Sex & Society » Acceptance, Lgbt, Womens rights: "Apple Withdraws from Christian Values Network"
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Apple Withdraws from Christian Values Network

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No more iTunes for anti-gay, anti-women fund-raising group.


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Contributor: Carson Rhodes
Carson Rhodes  

I'm glad Apple showed it's support for the LGBT community by removing their store from CVN, but this is the wrong way to go about it. It would be even better if CVN would end their associations with those five hate groups. You can sign a petition asking them to do that here: []

Contributor: Becker0109

Too bad, but not for CVN. CVN is correct as it stands for the values it sees in the biblical scriptures. Narrow minded? Yep, but many are as they only see their own point of view. CVN (the core values) will be around longer than all others. Apple type companies will come and go, and they are free to support who they want just like CVN can. But if CVN supports who they want it's being bigoted. Christian values is not a hate group. Interesting, I'm a Christian but I do enjoy the freedom the biblical scriptures which gives me and my wife extreme intimacy as GOD created sex within His great plan. You want hot sex, God created it as one can read in the biblical book in all places but here is one that will make a novice scripture reader take notice. The Song Of Solomon, chapter 5 verses 4-5: "My beloved extended his hand through the opening, and my feelings were aroused for him. I arose to open for him, and my hands dripped with myrrh, and my fingers with liquid myrrh, on the handles of the bolt." Translation, My beloved reached for my hot zone and I became turned on, so I raised my hips for him...then I placed my hand on his love fingers were wet from his juice that was the result of my handling him and he shot his juices up and all over my fingers. That's not steamy? That's not erotic? God created sex but along His guideline that produces zero guilt, no shame, and great sexual intimacy. God is love means that LOVE is what God is about. Now, let's see if Eden is going to edit or not print this. If the do, that's great but if not, can I scream "censor!"

Contributor: Becker0109

By the way, I happen to be able to not longer have thje option to not but Apple products but I'll still do as I'm not afraid of pressure since I also am an investor in AAPL. It's at $321.12 as I type.

Contributor: P'Gell

"Christian Values" doesn't designate a group as a Hate Group. Being anti-woman and anti-gay does.

Contributor: Ms. Spice

this is pretty awesome. go ben crowther!

Contributor: Teacookie

