenge the way you think and spark debate — but not just for the sake of controversy.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Sep. 30, 2011
Liz Langley,
Sep. 30, 2011
Mexico City mulls offering temporary licenses. Can we call them learners' permits?
Liz Langley,
Sep. 30, 2011
Which is more provocative? We really aren't sure.
Barak & Sheba,
Sep. 30, 2011
From an innocent tickle and slap on the ass to whips and chains or masters and slaves, the world of kink and BDSM is hardly the same for everybody involved. But what all kinky folk do have in common is the desire for what's at the heart of all kinky activity: creative sexual expression.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 30, 2011
Just good ol' boys sharing some porn, right? Wrong.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 30, 2011
Donation puts land trust over the top. Who would want to live next to that sign, anyway?!
Tinamarie Bernard,
Sep. 29, 2011
This author thought she had the street smarts to avoid sexual scam artists. The only problem was, this one came wearing a faux halo and rugged six-pack.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 29, 2011
There are plenty of good reasons why, and some not-so-good reasons why not.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 29, 2011
He's got some rum to sell. What did you think we meant?
Liz Langley,
Sep. 29, 2011
Why? Maybe because they aren't marrying as young as they used to.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 29, 2011
Commemoration at dance marred by taunts: “We're glad you're dead.”
Liz Langley,
Sep. 28, 2011
“L Word” actress and girlfriend escorted from plane, urge boycott.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Sep. 28, 2011
You've got questions on gender, relationships, strap-on sex and everything in between. Mr. Sexsmith returns with advice, opinions and insights for all in his new column Mr. Sexsmith Says...
Liz Langley,
Sep. 28, 2011
Irish dude tells her to take off her clothes somewhere else. Presumably, she does.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 28, 2011
The BBC is not amused, threatens suit against adult event.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 27, 2011
So you’re not one of the world’s six (of six billion) beautiful people. Think about the gulf between Steve Buscemi and Madea: unless you’re a whole new life form, you’re in that mix and somebody digs it.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 27, 2011
Florida woman takes roommate to task with a six iron.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 27, 2011
No one should be surprised. Everyone should be concerned.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 27, 2011
Oh, Canada! We'll vote fore a little cleavage, every time.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 27, 2011
... Because how else would Charley Chase end up on a fire truck?
Sep. 26, 2011
Small acts of kindness toward a stranger can lead to an heroic effect in that person's life.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 26, 2011
Probably you ought to ask him, instead of your smartphone.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 26, 2011
He says the term is now generic, but isn't going to show up for court date.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 26, 2011
No one gets away with anything, but at least they're all alive.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Sep. 23, 2011
Liz Langley,
Sep. 23, 2011
We're pretty sure, ourselves, that gay marriage only causes gay people to be married.
Cherry Trifle,
Sep. 23, 2011
Armed with choice words for the would-be literati who condemn her latest effort, writer Mitzi Szereto becomes Jane Austen by way of “Fanny Hill.”
Liz Langley,
Sep. 23, 2011
Did anyone ask the wives about this, and will they even notice?
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 23, 2011
It's all about fitness, but U.K. Muslims are angered by photos.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 23, 2011
California judges say she's “reasonably safe.” Think so?
Sep. 22, 2011
One trans man and one trans woman come together to work on a project that reflects their unique, yet shared experience in being transgendered.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 22, 2011
... but his wife calls younger woman “a predator” as divorce looms.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 22, 2011
And it's 95 percent effective ... as long as you don't forget.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 22, 2011
New law allows former “pimp controlled” sex workers a fresh start.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 22, 2011
Buffalo, N.Y., youth commits suicide over bullying.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 21, 2011
They've had this problem before, and it might be the same guy.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 21, 2011
Police hunt man who has attacked nine victims in Brooklyn since March.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 21, 2011
Controversial statue in Prague is stolen ... if you find it, there's a $30,000 reward.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 21, 2011
Humor is probably wasted on them, but not on us.
Veronica Monet,
Sep. 20, 2011
Womb isn't a particularly sexy word. A term for the uterus, womb also refers to a place where something is generated or an encompassing, protective space. Womb is where things originate and for the purposes of this column, womb is where orgasm and love can find their deepest expression.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 20, 2011
New York prosecutor under investigation after her double life is exposed.
Nina Hartley,
Sep. 20, 2011
What do you do when you're a young woman who finds herself attracted to women far older than you? Can you find love? Should you be resigned to settling for girls your own age because you don't have enough experience for an older woman?
Liz Langley,
Sep. 20, 2011
It's about time, we think, and we hope the idea spreads.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 20, 2011
It's really kind of a brilliant idea, when you think about it.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 20, 2011
Yes, it's a lot of money. But they all get it, so why single out Cicciolina?
Liz Langley,
Sep. 19, 2011
... well, at least when it comes from a sperm bank.
Roland Hulme,
Sep. 19, 2011
Parents can be sexual, but there are limits.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 19, 2011
Drastic? Sure. But it works, you betcha.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 19, 2011
Crowdsourcing helps figure out structure of key enzyme. FTW!
Liz Langley,
Sep. 19, 2011
Company says: “No immediate health issues.” How is pregnancy not a health issue?
Aubrey Sitterson,
Sep. 16, 2011
Jersey Shore just gets better and better, doesn’t it? We honestly thought the show had peaked a couple seasons back, and that the cast’s trip to Florence was just a last-ditch gimmicky effort to become fun and shocking again.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 16, 2011
Yes, we know people get edgy. But the TSA gets out of control.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 16, 2011
Footage of Joan in the 1930s-'40s will be part of one-woman show.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 16, 2011
“The Next BIG Thing” turns into a dissing contest.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Sep. 15, 2011
Whether it’s coming from the mainstream or the gay community itself, that aphorism: “bisexuality is just a layover on the way to gay-town” has been slow to disappear. As more bi men come out — and more straight men experiment with kissing their friends, is male bi-phobia finally on the way out?
Liz Langley,
Sep. 15, 2011
Association of Catholic Priests agrees ... for what it's worth.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 15, 2011
Court says a female RN must be present, but allows him to practice.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 15, 2011
Those aren't the reasons we wouldn't vote for her, of course.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 14, 2011
And of course there's video. There's video of everything these days.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 14, 2011
First it's shocking, then amusing, and then it's just a whole lot of groping.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 14, 2011
Kids are urged to learn to identify trustworthy sites. We have a list, of course.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 13, 2011
When a story starts with "we were drinking Jim Beam out of beach buckets," and ends with "so I had to cut all my hair off," it should really be a lot crazier than this one. Nonetheless, that story is at the root of a 20 year obsession with my hair, its length and the weird sexual psychology that can go with our coifs.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 13, 2011
She claims requiring viewers to pay would help adult industry.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 13, 2011
... Because no one should have to be a Mouseketeer forever.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 13, 2011
They would like you to know that dogs do neither.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Sep. 12, 2011
After 12 blood-drenched, nudity-heavy episodes, the fourth season of HBO’s True Blood has drawn to a close. The season finale brought most, if not all of the show’s lingering subplots (Hotshot werepanthers? Andy’s fairy hook-up? Pam’s decay?) to some kind of conclusion, but one in particular holds more importance for the future of the show than any other: Sookie’s relationship status.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 12, 2011
We're not going to let it bother us, though.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 12, 2011
Suspect absconded with “only the sexiest items off washing lines.”
Liz Langley,
Sep. 12, 2011
Thank you, autodialing. This is why you were invented?
Liz Langley,
Sep. 12, 2011
Viagra gets the blame, or the credit, for men not seeking help.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Sep. 09, 2011
Summer may have ended, but the cast of MTV’s Jersey Shore is still going hard, doing them and just killing it on the dance floor – sometimes so hard that they hurt their knee. But just like Ronnie dancing on one leg, there’s no stopping us from listing the top five most bizarre, intriguing and ridiculous things about our favorite reality show.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 09, 2011
Yes, they changed it. Can you say misogynist? Sure you can ...
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 09, 2011
Japan's latest fetish: Cute girls licking doorknobs.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 09, 2011
New rules will allow men who have not had sex for 12 months to contribute.
Nikol Hasler,
Sep. 09, 2011
Teaching kids about sex can be the toughest job for a parent. You want to make sure they have all the information they need, but sometimes it would just be awesome if someone else could deliver the message.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 09, 2011
He also apparently thinks child porn should be ignored.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 08, 2011
Alec Balldwin (oops) says his are still scrumptious, after all these years.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 08, 2011
“Naked Guys” would have to cover seats, don pants in restaurants.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 08, 2011
TSA worker sues for defamation, First Amendment at issue.
The Bloggess,
Sep. 08, 2011
My friend James sent me this awesome montage of sexist coffee ads from the 50’s. I can’t imagine a time when women wouldn’t respond with “Oh, perhaps I shouldn’t have added so much rat poison, dear.”
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 08, 2011
That's one way to get money. It's a bad way, though, and almost never works.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Sep. 07, 2011
In the dominant Western culture, the roles of transgendered, extremely feminine and homosexual men have been downplayed and marginalized, but in many cultures, those men who did not conform to traditionally masculine archetypes were actually treasured as a magical link to the spirit world.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 07, 2011
Sign in Scotland “too bold” for some politicians. We disagree.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 07, 2011
Hardened criminal? Priapism no joke for this New Yorker.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Sep. 07, 2011
It seems like everybody who is anybody has a sex tape floating around these days. Maybe you've thought about making your own — what would it take to get you do to it? Would the reality be as exciting as the fantasy?
Liz Langley,
Sep. 07, 2011
Tammy Baldwin, veteran U.S. representative, seeks Democratic nomination.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 07, 2011
As for the rest of us, well ... the porn ghetto launches next month.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 06, 2011
In France, they apparently take lack of sex very, very seriously.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 06, 2011
Even if they were, which they weren't, the critics are loons.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 06, 2011
Guys, guys ... you're not going to win this one, and are you sure you want to?
Liz Langley,
Sep. 06, 2011
He claims photographing genitalia of patients was part of treatment and not creepy at all.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 05, 2011
Do it his way and technically it's all, well, kosher.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 05, 2011
“Sorry” never seems to be one of those words, does it.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 05, 2011
Adult industry was shut down for a week.
Roland Hulme,
Sep. 05, 2011
All violence is a hate crime, and should be treated equally.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Sep. 02, 2011
Liz Langley,
Sep. 02, 2011
Law firm's tactics on behalf of adult film companies amount to extortion, critics say.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 01, 2011
Vagina lovers everywhere: A moment of silence, please.
Liz Langley,
Sep. 01, 2011
Women's rights groups call ruling a huge victory, and it is.
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 01, 2011
What other star would show up as her own boyfriend?
Rayne Millaray,
Sep. 01, 2011
If you're soliciting in the “performance area,” you'd better have a ticket.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 31, 2011
Thanks to the Internet, we'd say this is wishful thinking.
Cole Riley,
Aug. 31, 2011
Controversy follows international award-winning writer Bruce Benderson as the author continues raising hell on his freewheeling, dangerous literary journey into the dark worlds of self, identity, and sexuality.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 31, 2011
We really don't think having the government watch us all the time is such a good idea, anyway.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 31, 2011
ABC wins praise from LGBT groups and, of course, is scorned by jerks.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 30, 2011
Have stubble? Like anal sex? You might be her guy.
Kal Cobalt,
Aug. 30, 2011
By now, slash is practically a household word in fandom, and a “slasher” isn’t just a gory movie anymore. But the kind of slash that’s about Frodo and Sam or Kirk and Spock has a redheaded stepchild: real person slash (RPS). Is writing slash about real people so different? Does it remain a fantasy, or does it have a greater impact?
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 30, 2011
They're big, beautiful, raunchy and a little pissed off. What's not to like?
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 30, 2011
He was the victim of a “How I lost my virginity” lie.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 30, 2011
Drinking is not an excuse to punch someone in the vagina.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Aug. 29, 2011
Plot and character development-wise, the fourth season of HBO’s True Blood has been more than a little disappointing. Fortunately, even at its weakest, True Blood retains one of its most interesting aspects: The way it uses the hyper-reality of supernatural creatures to explore human relationships.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 29, 2011
Experts suggest you choose between your laptop and your lover ...
Liz Langley,
Aug. 29, 2011
We knew. You knew. Scientists lag behind?
Liz Langley,
Aug. 29, 2011
Oops. These things just happen, you know?
Cherry Trifle,
Aug. 29, 2011
We’re Here, We’re Queer, We’d Like A King Beachview, Please
Liz Langley,
Aug. 29, 2011
Erotica may not go out of style but it does go out of print.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Aug. 26, 2011
Liz Langley,
Aug. 26, 2011
And it was good for them! Or good for their immune systems, anyway.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 26, 2011
We didn't know until today that bull semen could be steamy or smelly ...
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 26, 2011
Longtime volunteer victimized by assistant scoutmaster's “witchhunt.”
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 26, 2011
Nearly 1,000 women denied over the years ... and one finally fought back.
Cherry Trifle,
Aug. 26, 2011
Gay resort chains are nothing new abroad, but what about closer to home? As the tendrils of marriage equality take root and the gay community continues its slow, measured march toward ubiquity, are LGBT hotels becoming just another no-big-deal niche in the travel industry?
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 25, 2011
We're thinking this probably does not work for everyone.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 25, 2011
Well, not entirely ... but they aren't a priority, in top ten cities for unattached women.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 25, 2011
Panel of admirals says former Enterprise XO can stay in service.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 25, 2011
... And J-Cole is in there tweeting, as well.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 24, 2011
Joe Francis says surveillance camera will prove his innocence.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 24, 2011
“True Colors Residence” first facility of its kind in New York. Cyndi rocks.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 24, 2011
New Jersey school district says parents will be consulted in the future.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Aug. 24, 2011
Rachel White's Kinseyesque scale for measuring the degree of your submissiveness offers insights into more than just how submissive you might be in the bedroom.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 23, 2011
Some people think the petition for “allowing” Bert and Ernie to marry is stupid and goes too far. I say it’s stupid and doesn’t go far enough.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 23, 2011
And now we want to go see her in “Hysteria.” Who wouldn't?
Liz Langley,
Aug. 23, 2011
Lawsuit anticipated over rights of partner of woman who died.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 23, 2011
On the carpet? We get that. But on the wallpaper?
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 23, 2011
We didn't really think they were, either, but it's nice that they were ... bicurious.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Aug. 22, 2011
The True Blood characters of Lafayette and Jesus both appear to be extreme examples of gay characters, with Lafayette embracing stereotypes while Jesus rejects them. It’s common knowledge that True Blood’s creator and producer Alan Ball is openly gay, but does his sexual identity give him free license to traffic in stereotypes?
Liz Langley,
Aug. 22, 2011
We think no one's going to want that dress now, anyway.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 22, 2011
... Because we're all a little stressed, sometimes.
Roland Hulme,
Aug. 22, 2011
Whacked out, drunken-ass consent is still consent; otherwise we have to reexamine a woman’s right to drink.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 22, 2011
Actress says hormone replacement keep her youthful, at 73.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 22, 2011
$28 million sought for use of alleged child porn image.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 19, 2011
We knew you wouldn't want to forget, right?
Liz Langley,
Aug. 19, 2011
Ron Paul supporter takes out ad looking for dirt on Texas governor.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 19, 2011
Well, for bugs it is, anyway ...
Liz Langley,
Aug. 19, 2011
Jann Wenner, perhaps, will finally marry long-time male partner.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Aug. 19, 2011
And we’re back! Another episode of Jersey Shore down and another slew of disgusting, creepy, psychotic and just plain fascinating things to talk about from a sex and gender perspective.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 18, 2011
UK judge dismisses charges in assault case.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 18, 2011
Pennsylvania politician quaintly worried about influx of transient energy workers.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 18, 2011
These things always seem to backfire, don't they ...
Liz Langley,
Aug. 18, 2011
GLAAD on his tail for anti-LGBT podcast rant.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Aug. 17, 2011
This week, romance flourishes between Sookie and Eric while they experience much more than the usual high of new relationship energy.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 17, 2011
There's a time-space continuum for everything these days.
Dave Gammon,
Aug. 17, 2011
Adult film icon from the 90's, Inari Vachs, decided to take a break from the adult film industry and all but disappeared entirely. But, she says, she never intended to retire and has returned, as beautiful and busy as ever. Dave Gammon recently sat down with stunning star to chat about everything from tube sites and porn parodies to hosting the XRCO awards.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 17, 2011
No, we don't know if his credit card was billed for that service ...
Liz Langley,
Aug. 17, 2011
Science says finding a “social partner” may be a top priority.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 16, 2011
Group seeks signatures for ballot initiative. Only in Los Angeles ...
Liz Langley,
Aug. 16, 2011
Except for the gay guy. Fred Karger for president?
Liz Langley,
Aug. 16, 2011
Latest GOP presidential candidate realigns views to satisfy conservatives.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 16, 2011
Feminized fuehrer, perhaps, would have been less monstrous.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Aug. 15, 2011
We expect there to be sex and drama on Jersey Shore. It's Jersey Shore! But sometimes they come up with stuff we just can't quite believe, that we just can't stop watching...and just can't stop talking about.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 15, 2011
Theory of sexual economics totally makes sense to us.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 15, 2011
Of course they do, and good thing, too ...
Liz Langley,
Aug. 15, 2011
University of Pennsylvania trial shows promising results.
Aug. 15, 2011
As kinky folks, most of us have heard of the risks associated with certain activities we like: rope cuts off circulation, bruises invite suspicion and speculation, infected wounds or bites just plain suck and breath play can flat out be deadly... but there's more.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 15, 2011
“ ... The only thing missing is for them not to be repressed.”
Liz Langley,
Aug. 12, 2011
Where there's a will, and love, there's often a way.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 12, 2011
She'll thank you for your consideration, instead of calling the police.
Nikol Hasler,
Aug. 12, 2011
So, I guess you could say that I haven't been myself lately. This month has been consumed with trying to hold myself together through a really ridiculous break up. It's been confusing and messy and I've been a nutcase.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 12, 2011
“Those people in pornos, they’re great performers.”
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 12, 2011
DNA can reveal sex as early as seven weeks into pregnancy.
Kal Cobalt,
Aug. 11, 2011
Too warm to indulge in steak and chocolate lava brownies on your date? Not to worry — this time of year, fresh, ripe, succulent fruit abounds, and it can be every bit as sensuous.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 11, 2011
What's next, prison prom nights?
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 11, 2011
Even in the Big Apple, some parental backlash is expected.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 11, 2011
“Planet of the Apes” star tells Conan what he wouldn't tell MTV.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 10, 2011
Mass wedding organizers hope NY legislation will inspire parliament to act.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 10, 2011
No word on whether William and Kate knew what to do with a Coco de Mer. Do you?
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Aug. 10, 2011
I wouldn’t say I’m an ass woman, but I can definitely appreciate a fine behind if I’m walking behind one, male or female. Asses, in my opinion, are somewhat more socially acceptable to ogle than, say, breasts, because the person you’re looking at isn’t watching you. And sometimes there are butts you simply can’t ignore.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 10, 2011
Yes, you do still have to have sex to have a baby. But ...
Liz Langley,
Aug. 09, 2011
Because love and sex don’t come from a bartender, dealer or pharmacy (unless you’re banging the bartender, dealer or pharmacist) we often don’t give their chemical powers the fearsome credit we give to drugs we can see. But they do trigger chemicals and those chemicals wield a crazy amount of power.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 09, 2011
This is just a handy thing to know for when you get in a stupid argument.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 09, 2011
Mayor says leaning penis-tower T-shirts and undies are trashy.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 09, 2011
Whether it is, or it isn't—expect there to be lawyers involved.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Aug. 08, 2011
The witches on True Blood take distinctively different role than the vampires on the show, expressing an historically feminine mythical power: mind control.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 08, 2011
Who's checking your email and text messages besides you? Shhh.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 08, 2011
Somehow, we think this happens a lot more than they think.
Roland Hulme,
Aug. 08, 2011
The more extreme wings of the pro-life camp and the pro-choice camp think they’re complete opposites – but I have equal contempt for both of them.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 05, 2011
It's a long story. Long enough for a book, in fact.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 05, 2011
Maybe it depends on when you ask?
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 05, 2011
A&E, TBS both get failing marks from GLAAD.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 04, 2011
... and a bevy of bunnies get laid out, as well.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 04, 2011
Removing cost barrier will help tear down the ignorance barrier.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Aug. 04, 2011
To fully appreciate a woman’s body (as if Sexis readers don’t do it already), consider the following vulva et al fun facts: only female mammals have a clitoris, an organ with one singular purpose. That would be pleasure, aided and abetted by 8000 nerve endings (twice that of the average penis) that call the Female Fun Button home.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 04, 2011
Right-wing wackos, predictably, hate the new mandate on preventative health care for women.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 03, 2011
Recordings of leader of Mormon sect are allegedly of him having sex with 14-year-old.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 03, 2011
Isn't it especially nice that the vote was unanimous?
Liz Langley,
Aug. 02, 2011
New guidelines go into effect next year. Hooray!
Liz Langley,
Aug. 02, 2011
More recent college grads make “arrangements” to pay off loans and bills.
Rayne Millaray,
Aug. 02, 2011
It really has not been a good week at the University of Northern Virginia.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Aug. 01, 2011
Liz Langley,
Aug. 01, 2011
Our advice, kids, is to learn not to look, or become more tolerant.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 01, 2011
Nothing says “Our Love is Eternal” quite like a box of bullets made from cremated remains.
Aug. 01, 2011
Just thirty minutes after meeting this beautiful Swedish blonde, she had my pants off, my legs in the air and her hands on my pussy. The curtains were thrown open to the glorious spring day outside as two of my friends looks on, grinning from ear to ear. They pretty much expected this would happen as they drove me out to the country house of Ylva Maria Thompson.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 01, 2011
Finger ink sparks mini-controversy among her Twitter followers.
Liz Langley,
Aug. 01, 2011
Document found among trove of 8,000 items to be auctioned by civil-rights icon's estate.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 29, 2011
Women stand out by being more expressive.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 29, 2011
Increasingly, gynecomastia can be treated.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 29, 2011
Instructor claims it's all about fitness. Is it?
Kal Cobalt,
Jul. 29, 2011
It's what every geek wants this summer: an invite to the beta of Google Plus, the social network du jour. As with any beta, problems abound — but one in particular is causing quite a fuss. Why is Google Plus the latest accidental foe to the transgendered/genderqueer community and the current enemy of sex writers everywhere? Read on.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 29, 2011
Woman plans to fight ticket, citing First Amendment.
Cole Riley,
Jul. 28, 2011
Mitchell Brothers stripper Simone Corday remembers her lover, Artie Mitchell, Hunter S. Thompson, and the killing that rocked San Francisco.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 28, 2011
Note to Rick: You're out of your league, we think.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 28, 2011
After 15 years of marriage and four children with the “victim” ... we'd say, “No.”
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 28, 2011
No more iTunes for anti-gay, anti-women fund-raising group.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Jul. 27, 2011
Liz Langley,
Jul. 27, 2011
In Texas, authorities shut down the "outreach mission" of The Playground.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 27, 2011
Okay, so this is just getting mean ...
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 27, 2011
Playboy centerfold leads to prison-wide ban. We didn't even know Playboy was still considered as porn, did you?
Liz Langley,
Jul. 26, 2011
Most of Americans are in favor of including contraception and contraceptive counseling in the Affordable Care Act — so why be worried it might be left out? Recent attacks on reproductive freedom from funding for Planned Parenthood to legislative initiatives to restrict access to abortion give good cause for concern.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 26, 2011
“S&M” allegedly based on work by David LaChapelle.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 26, 2011
However, apparently regular girls can get away with casual nudity ...
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 26, 2011
You didn't really think opponents were going to just quit, did you?
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 26, 2011
Controversy in LAN party land mostly reinforces stereotypes.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 25, 2011
Marriage equality comes to the Empire State.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 25, 2011
Conservative groups making this stuff up, again.
Roland Hulme,
Jul. 25, 2011
There are two activist groups that imagine themselves to be almost diametrically opposed — yet I consider them deserving of equal contempt. They’re the pushy pro-life extremists who seek to drive abortion into illegality, and the extreme wing of the pro-choice movement — who seek to make access to terminating pregnancies perhaps more easy and impersonal than it should be.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 25, 2011
(And it's about time, wouldn't you say?)
Liz Langley,
Jul. 25, 2011
Ads are pulled from airwaves. Want to alleviate symptoms? Try sex.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Jul. 22, 2011
The Naked Truth is an online community where sex workers come together to talk openly, share resources, and vent about bad clients. There are other such forums online, where sex workers gather, but what makes The Naked Truth unique is that those “bad clients” are often a part of the conversation.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 22, 2011
We'd suggest a chat with Gov. Perry. But he's already not listening.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 22, 2011
At beauty product company in Puerto Rico, allegedly, only women could be on top.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 22, 2011
Mr. Radtastic is our new favorite superhero. How about you?
Tinamarie Bernard,
Jul. 21, 2011
Sexual freedom is at the core of sacred sexuality. From the outside looking in, it might be confused with promiscuity, so understanding the difference is essential to our journey.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 21, 2011
We expect he'll leave the penis pump at home, this time.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 21, 2011
“When you're 17, you don't even know how to operate what's going on down there ...”
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 21, 2011
Want to wed on July 24? You'll need to be lucky.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 20, 2011
Security guard reprimanded. We wish Gertrude Stein could have done the honors.
Kal Cobalt,
Jul. 20, 2011
What they don't tell you when you sign up to join a poly household...
Liz Langley,
Jul. 20, 2011
Not so long ago, this was impossible.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 20, 2011
Obama is on board for bid to repeal discriminatory DOMA.
Veronica Monet,
Jul. 19, 2011
Asking those we love for ANYTHING can be problematic. Our culture encourages us to be independent, self-made islands unto ourselves. We are each doing it our way and win or lose, we wear our failures and successes as testament to our personal worth or lack thereof.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 19, 2011
The question is ... Okay, we actually don't want to know how the dog was trained.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 19, 2011
Huge lifestyle convention will be broadcast live by Porn Life Radio, online.
Nina Hartley,
Jul. 19, 2011
Do you find yourself losing your mood just when foreplay gets going? Do the advice experts fail to provide useful information to help keep your head in the sexual game?
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 19, 2011
So says Summer's Eve. Of course, they want to sell you stuff. But this is still fun.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 19, 2011
ASACP tells Congress: Leave porn out of child protection bill.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 18, 2011
Trust us, people took breasts seriously way back when, as well.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 18, 2011
In Indiana, some clinic employees apparently think they can guess sexuality by appearance.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Jul. 18, 2011
Liz Langley,
Jul. 18, 2011
Just so you know—she's wearing giant white lace panties.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 18, 2011
Florida legislature really needs to figure this one out.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 15, 2011
Beta males may actually be happier in the long run. Huh.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 15, 2011
So much for stereotypes. Yay, girls!
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 15, 2011
Press freedom advocates oppose restrictions and say the new law will weaken media critics of government.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Jul. 15, 2011
Falling in Love with Clients, Marriage and Paying for Sex as a Woman
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 15, 2011
And then everyone else runs it. And it may not even have been true in 2009.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 15, 2011
Broadway couples will unite on night of July 25.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 14, 2011
We're open-minded and all, but there are things the grandkids don't need to see.
Dave Gammon,
Jul. 14, 2011
Adult film star Anna Lovato is relatively new to the industry, but already making her mark working exclusively with Bluebird Films. Dave Gammon sat down recently with the charming British performer to talk about everything from the differences in porn culture in the UK to being immortalized by Fleshlight.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 14, 2011
Antiretrovirals are shown to substantially reduce risk of infection.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 14, 2011
Parades. Marching. Military. And no more DADT. It all adds up.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 14, 2011
A gift basket of lube from a CEO can turn a singer on, you know?
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 14, 2011
This is after he recovered from being mauled by his pet bear ...
Aubrey Sitterson,
Jul. 13, 2011
Liz Langley,
Jul. 13, 2011
Did we mention that we want to live there, too?
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 13, 2011
Company says new Internet web space will drive up costs as adult industry resists segregation.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 13, 2011
Bree Olson Talks to Playboy ... we notice she did not say “great”? Pass the Tiger Blood, please.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Jul. 13, 2011
You know the phrase, “Taken out of context, I must seem so strange?” That goes double for pulling random bits of erotic conversation, texted or otherwise, and analyzing them as if they told a whole story. Without the motivation of the person sending and receiving them, you really don’t know anything.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 13, 2011
She says signing a license for a gay marriage goes “against God.” Buh-Bye ...
Liz Langley,
Jul. 13, 2011
We can understand why marketing would not play this connection up.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 12, 2011
Rip Taylor must be so proud.
In a political climate that just seems to get more depressing, insulting and sinister every day finally the Glitter Bomb has arrived.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 12, 2011
Lawsuit sidesteps polygamy issue but claims constitutional right to privacy.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 12, 2011
Shoppers, please be wary in the produce department ...
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 12, 2011
He was misquoted! Yeah, that's the ticket ...
Nina Hartley,
Jul. 12, 2011
Are you a jeans and t-shirt kinda woman who has been told she'd be more attractive if she tried dress like a girl? You may resist donning a skirt at all costs, but Nina has some thoughts on why it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to wear the "feminine costume" when the occasion calls for it.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 11, 2011
City Hall wedding is scheduled for July 24.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 11, 2011
Case of Jennifer Leigh Jones got a federal law changed, but no court victory.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 11, 2011
"Superbug" resists antibiotics; vaccine development underway.
Roland Hulme,
Jul. 11, 2011
Last week, MGM pictures announced they were close to casting British actress Naomie Harris as the new Miss Moneypenny in their rebooted James Bond franchise. Sexy, smart and snarky, Harris promises to bring some real edge to the role of M’s dutiful secretary.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 11, 2011
Okay, so we've got a mad crush on Natalie Irish, and you can see why.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 11, 2011
Sergeant in Afghanistan makes request via YouTube.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 08, 2011
Vivid offer rescinded; Apparently, she's considered too despicable for XXX.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 08, 2011
Photography. We are never surprised when it turns into porn, really.
Nikol Hasler,
Jul. 08, 2011
I don't come home after a date and dish all the dirty details of my evening.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 08, 2011
Porn star shows up a gala birthday party, but not in court.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 07, 2011
Well, voters. You know what to do with this one, right?
Liz Langley,
Jul. 07, 2011
Naturists, in turn, put Canada on trial for public prudery.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Jul. 07, 2011
To snip or not to snip is at the center of a resurgent debate, but are we seeing the whole picture? Medical pros and cons are only part of the complexities surrounding this simple procedure.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 07, 2011
To get funding under 2003 law, non-profits had to say, somewhere, that they oppose prostitution.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 07, 2011
Bloomberg: “We are not going to make them wait one day longer than they have to.”
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 07, 2011
“All investigations must stop, all discharge proceedings must halt immediately."
Aubrey Sitterson,
Jul. 06, 2011
Liz Langley,
Jul. 06, 2011
Yes, we've heard this one. But those scientists are at it again, measuring and stuff.
Liz Langley,
Jul. 06, 2011
Don't try smuggling your spouse out of prison in a suitcase. Most people would not need to be told, we know.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 06, 2011
If you're thinking this is overkill, we're with you.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 06, 2011
“Bride” and “Groom” are no longer the only options, you know?
Liz Langley,
Jul. 05, 2011
Incident allegedly occurred in 2003. Meanwhile, case against him in NY is in tatters.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 05, 2011
We weren't there, but we're not sure about the “Not Guilty.” You?
Nina Hartley,
Jul. 05, 2011
Many women suffer from the secret insecurity of wondering if their partner is repulsed by what they find between their legs. Does it smell bad? Does it look bad? Most likely, things are just fine down below, but what can a woman do to help herself be more confident when exposing her most feminine side?
Liz Langley,
Jul. 01, 2011
Maybe if we were actually there, it would seem more romantic ...
Liz Langley,
Jul. 01, 2011
It sounds as though Huma Abedin will take a little time off from her husband as well.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 01, 2011
Soon-to-be "Two and a Half Men" man blames ads for sex slavery.
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 01, 2011
This is how the government raises STD awareness in Alberta, Canada ...
Rayne Millaray,
Jul. 01, 2011
Apparently, immigration authorities are moving toward recognizing marriage equality. And that's a good thing.
Jul. 01, 2011
In a perfect world, every child-guardian relationship would be punctuated with down-to-earth, all-your-questions-answered talk about the young person’s emerging sexuality.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 30, 2011
"Ladyboys" and "katoeys" lobbying, marching for rights
Liz Langley,
Jun. 30, 2011
Seeing as how same-sex marriage is legal now, it makes sense.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 30, 2011
(Yawn) ... Excuse us, are we supposed to be personally offended? Again?
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 30, 2011
The kids are ready to learn, but are the parents ready to teach?
Liz Langley,
Jun. 29, 2011
... And every voice counts when it comes to a guardian of women's health.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Jun. 29, 2011
True Blood is back on HBO this summer for a fourth season — Join SexIs as we take deeper look at the sexual and erotic themes of this blood-thirsty vampire series.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 29, 2011
Sex change for girls allegedly a choice for hundreds of parents.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 29, 2011
Okay, this case is probably NOT covered by the First Amendment ...
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 29, 2011
We don't recommend his behavior but we're thinking he has a right to express his displeasure. You know?
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Jun. 29, 2011
Joan Price is 67 and wants you to know that sex doesn’t stop at 50—or 60, 70 or 80 and 90!
Liz Langley,
Jun. 28, 2011
Well, of course he does.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 28, 2011
It's time for The World Testicle and Aphrodisiac Cooking Championships! Hooray!
Liz Langley,
Jun. 28, 2011
Political sex scandals seem to be a matter of course these days — is anybody surprised anymore when the news announces yet another politician has cheated on his spouse? This begs the question: Why did they even get married in the first place?
Nina Hartley,
Jun. 28, 2011
What do you do when your partner stops having sex with you? Is it your fault? Is it theirs? Should you try to change or call it quits?
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 28, 2011
Christie sticks with the one man, one woman thing.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 28, 2011
Driving while nude? Try not asking for directions ...
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 28, 2011
'Mr. Big' says the media makes too big a deal out of politicians' sex lives.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 28, 2011
Accused rapist in S&M-related case remains jailed in lieu of $350,000 bond.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 27, 2011
John Lindsay apologized, sent flowers.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 27, 2011
New book tells the stories that used to go untold.
Roland Hulme,
Jun. 27, 2011
I’ve invested a lot of column inches fighting the perception that straight, white, cisgender men are “the enemy” — and that they don’t deserve the suspicion, negativity or outright hostility that often awaits them within the so-called “sex positive” online community.
The problem is: There are straight, white, cisgender men who certainly don’t do me any fucking favors.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 27, 2011
Revolutionary trend, or “gender madness”?
Liz Langley,
Jun. 27, 2011
Somewhere near you, it's probably free. What are you waiting for?
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 24, 2011
"Anything could happen," both sides said. And it did!
Liz Langley,
Jun. 24, 2011
And there's also a choir with a song to spread the word.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 24, 2011
What you do with your bandwidth is your own business, in the Netherlands.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 24, 2011
... Because "To Die For" should not mean you have to, you know. Die.
Rydell Johnson,
Jun. 24, 2011
The day has come to start bridging the gap between being a mom and being a slut.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 24, 2011
Census data shows that "the closet is getting smaller."
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 24, 2011
Methodist refuses to say she'll never do it again.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 23, 2011
It is probably not too late to be the first “bagelhead” on your block.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 23, 2011
Indiana gives it a try, and it's an ugly situation.
Cole Riley,
Jun. 23, 2011
Awarded the 2011 AVN honor for transsexual performer of the year and its XBIZ counterpart as well, Bailey Jay, Virginian lass in her early twenties, understands she is a role model. “I’m one of the most celebrated transsexual porn stars by mainstream porn media but I was not allowed to accept my award on stage,” she says to SexIs. “I often joke that sometimes I feel like a black man in 1960.”
Tinamarie Bernard,
Jun. 23, 2011
We explore modern and ancient views on virginity and ask: when did a flap of skin come to mean so much about a woman’s worth?
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 23, 2011
Demand for name of employer of HIV-positive porn actor is denied.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 23, 2011
Just what you wanted. 'The Wonder Weiner,' for your phone. Uh-huh.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Jun. 22, 2011
We associate the word “John” with the word "trick." It’s been reported this is because, on the street level, the sex worker is trying to "trick" him into as much money as possible — it’s part of “the game.” But what do sex workers really think of their clients? Are they trying to scam them? And what do they think about what our Johns have had to say?
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 22, 2011
Anti-discrimination case called a first by lawyers.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Jun. 22, 2011
As the first Game of Thrones season comes to a close, two of its most powerful women, Cersei Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen, are found to be seeking power in their respective roles as queens, in vastly different ways.
Liz Langley,
Jun. 22, 2011
“Lost” actor and teen singer, married last month, stand up to critics.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 22, 2011
We assume he will let us know when he's done?
Veronica Monet,
Jun. 21, 2011
I like to say ALL sex is sacred. Of course anytime you make sweeping generalizations like that, there is a lot of room to disagree. Given the right mood, I'd be the first to disagree with myself. Still, I want to explain the kernel of truth in the statement “all sex is sacred.”
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 21, 2011
Thanks, kids, for a real, honest and innocent moment.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 21, 2011
We think this will be the last time Crystal Harris makes the cover.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 21, 2011
Well, of course they are. You knew this would happen.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 21, 2011
Lawsuit sought to mandate condoms, preventative measures against STIs.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 20, 2011
Women failed to prove corporate policy was cause of discrimination, justices say.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 20, 2011
Vote (no longer) expected today, deal to "protect" religious groups part of compromise with GOP.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 17, 2011
We know, there are other opinions out there. We even have one.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 17, 2011
Exxxotica Expo ad suggested players would host strip club party. Seems ... not.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 17, 2011
Prosecutors actually have to ask, at least in this case.
Jun. 17, 2011
In January of this year a representative from the Toronto Police Service said “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized” and with that, he created one hell of a shit storm and spurred a new feminist movement.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 17, 2011
A couple of kids, maybe fooling around, in the background ... and everyone freaks out.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 16, 2011
A relieved Congress is again pervert-free. (Right.)
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 16, 2011
We suspect they'll win the case, but at what cost?
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 16, 2011
Is there a right age and a right way for talking about sex in schools on which everyone can agree? Probably not.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 16, 2011
Michigan, Washington, Maryland and Arizona top the list for video-on-demand porn.
Aubrey Sitterson,
Jun. 15, 2011
In today's world, marriage for political reasons is pretty uncommon. But just a few centuries into the past, arranged marriages were a vital part of government and politics. In the medieval fantasy-world of Game of Thones, marriage within the ruling families is almost entirely political and critical to the stability of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 15, 2011
Congratulations, dude. You've offended us, and that's not easy.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Jun. 15, 2011
“So, you’re straight…” my friend started a sentence the other day. I forget exactly what she followed it up with, because that word, “straight,” kept echoing in my head, sounding foreign as it applied to me, because I don’t consider myself straight, and haven’t in a decade.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 15, 2011
Supporters are well on their way to the goal, but there's some residual bitterness.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 15, 2011
Now we don't feel so bad about not being invited ...
Liz Langley,
Jun. 14, 2011
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 14, 2011
President says women have failed to civilize the men ... like it was their job?
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 14, 2011
... because, apparently, the Mormon Church owns the station.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 14, 2011
California Proposition 8 defenders really are pretty shameless, desperate or both.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 14, 2011
Who will buy these things? Republicans? We don't know.
Nina Hartley,
Jun. 14, 2011
The Vagina Monologues is a powerful performance that has become a big part of V Day movement, with performances raising funds for women's resource centers and other causes. The show has been performed by countless women internationally, including our own Nina Hartley.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 14, 2011
As though you could get it from a cough? Puhhlease ...
Jun. 13, 2011
Imagine a weekend at the friendliest place on earth, with the nicest people, who are sharing and playing well with each other. Now remove the acoustic guitar and accompanying folk music from that image — and replace it with hemp products. In this case hemp is used for ropes and tying, not smoking, because we’re at ShibariCon .
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 13, 2011
Can a honeymoon sex tape be far behind? We hope not.
Roland Hulme,
Jun. 13, 2011
Evolution, by its very definition, is an innate genetic preference for self-preservation. In a world literally bursting at the seams, some argue that this is why the number of gay people is increasing.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 13, 2011
The guys ... well, 9 percent can't find the clitoris, and that's too many.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 13, 2011
Does anyone think they really haven't made up their minds?
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 13, 2011
Bringing fictional characters to life, on the Internet, can be a very bad idea.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 10, 2011
'Guidelines' are meant to push equality in Medicare, Medicaid rules.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 10, 2011
Drama about the '50s coming to the small screen in the fall.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 10, 2011
Employers take note: Non-consensual use of penises in the workplace can cost you.
Nikol Hasler,
Jun. 10, 2011
When I was a little kid I was a total weirdo. I would talk to anyone, anywhere. Homeless guy on a bench? Tell me everything. Mother at the park swinging her child? Let's chat about swinging and did you know my grandpa died when my mom was a teenager and her mom is crazy and did you know my neighbor Mrs. Pinkski has a little dog and she thinks I stole her tulips but I was on roller-skates?
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 10, 2011
City picks up the difference caused by discriminatory federal tax law.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 09, 2011
Thank you, Google Maps. This is why they made you.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Jun. 09, 2011
There’s a persistent conviction in our culture that if your biosuit includes a uterus, you should use it. Procreate or be somehow less womanly, less human, and more selfish, hedonistic or conflicted than your mothering counterparts. It’s a message that resonates pervasively, and sometimes pits parents against the childless.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 09, 2011
So the kid has something to look forward to when she's 16, apparently ...
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 09, 2011
We're sort of hoping this is the end of that, for a while at least.
The Bloggess,
Jun. 09, 2011
As a sex columnist, I try to keep up with all the latest celebrity sex tapes. Paris Hilton’s was poorly acted. Pam Anderson’s were just frightening. Chelsea Clinton’s was hysterical. But my favorite was one that’s so under the radar you probably missed it, and I’m here to save you from yourself.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 09, 2011
If she's real, we hope she's okay. If she's fake ... we still hope she's okay.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 08, 2011
Proposed regulations on condoms, barriers criticized by adult industry and performers.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Jun. 08, 2011
Would there be sex work in a sexually non-repressed society? It's one of those philosophical questions to wax over, in all of its unicorn-like glory. After all what does “sexually non-repressed” society even mean? Would we all be polyamorous...wearing fig leaves for clothes?
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 08, 2011
Canadian resident remains jailed in Tehran pending review of case.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 08, 2011
She says it's not a requirement for fame and success ... Really?
Aubrey Sitterson,
Jun. 08, 2011
Author George R.R. Martin continues to challenge stereotypical representations of sexuality in service to his character-based narrative in Game of Thrones — In Varys, Master of Westeros, he melds characteristics from differing camps to create an ambiguous, complex character.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 08, 2011
Long-ago honeymoon video will remain private for now.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 07, 2011
Irish dude rescued by Japanese cargo ship. Probably wearing clothes now.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 07, 2011
She says self-castration is her other option.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 07, 2011
His biggest role is in real life, as sleazy con man ...
Nina Hartley,
Jun. 07, 2011
We've all been in this position at least once in our lives. Life is stressful and sometimes you just can't slow down and focus on the task at hand — reaching orgasm. But what if you've never been able to relax enough with your partner to come?
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 07, 2011
Her second-favorite might also be sex. Or maybe baseball.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 06, 2011
He's embarrassed. Yes, it figures. But so what?
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 06, 2011
Players were excluded for not being "gay enough."
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 06, 2011
We can only hope that the Boy Scouts of America takes note.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 06, 2011
Yes, we were offended, too. But we're backing off, a little.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 06, 2011
In the end, who will jurors believe, and how certain will they be?
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Jun. 06, 2011
“What do the balls actually do?” I asked my friend, Ellen Friedrichs (who teaches sex ed to middle and high school students). We were talking about sex and I realized I genuinely didn’t know the answer.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 06, 2011
Video is hilarious, creepy, and, yes, sort of about your parents.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 03, 2011
We're expecting a site for choosing the hottest members of Congress, soon ...
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 03, 2011
Yes, we know it was stupid and ugly. But was it criminally stupid and ugly?
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 03, 2011
Ex-WWE star coming out with Vivid DVD.
Kal Cobalt,
Jun. 03, 2011
The Bromance: the most versatile relationship two (or more) characters can enjoy. It's uniquely suited to the varying desires of a full-spectrum public: to some, it's a depiction of buddies. To others, it's an exploration of how strong the bonds of friendship can become. And for still more viewers, it's the fun of watching guys constantly engage in behavior that can be read as strongly homoerotic.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 03, 2011
You'd think he could just make her disappear ...
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 03, 2011
Have you changed your password lately? Because this could happen to anyone, right?
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 02, 2011
Doesn't sound worth it to us, either. Amazing what people will spend their money on ...
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 02, 2011
Northwestern study says many who are HIV positive don't know it.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 02, 2011
Apparently, anything that might lead inmates to masturbate is not allowed.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 02, 2011
Proposed change in rules will go on agenda for national vote next year.
Cole Riley,
Jun. 02, 2011
To be perfectly honest, John Waters never conceals the best parts of himself. Most celebrities permit you to gawk at them for a price. Waters’ latest book, Role Models, allows his readers to examine his essential life lessons through a series of quirky portraits which exposes his inner corrupted core.
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 01, 2011
Resorts Casino Hotel in Atlantic City allegedly wanted 'younger, slimmer, sexier.'
Jeff Schult,
Jun. 01, 2011
First ceremonies will take place tomorrow. Congratulations to all!
Aubrey Sitterson,
Jun. 01, 2011
At first glance, the depiction of Renly and Loras as a homosexual couple in the Game of Thrones appears to be a radical departure from the novels on which the televised version is based, but upon closer inspection, it was there, it just wasn't so...outthere.
Rayne Millaray,
Jun. 01, 2011
Somehow, we don't think pedophiles are fashionistas.
Jeff Schult,
May. 31, 2011
We know. You're shocked. But the boob-cam doesn't lie.
Rachel Rabbit White,
May. 31, 2011
Circumcision is increasingly considered a human rights issue. San Franciscans will be voting on banning the controversial procedure this November. While the AMA does not recommend it, circumcision is still considered an essential sign of the covenant in reformed Judaism. Like France’s ban on the hijab, the question is: Are we denying freedom of religion or are we protecting human rights?
Rayne Millaray,
May. 31, 2011
In the U.S., this used to be known as "bobbitting."
Rayne Millaray,
May. 31, 2011
Well, of course it isn't. These things happen all the time.
Roland Hulme,
May. 30, 2011
Donald Trump thinks that Obama was too dumb to get into Harvard. Is that racist? Or does the accusation stem from well-intentioned policies of affirmative action that inadvertently undermine attempts to make society more equal?
Jeff Schult,
May. 30, 2011
Survey indicates Senate vote would be close, if held today.
Jeff Schult,
May. 30, 2011
This couldn’t be because it’s a really traditional dating site, could it?
Jeff Schult,
May. 30, 2011
Public hearing scheduled for next week; industry remains opposed.
Jeff Schult,
May. 30, 2011
... Because he's androgynous and someone might think he's a girl.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 27, 2011
State is spending $97,000 per inmate annually for 'civil commitment' program.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 27, 2011
It's all innocent, even a little saccharin. Okay, a LOT saccharin ...
Rayne Millaray,
May. 27, 2011
Provides for teaching about contraception, not just abstinence.
Jeff Schult,
May. 27, 2011
Owner of vanity plate, who has two daughters and likes pink, is distressed.
Dave Gammon,
May. 27, 2011
The final installment of Dave Gammon's three-part interview with porn star, Jenna Haze.
Jeff Schult,
May. 27, 2011
Players seek to overturn new rule mandating skirts.
Dave Gammon,
May. 26, 2011
Part Two of a three-part interview with porn star, Jenna Haze.
Jeff Schult,
May. 26, 2011
Unwedded coupling on the rise, according to 2010 census data.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 26, 2011
There's a line you can't cross in public name-calling, and 'slut' is on the other side of the line.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 26, 2011
We get everything else from China. Why not 3D porn?
Rayne Millaray,
May. 26, 2011
Rousseff say material is 'too adult'; LGBT groups feel betrayed.
Jeff Schult,
May. 25, 2011
We're really not sure this is going to stop anyone ...
Tinamarie Bernard,
May. 25, 2011
Can we resurrect Goddess authority without stripping her bare of her hallowed curves, or finding ourselves fixated on her hollowed spaces?
Rayne Millaray,
May. 25, 2011
From the dept. of inappropriate over-reactions ...
Rayne Millaray,
May. 25, 2011
Woman claims bar denied her service for wearing moccasins.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 25, 2011
'MayDay for Marriage' opposes Cuomo push for same-sex unions.
Liz Langley,
May. 24, 2011
Many people think it’s reason that separates us from the animals but I think the opposite is true: it’s belief.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 24, 2011
Pennsylvania man could have lost $46,000.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 24, 2011
Maybe you don't want to use one of these every time, if you're on a budget.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 24, 2011
In general, masturbating in public is not a good idea. In case you didn't know.
Rachel Rabbit White,
May. 23, 2011
The stars of the oldest Latina drag show in the U.S. at La Cueva admit the term "drag" is a bit of a misnomer for their show — because the queens of this stage are not the usual men in drag you expect to find but male to female transgender performers.
Jeff Schult,
May. 23, 2011
Meanwhile, Cuomo speaks out on marriage equality. We love New York.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 23, 2011
Proceeds going to charity, so it's hard to be truly annoyed.
May. 23, 2011
Burlesque has been making a comeback in recent years, not only as an art form, but as a new source of body confidence for women and men alike. Midori sits down with two performers to talk about burlesque body confidence and the evolution of burlesque culture.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 23, 2011
Women's health groups support retailer's decision.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 23, 2011
'Storm' will be allowed to make choices, later in life.
Jeff Schult,
May. 20, 2011
Rapturous sex. A little looting. Maybe some last-minute errands ...
Jeff Schult,
May. 20, 2011
Consenting adults, beware ...
Rayne Millaray,
May. 20, 2011
Senator opines that fetishist is capable of holding a job.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 20, 2011
If a story seems too good (or bad) to be true, it probably is ...
Jeff Schult,
May. 19, 2011
The Internet revolution picked up where the sexual revolution left off.
Jeff Schult,
May. 19, 2011
Four years later ... Oops. Shouldn't have done that.
Rydell Johnson,
May. 19, 2011
Getting in touch with one’s inner slut offers a new world of empowerment, liberation, and … fun.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 19, 2011
Governor files motion to back out of defense of domestic partnership registry.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 19, 2011
If your kid is over 2 in Forest Park, breastfeeding is now public indecency.
Kal Cobalt,
May. 19, 2011
It’s more and more common these days. If you don’t suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome or its familiars, one of your partners probably does. And CTS is a bitch to deal with in the sack. But never fear: as with all other limitations, there are ways to work around the pain.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 19, 2011
Aerosmith frontman's autobiography heavy on the drugs (bad) and sex (good).
Tucker Cummings,
May. 18, 2011
We’re so lucky to live in the 21st century, surrounded by an embarrassment of pornographic riches. It’s never been so easy to find porn — the other side of that coin is there is simply too much pornography to ever watch it all, and tons of actors competing for a share of the audience. If you’re just starting out, trying to make a name for yourself, how do you get anybody to notice you?
Jeff Schult,
May. 18, 2011
The costs of education being what they are ...
Rayne Millaray,
May. 18, 2011
Porn impresario does his best to be a good neighbor.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 18, 2011
We love innovations in safe sex. Doesn't everyone?
Rayne Millaray,
May. 18, 2011
Okay, he's not a pediatrician. But do we hold doctors to a higher standard?
Jeff Schult,
May. 17, 2011
Emotions run high during four-hour rally.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 17, 2011
Proposed bill raises concerns about individual rights.
Veronica Monet,
May. 17, 2011
Last month I noted that the “love hormone,” Oxytocin, introduces an element of love to all sexual encounters. If sex exists on a continuum, then some sex might be almost bereft of love while other sex would be completely defined by love. In between those two extremes exists a lot of varied combinations of eroticism and emotion.
Jeff Schult,
May. 17, 2011
Plus: IMF chief's downfall and celebrity herpes still in the news!
Rayne Millaray,
May. 17, 2011
She says it's safe; doctors and the rest of the world disagree.
Cole Riley,
May. 16, 2011
Like most men, I’m baffled by the nature of love. Lust, I can understand. But I’ve not done well in my efforts in my love life. An ambitious stripper, a snarky teacher with a jealous ex, a professional dancer with a nose candy problem, and a loopy reporter one step from the bughouse. All strike-outs.
Jeff Schult,
May. 16, 2011
Just because they can doesn't make it right.
Jeff Schult,
May. 16, 2011
“I wished to have the possibility of breaking the judgment behind what you might call a slut.”
Rayne Millaray,
May. 16, 2011
We trust moms to run away from this ad campaign.
Roland Hulme,
May. 16, 2011
With a column called “Devil’s Advocate”, it shouldn’t be surprising that I write a lot of things people disagree with. Fortunately, I welcome people challenging my opinions (and, as frequently happens, proving me wrong).
Rayne Millaray,
May. 16, 2011
Doctored Disney images make the rounds on the Internet.
Jeff Schult,
May. 13, 2011
Texas newspaper apologizes, sort of, for not-so-hot idea.
Jeff Schult,
May. 13, 2011
... but we knew it had to be part of the story, somehow.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 13, 2011
Equal protection law will take effect in 2012.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 13, 2011
Study shows benefit of starting antiretroviral therapy right after diagnosis.
Tinamarie Bernard,
May. 12, 2011
True story: A few weeks ago, my eldest child asked me if I knew everything there is to know about sex.
Jeff Schult,
May. 12, 2011
TMZ reporting on anonymous lawsuit and bidding war for sex tapes.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 12, 2011
It's a scandal! Right? Well. for cricket, maybe.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 12, 2011
Lingerie maker demonstrates feelings of support.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 12, 2011
Somehow, we're thinking this is a little overdue.
Jeff Schult,
May. 11, 2011
Of course, it's just an app.
Jeff Schult,
May. 11, 2011
Actress stresses that her life as an adult film star was a positive experience.
Rachel Rabbit White,
May. 11, 2011
Is the Long Island Serial Killer a john? Searching for the truth about violence and sex work.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 11, 2011
Apparently, this is a bigger problem than one would think.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 11, 2011
LGBT groups note the unlikelihood, along with the insensitivity.
Aubrey Sitterson,
May. 11, 2011
While it’s true that prostitution is seen as a vice in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, it’s a legal and even acceptable one, with brothels spread throughout the kingdom of Westeros — from Mole’s Town near the Wall in the north, all the way down south to King’s Landing. What’s most interesting about the sex trade in Game of Thrones, however, is who it ultimately exploits and weakens.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 11, 2011
Volunteers needed. Some farming knowledge is, well, helpful.
Jeff Schult,
May. 10, 2011
Plus, they allegedly don't break or leak. Coming soon!
Liz Langley,
May. 10, 2011
Just as most of the world will never forget where they were when they heard Osama bin Laden was dead, I will never forget where I was when I heard that people like to have sex dressed as Tigger.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 10, 2011
LGBT groups turn up the heat on N.Y. State Assembly.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 10, 2011
Sonny and Cher's kid walked a long, difficult road.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 10, 2011
Live post-class orgasm demonstration furor apparently to blame.
Nina Hartley,
May. 10, 2011
How does Nina Hartley or any other porn star avoid getting STIs ? The short answer is, sometimes you don't. The only sure way to avoid getting STIs is to not have sex. But who really wants to go through life without sex?
Jeff Schult,
May. 10, 2011
“Boobies Wanted” sign comes down, owner says he’ll close soon.
May. 09, 2011
Perhaps it’s a cliché, but it‘s eternally true: springtime brings thoughts of new life, birth, and evidence of sexual reproduction. As real chicks hatch from birds’ nests, we eat sugar-coated marshmallow chicks delivered by a mythical bunny (and we all know what bunnies like to do in their spare time).
Jeff Schult,
May. 09, 2011
... and 40 percent say they like online porn.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 09, 2011
We think we already know the answer is “No.” You know?
Rayne Millaray,
May. 09, 2011
Protest in Boston draws more than 2,000.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 09, 2011
Woman caught in prostitution bust gets supervised release.
Jeff Schult,
May. 09, 2011
There's the hot mom meaning. And then there's the Muslim insurgent group ...
Aubrey Sitterson,
May. 06, 2011
Jeff Schult,
May. 06, 2011
We know that you thought they did, and you were apparently wrong.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 06, 2011
Yeah, we SO want THAT job on our resume ...
Rayne Millaray,
May. 06, 2011
Strippers? Nude dancers? You're okay for another year.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 06, 2011
Even 67 seconds of "blonde" can get you fired.
Jeff Schult,
May. 05, 2011
“The whole lifestyle will just disappear unless we attract a younger crowd.”
Jeff Schult,
May. 05, 2011
Down but not out, former sex worker is still writing.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 05, 2011
Once would be bad enough. But four times?
May. 05, 2011
In many ways, the beauty pageant held at Los Angeles’ Circus Disco on April 10, 2011 was a pageant just like any other. Long, lithe women dressed elaborately in sexy sequined outfits did the stiletto stomp across the stage. It was all glamour, glitz, and hyper-femininity, but the beautiful competitors were more than they appeared to be.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 05, 2011
Former wrestler faces up to 120 years in prison.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 05, 2011
No, we didn't think you could be jailed for that, either.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
May. 04, 2011
I’ve never whipped out a measuring tape in bed so I can’t give you precise numbers, but I think I can safely say I’ve slept with men with penises ranging from very small to gigantic. Most have been somewhere between those two extremes and the big lesson I’ve come away with is: size is not what makes someone good in bed, not by a long shot.
Jeff Schult,
May. 04, 2011
Advertiser for TV show told that billboards have to go.
Sexis Editors,
May. 04, 2011
Consumers warned against a range of bogus treatments and claims.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 04, 2011
AIM Healthcare blamed for “Patient Zeta” and data security fiascos.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 04, 2011
Neighbor: “… it frequently doesn't sound as pleasurable as it is.”
Rayne Millaray,
May. 04, 2011
Oh, and the cops laughed at him, too ...
Tucker Cummings,
May. 04, 2011
For most people, talking to their kids about sex is awkward.
For sex ed teachers, explaining “the birds and the bees” to someone else’s kids is even more awkward.
And for the kids themselves? Hearing adult authority figures talk about sex is extremely awkward…and more troubling, often filled with lies.
Jeff Schult,
May. 03, 2011
Somehow, we’re thinking that the “penis sock” is not going to catch on.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 03, 2011
And go for a walk on the Interstate, first. That'll teach him.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 03, 2011
Wait, it gets even better.
Nina Hartley,
May. 03, 2011
Do you find it difficult to let your partner know that they've stopped short of pleasing you in the bedroom? Communicating the specifics of what you want and need in the bedroom can be, for many, a seemingly insurmountable hurdle. What do you do if you're too terrified to utter those all-important words "Don't stop!"?
Jeff Schult,
May. 02, 2011
Some guys actually want less sex. Okay, so it's really not that many.
Jeff Schult,
May. 02, 2011
“Sexy, funny and shocking” … is Hollywood ready for this? We are.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 02, 2011
Apparently having sex on the job, on camera, is a bad thing. Who knew?
Kal Cobalt,
May. 02, 2011
Whether you're the one excited about trying poly or the partner who's been approached to open up the relationship, you don't have to just guess and hope about the outcome of this venture. There are things to think about, scenarios to talk about, and tools to use to figure out whether your monogamous relationship has a good chance of withstanding the switch to polyamory.
Rayne Millaray,
May. 02, 2011
Maybe a little more communication with parents is in order, here ...
Rayne Millaray,
May. 02, 2011
Conservative AG vengeful about defenseless Defense of Marriage Act.
Roland Hulme,
May. 02, 2011
One of my hobbies is perusing Internet erotica. I churn through sites like ASSTR.org — filled with erotic offerings from thousands of anonymous authors — and try to discern the psychology behind the fantasies.
And you know what? They scare the crap out of me.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 29, 2011
Longer ring finger means more attractive. (And more likely to go to prison.)
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 29, 2011
"The Daily Beast" tells us what it means for The Royal Sex Life? Seriously ...
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 29, 2011
Top-rated teacher under fire for side career of 20 years.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 29, 2011
But does anyone care except maybe his co-stars? We're not tuned in ...
Liz Langley,
Apr. 29, 2011
As the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton loomed over us, you’d have thought an anglophile like myself would be faint with anticipation, just from the sheer Englishness of it all. A royal wedding, for tit’s sake! Westminster Abbey! Approval of the Queen!
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 29, 2011
We can think of better things to do while naked, but who are we to judge?
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 28, 2011
McDowell apologizes for response to “heckling fans.” Oops. Classy, huh?
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 28, 2011
At least they were, in 1949. Something to tell your parents, or grandparents ...
Tinamarie Bernard,
Apr. 28, 2011
Sacred female sexuality, with its feelers in earth-based worship, meets resistance in various circles. The idea that woman with all her undulating curves & desires can cohabitate with formal religion creates waves of awe & shock, depending on perspective & historical understanding.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 28, 2011
Policy remains in effect pending more training, certification.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 28, 2011
If it's legal, patrons can look at it. First Amendment trumps censors.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 28, 2011
Traveling literary history of fetishes, BDSM attract a college crowd.
Apr. 27, 2011
Have you heard of JoyBear Pictures, the self-described “definitive raunchy film production company for her and him?”
Well, if you’re from the US and a consumer of adult content, the answer is likely “No.”
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 27, 2011
Sex education website outrages some conservatives.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 27, 2011
The message from rappers and TV stars: Get Yourself Tested (GYT).
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 27, 2011
Drugs, once again, lead to very bad decision-making.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Apr. 27, 2011
When celebrities take on humans rights issues, eyes will roll. Take, Demi and Ashton's DNA project and it's “comedy” videos featuring celebs like Justin Timberlake with the message “Real Men Don't Buy Girls” which has been criticized for being insensitive. And I agree, it's hard to take anything Justin Timberlake does as important.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 26, 2011
We're so glad they finally came up with an official name for this ...
Renee Veronica Lucas,
Apr. 26, 2011
To be simultaneously funny, sexy, seductive, and shocking is no easy task, but burlesque dancers manage to get a rise out of an audience, one way or another. New York’s Museum of Sex celebrates burlesque, past and present in the their recently opened exhibition "The Nudie Artist: Burlesque Revived," which not only explains the history of burlesque, but how it has become an art form in itself.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 26, 2011
Conservatives want to finish getting rid of judges who supported same-sex marriage.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 26, 2011
It's getting hard to find top lawyers willing to oppose marriage equality.
Nina Hartley,
Apr. 26, 2011
Do you find yourself in a relationship where you have to go along to get along? Are you using sex as a tool to protect yourself against mental or physical abuse? Nina speaks today about the fact that there are other options available and there is help for people in abusive relationships.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 25, 2011
Bystanders, workers at McDonald's in Maryland allegedly encouraged attackers.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 25, 2011
You'd think this was an easy one, but apparently it is not.
Cole Riley,
Apr. 25, 2011
Ethnic porn director Alexander DeVoe doesn’t know how to play nice when it comes to his career as one of the busiest filmmakers in the porn business.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 25, 2011
Florida principal says he acted to prevent bullying. Did he do the right thing?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 25, 2011
Policy established in 2008 is finally put into practice.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 25, 2011
Valentine's Day column in “Surgery News” offends some feminists.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 22, 2011
But princess-to-be Kate has already had pole-dancing lessons.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 22, 2011
Her findings? Stereotyping, rumors and innuendo, everywhere.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 22, 2011
Chairman of Safran apparently didn't get the no-sexism memo.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 22, 2011
New York governor puts together coalition to back same-sex marriage bill.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 22, 2011
Murder convict also wants transfer to women's prison.
Cherry Trifle,
Apr. 22, 2011
Cherry Trifle,
Apr. 21, 2011
“Grandma, what big teeth you have...”
Even as a child–perhaps, a slightly peculiar one–I noticed there was something more provocative about the wolf’s teeth than there should've been. I could see him, hulking and hirsute in grandma’s nightie, bed frame creaking beneath his sinewy bulk as he surveyed the young girl, his sinfully long tongue wetting those ominous, luminous canines. Slavering.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 21, 2011
Okay, so it was a world-class typographical error.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 21, 2011
You know the drill -- this means no privacy for teens on STI treatment, etc.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 21, 2011
Yes, Peoria. Where they just tried to outlaw a swingers club ...
Rachel Rabbit White,
Apr. 21, 2011
In the middle of a ritzy Chicago neighborhood, among old brownstones and French bistros stands the Bijou — the oldest gay XXX theater in America. The Bijou celebrates it's 40th anniversary this year. Founded before the boutiques or the elementary school next door, it's cultivated a rich history and some unbelievable stories: prison sentences, a patron death, a tragic connection to a serial killer.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 20, 2011
Younger Americans, women are strongest supporters of equality.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Apr. 20, 2011
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how one’s sexual experience shapes their outlook on sex and relationships. Is more experience, not necessarily your “number,” but practical experience with other sexual partners, helpful when it comes to knowing what to do with a new partner?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 20, 2011
Brits, tell us: You're okay with prescription virility drugs in your alcoholic beverages?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 20, 2011
Facebook page with 290,000 fans deleted by man who now supports civil unions.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Apr. 20, 2011
I’m not leaving New York City. At least, not yet. When I started this column a year ago, I’m not sure I would have expected to be renewed in my ability to withstand the extremity of this urban jungle, but I feel better equipped to deal with the daily trials and tribulations than I have in the past.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 19, 2011
Woman who says she was date-raped goes on "Good Morning America"
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 19, 2011
Protest at London bar goes global after social network deletes a picture. (Update: Facebook apologizes.)
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 19, 2011
Ex-husband and judge figure out she's not exactly disabled.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 19, 2011
Talk about getting off on the wrong foot? But we love happy endings ...
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 18, 2011
Hormone replacement therapy will halt male puberty for Aussie child.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 18, 2011
Stupid bravado, or a clue to serial killer? Police aren't commenting.
Roland Hulme,
Apr. 18, 2011
The Republican Party recently hit the headlines when they introduced a “purity test” for members — defining the issues (from abortion to gun control) that all Republicans must toe the party line on.
It got me wondering if the sex positive community could benefit from a similar manifesto — although would we ever agree what it should be?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 18, 2011
Health officials say infection came from on-camera unprotected sex.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 15, 2011
We feel awful for her and disagree with her at the same time.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 15, 2011
UCLA analysis provides perhaps the best current guesstimate.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 15, 2011
No judgments on sexuality, no conversion therapy. Just a haven of acceptance.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 15, 2011
Pop singer is an ambassador for hell, turning kids gay. Stuff like that. Uh-huh ...
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 15, 2011
Fox News says painting your son's nails pink will make him gay ... or at least in need of therapy when he grows up.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 14, 2011
New site stirs up media by extending program to 11 and 12-year-olds.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 14, 2011
But we're not keen on using condom lubricant for hair gel.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Apr. 14, 2011
What if everything we’ve ever learned about our basic motivation to have sex — the procreation of the species — is unequivocally wrong? What if making babies is a byproduct of the real purpose of our couplings?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 14, 2011
Funny or not funny, we don't see how this is necessarily a crime.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 14, 2011
We're not against breastfeeding, of course, but the dolls are a little creepy.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 14, 2011
Religious adoption groups won't be allowed to discriminate.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 13, 2011
Coldplay, Adele, Gaga—not so much, according to music dating site survey
Rachel Rabbit White,
Apr. 13, 2011
If a “John” is a guy who buys sex, is a woman who buys sex a “Jane”? The last installment of “The Secret Life of Johns” asked: Who are these men that buy sex and why do they do it? But now I propose the question: Does “Jane” exist?
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 13, 2011
Club 307—This means you. You've got 10 days.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 13, 2011
It's not the watching that bothers them so much as the sharing.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 13, 2011
The videos are a little bizarre, but their hearts are in the right place.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Apr. 13, 2011
Apr. 12, 2011
The world is falling apart and I’m teaching fine cock sucking. Am I just playing in the band as the Titanic sinks? My birth nation is having a nuclear meltdown, and I’m carrying on teaching blowjobs and bondage, while fundraising for HIV. Yes, this may seem odd, and I know some may think me uncaring and having poor priorities, but somehow I know this is the right thing for me to do right now.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 12, 2011
City council voting on ordinance that could shut down “lifestyle” club.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 12, 2011
And we're thinking maybe they shouldn't give cell phones to 8-year-olds?
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 12, 2011
Of course it was. Who would pay $87,000 for sex? Um ...
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 12, 2011
She allegedly proved she was 19. Is that enough of a defense?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 12, 2011
Drug clinic job specifies male, and now he is one. Simple? No.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Apr. 11, 2011
Meet your newest porn-crush. Danny Wylde has a blog in which it’s all too easy to lose hours while engrossed in his writing. He writes honestly and articulately about what he does for a living: starring in porn. Danny's been in mainstream adult films, was around for the heyday of alt porn and often stars in feminist films. Through it all, he has quite a following among female fans of porn.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 11, 2011
Size matters. So does audacity, don't you think?
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 11, 2011
And we are maybe a little grossed out, but you might not be.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 11, 2011
Case is headed for appeal and possibly, court.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 11, 2011
Parents notified, Internet filters upgraded, etc.
Tucker Cummings,
Apr. 11, 2011
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that if you’re reading this, you own a vibrator. But how much do you know about the history of these tiny mechanical wonders?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 11, 2011
New rule: no gay sex for 10 years. So we're not sure this is a change.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 08, 2011
Fortunately, there are only 42 of them who have nothing better to do.
Renee Veronica Lucas,
Apr. 08, 2011
Nicki Minaj has found a way to push forth a strong feminist agenda, while dressing like a doll that many say encourages women to think that the skinny, plastic, large breast look is what we should all strive for to get male attention.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 08, 2011
Simulated bestiality apparently doesn't go with PG-13.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 08, 2011
... We're left wondering what mom thinks of all this. You know?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 08, 2011
Note to Kansans: Is this what you had in mind when you elected them?
Cole Riley,
Apr. 08, 2011
Several weeks ago, it happened again. Brazil was dealt another moral blow when the smash film, Bruna Surfistinha, arrived in theaters, immediately drawing over one million people to see the life of a young teen prostitute turning tricks on the streets of Sao Paulo. It was like picking a scab off of an open wound.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 07, 2011
"Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy" has the Chinese all worked up.
Liz Langley,
Apr. 07, 2011
When it comes to attraction, we seldom hold up “average” as “ideal” — if we did we wouldn’t need the two different words, would we? So, why do we so consistently seem to glorify extremes — the most ginormous breasts, the most chiseled abs, the fullest head of hair? Are we just shallow jerks? Or are we actually wired for extremes?
The Bloggess,
Apr. 07, 2011
This week my husband is in the hospital and my daughter and I both have strep so I’ve found myself playing on YouTube simply to escape reality for a bit, and in the process I found three videos that would only truly fit in this column.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 07, 2011
Lawmakers hope to stop treating victims as criminals.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 07, 2011
Illinois bill would make released killers trackable, too.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 07, 2011
State law now supports “fairness for all families.”
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 06, 2011
Artist preferred mistresses short and submissive; And he had that hypnotic stare ...
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Apr. 06, 2011
If you ever see me on the street, chances are, I'll be carrying at least three bags. More than likely four, possibly five. Usually I have my purse, a bag with my laptop, various magazines, books & papers, then a few others with shoes, gym clothes, more books, maybe a bottle of seltzer. The bags are, as I told someone recently, a part of me, but they are also, literally & figuratively, my baggage.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 06, 2011
Facial structures have changed over time, according to scientists.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 06, 2011
$150M lawsuit says workplace hostility nearly killed New Jersey woman.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Apr. 06, 2011
I came to New York City to find my cock, though I didn’t know that at the time. I thought I was coming here for writing—to do an MFA, to perform my poetry around the city, to get a job in the publishing industry—and yes, some of that has happened, but I never expected to have discovered that I needed a crash course in cock confidence.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 06, 2011
We're mostly hoping that his fans have eased up about the gay thing.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 06, 2011
From the Dept. of “You probably do NOT have your best ideas when you are high.”
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 05, 2011
National Sexual Violence Resource Center premieres PSA in Times Square.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 05, 2011
Law would put Harvey Milk, Alan Turing, Bayard Rustin, Barbara Gittings, et. al., in the books.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 05, 2011
We would totally watch cricket if there were naked models. Wouldn't you?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 05, 2011
Honk if you think it's okay for women to wear what they like to wear.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 04, 2011
Alternative sex columnist Dan Savage suddenly finds himself in the mainstream.
Kal Cobalt,
Apr. 04, 2011
You've heard the roles before: naughty nurse, horny pizza guy, frisky babysitter, suave pool boy...but what if the roleplay you're into doesn't fit into porn's top ten? Whatever your ideal fantasy scenario is, you can accomplish it with a little work.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 04, 2011
... (As though high school boys have never seen porn before?)
Roland Hulme,
Apr. 04, 2011
Should Transgender People be Able to Change the Sex on Their Birth Certificates?
Recently, SexIs featured a story about three transgender people in New York City suing to have the sex on their birth certificates changed — normally forbidden unless they’ve had reconstructive surgery.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 04, 2011
Sounds smart to us. When will the United States catch on?
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 04, 2011
Sex and the City's Samantha plays older porn star in latest film.
Jeff Schult,
Apr. 01, 2011
Media pursues woman's identity ... We're fascinated but mostly appalled.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 01, 2011
Student newspaper in Florida is fined and censored.
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 01, 2011
AIM database apparently hacked, thousands of names released.
Award Winning Author of Erotica Rachel Kramer Bussel,
Apr. 01, 2011
Rayne Millaray,
Apr. 01, 2011
These things just happen, and the paparazzi are always watching.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 31, 2011
“Little monsters” sing Happy Birthday as pop diva celebrates 25th.
Tinamarie Bernard,
Mar. 31, 2011
How many of us think of ourselves as polyamorous? Some do, of course, but probably most of us think of ourselves as monogamous. Yet, how many of us can claim we've loved just one person in our lives? Likely, not many. So, are we truly monogamous or are most of us serially polyamorous?
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 31, 2011
Government says all forms of unions with more than two people are harmful.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 31, 2011
Rapper teams up with condom-maker on Live Large Project.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 30, 2011
Midland, Texas schools will try teaching about condoms next year.
Rachel Rabbit White,
Mar. 30, 2011
In the last few years the media has become inundated with stories about sex workers: feminist sex-workers; high-end, blogging call girls; coerced trafficking-victims. But in each, the buyer remains faceless. Even the word “John” conjures a shady, hidden, back alley-image. This is what I set out to uncover.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 30, 2011
Company says someone must have hacked them, because they'd never do that ...
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 30, 2011
Indiana town hopes to sort this out with a zoning variance.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Mar. 30, 2011
What is with this second winter? Wasn’t it sixty degrees a week ago? Yes, granted, in my home state of Alaska there would still be snow on the ground far into April, far past the official start of spring on March 21st’s equinox. So perhaps I should be used to it. Perhaps I should not expect any differently here in this concrete jungle.
Tucker Cummings,
Mar. 29, 2011
It may surprise you to know that Japan, home to hentai, tentacle porn and bukakke, has had strict laws censoring its pornographic films for decades. In spite of easy access to uncensored images, thanks to the Internet, usage of the ubiquitous mosaic to blur images of genitals still persists.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 29, 2011
Police allege go-go dancer enticed boys from three states.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 29, 2011
Is your school censoring the web? You can check, and help.
Nina Hartley,
Mar. 29, 2011
Nina offers advice and thoughts on how to go about sharing or discussing your sexual fetishes with family members, friends or new sexual partners.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 29, 2011
Maybe we'd be more sympathetic if they showed a little more tolerance, themselves.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 29, 2011
Department of Health focuses on quality of life, STI prevention.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 28, 2011
Reality TV show auditions with live sex acts, fan voting.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 28, 2011
Yes, we're shocked, too. Sex-crazed lesbians, black drug dealers, etc.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 28, 2011
Police found him napping, pants down, porn all around. Oops.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 28, 2011
Student who didn't get an autograph in trouble for setting up Facebook page.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 28, 2011
Authorities believe illegal immigrants were working as sex slaves.
Renee Veronica Lucas,
Mar. 25, 2011
Awards given to Ricky Martin, "30 Rock," and "True Blood"
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 25, 2011
LA Weekly exposes opponent of Craigslist and adult online ads.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 25, 2011
Or would you rather read about molecular regulation and serotonergic neurons?
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 25, 2011
Fairview, Illinois tries to close barn door after harmless fetishists have already left town.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 25, 2011
If you're offended by an iPhone or iPad program, just let them know.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 25, 2011
Student turns her in after she declines to give an autograph.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 24, 2011
And we encourage Seattle University to keep doing what it's doing.
Mar. 24, 2011
Recent court decisions and a relaxation of what's acceptable in American Culture has led to fewer restrictions on what we see on network TV. Polls say Americans want the FCC to more strictly control sex and violence on TV, but ratings show few are changing the channel to avoid racy or violent content.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 24, 2011
Requirement for corrective surgery before official change is challenged.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 24, 2011
Woman says she feared losing custody of her son if she didn't comply.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Mar. 23, 2011
New York City hates me today. But now I am watching the sunset out of my window and it is beautiful, and I guess this means we've made up.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 23, 2011
Farewell to one of the most-watched women. Ever.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 23, 2011
“How often” is often the subject of dispute in long-term relationships.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 23, 2011
Women fight for class-action status against retail giant.
Mandy Van Deven,
Mar. 22, 2011
Inga Muscio came into my life on my first trip to New York City. A daft, nineteen-year-old, budding feminist, I scanned the shelves of St. Mark’s Bookshop and one bold title caught my eye: Cunt. I plucked the book from its resting place to view its pink daisy laden cover and the words “a declaration of independence.” Clearly, I had to read this book.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 22, 2011
Government goes after taxes in red-light district.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 22, 2011
It's nice to see a survey that doesn't go all crazy about young people having sex, don't you think?
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 22, 2011
Plus some empty baggies, cash and change ... (WTF?)
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 22, 2011
LGBT groups protest official funding and participation by police.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 22, 2011
Exodus International's "ex-gay" for iPhone, iPad offensive to more than 127,000, so far.
Kal Cobalt,
Mar. 21, 2011
When our society thinks of sexy treats, we usually think of truffles, whipped cream, chocolate fondue, dessert wines...all things that can be extremely unfriendly to diabetic partners. As with any other dietary restriction, perfectly wonderful romantic nibbles can be procured with a little thoughtfulness, common sense, and communication.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 21, 2011
“Taboo,” by former prison guard, portrays lusty life behind bars.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 21, 2011
When social networking is recognized as sexual networking, this is what happens.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 21, 2011
Johns could be fined up to $10,000 and then, well, they'd get an education.
Roland Hulme,
Mar. 21, 2011
Should porn performers use condoms? Surely the answer’s obvious.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 21, 2011
Ad campaign is sort of a gaydar test. “Can you tell?”
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 18, 2011
New study indicates that same-sex experimentation is unrelated to education.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 18, 2011
Crystal Cathedral running into backlash from its own founder.
Tucker Cummings,
Mar. 18, 2011
There's something fascinating about watching someone who doesn’t know you're there. Catching someone during their most private moments can be exciting, funny, or very strange. What we do in the privacy of our own homes can be very different from how we present ourselves in public, and the act of catching someone at their most relaxed is like having a window into the deepest part of that person.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 18, 2011
Donor originally tested negative but contracted virus before surgery.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 18, 2011
Business is legal but community wants to keep it out, anyway.
Mar. 17, 2011
The city of West Hollywood is the first in the world to have its own Transgender Advisory Board that operates independently and separate from the gay and lesbian board. As gay and lesbian people become more accepted in mainstream America, those in the transgender community fight for the most basic of rights, like being able to use the public restroom of the gender with which they identify.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 17, 2011
But shock jock still “sort of” admires Charlie Sheen.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 17, 2011
Obama administration takes anti-bullying efforts seriously, 15-year-old says.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 17, 2011
Some parents want display covered up but the show goes on.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 17, 2011
“Convert the Gays” group says Lady sends the wrong message.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 16, 2011
Teens caught sending racy photos would no longer be considered child pornographers.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 16, 2011
More allegations, and some tasty-sounding toppings.
Cherry Trifle,
Mar. 16, 2011
Why we want the spies we love to love us back.
Sinclair Sexsmith,
Mar. 16, 2011
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 16, 2011
Video of condom use preferred to personal demonstration. (We think.)
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 16, 2011
If you think the enemies of PP aren't serious, please think again ...
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 16, 2011
... and then backs off after furor over privacy.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 15, 2011
The facts are on their side, but we're wondering about their tact.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 15, 2011
Sperm extraction and IVF succeed for some dads.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 15, 2011
As though her role in Charlie Sheen's life wasn't amusing enough, already?
Nina Hartley,
Mar. 15, 2011
How do you stop being the guy every girl wants as a friend and start being the guy with whom every girl wants to flirt?
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 14, 2011
The "Today" show seems to think so. We're not so sure.
Cherry Trifle,
Mar. 14, 2011
More people may know Pussy Galore than Mata Hari, but is Hari’s lasting legacy even based on fact? What’s the actual female “intelligence” quotient in our favorite femme fatales?
Mar. 14, 2011
It was the sort of horror that’s only possible on late night cable. An hour-long shopping show dedicated to cheap sex toys. If QVC was a trailer trash mama, we just met her slutty little sister trying oh-so-hard to be Hollywood classy. This was Bristol-Jamie-Lynn capitalism and Sex-In-The-City-knockoff sexual liberation.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 14, 2011
We like science that tells us to like what we already like.
Mar. 11, 2011
Nothing livens up a fashion show like prefacing it with the words “sex toy.”
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 11, 2011
Plus, a whole Internet movie featuring strippers and nude ping pong. What's not to like?
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 11, 2011
Porn star hopes women will have what she's having.
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 11, 2011
Self-righteous moralizers really need a better hobby, don't you think?
Rayne Millaray,
Mar. 11, 2011
Sex-positive Christian message spreads to Indiana.
Jeff Schult,
Mar. 10, 2011
Senate Democrats united in blocking GOP effort, but this isn't over.