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  • #ExpressLove - Selfless Acts

    Sometimes it’s the simplest things in life that bring about the greatest joy, and I consider selfless acts of love to be the best expression of love that anyone can ever receive.

  • Loving Expressions

    How do you express your love for your spouse? Maybe a surprise gift when they’re not expecting it? Or doing a chore they usually handle? Or a trip to the Caribbean?

  • What has the Trayvon Martin shooting got to do with Rape Apology?

    Whether you stand for Trayvon Martin, or the neighborhood watchman who shot him, your arguments likely mirror those of “rape apologists.”

  • Confronting Pandora’s Box

    I tried incorporating things into the sexual activities with my lost love. He unenthusiastically obliged and never gave it any full effort. It’s not something I want to ever feel like someone is doing only to satisfy me. I want them to do it because they enjoy it, as well.

  • How Don Draper Sells Us a Bum Rap On Love

    Don Draper is a role model for millions of American men – but is that why we’ve become increasingly unhappy in love?

  • Sexy in an Everyday Sort of Way

    We all have our preconceived notions of what sexy is like. Quick, when you think of sexy, what comes into your mind? Is it a candlelight dinner, bubble bath, lingerie, roses, or maybe satin sheets?

  • Size Matters

    I’ve been hearing a lot about the fat acceptance movement. Many people are touting it, and it seems that if you suggest that many people in the United States (and elsewhere, especially in the Western world) are overweight and that it’s a bad thing overall, it makes you a discriminatory, judgmental jerk.

  • Just what does make a “Sexy YOU”?

    There are some things that are sexy that have nothing to do with sex. The sight of a man tenderly holding his baby is sexy, don’t you think? How about a woman mechanic working on your car? I think a lot of people find intelligence sexy. The librarian wearing glasses, with one strand of hair out of place, helping you find just the right book.

  • No One Thing Defines “Sexy”

    I know I’ve said this before. I don’t generally find one thing about girls sexiest. I don’t go just for legs, ass, or tits. I am a guy who likes the whole body.

  • Are Hypocrisy and Thievery Prominent Among Sex Bloggers?

    When one sex blogger cried copyright foul, it highlighted the daily hypocrisy she and other sex bloggers exhibit in thieving other people’s intellectual property. Copyright infringement, without a doubt, is unsexy.

  • You say tomato, I say designer toy fetish.

    Are designer sex toys the new designer stilettos?

  • The Secret War Against Gay Marriage

    Opponents of gay marriage might be forgiven for thinking that their's is a lost cause – but little do they know that forces are still at work ensuring same-sex marriage will never come to pass (or, at least, nobody will want one if it does).

  • Nikol Hasler: Bros Before Hos

    Tim is my best friend, and I love him enough that I would marry him as long as one of us were dying within a year, because I'd probably stop being able to handle being married to him after that.

  • Nikol Hasler: Excessive Dating

    For years now I've had a saying. "Anything worth doing is worth doing in excess." When I drink, it's single malt scotch. When I eat, it's lemons and the hottest peppers I can find. When I work out, I push myself past reasonable limits. And, when I date, well...

  • Nikol Hasler: Game Over

    Hey guys, you think you've got the online dating thing figured out, you think you have game, but really, you don't. Nikol says you're "gaming yourselves out of the game" and there are three things you need to stop doing.

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