In an unfortunate mishap involving an adult DVD and the Wellesley High School (Wellesley, Mass.) boys volleyball team, Coach Wayne Lem, who is credited for helping rebuild the team, has voluntarily resigned from his position. Though he says the incident wasn't entirely his fault, he feels responsible, and decided leaving the school was the right thing to do.
Coach Lem says he discovered the DVD while looking for a video of an NCAA volleyball game to show his team. When he realized he had the wrong DVD, he instead discussed the practice schedule with the boys. While he was passing out the schedules, someone turned the DVD player on. Coach Lem turned the video off within seconds, but the damage was done.
“I didn’t sleep a wink the whole night. I thought, ‘How am I going to handle this?’’’ Lem told reporters. He made his mind up and met with parents to announce his resignation.
The school's administration says they're sad to see him go, but wouldn't comment further.
Coach Lem says he discovered the DVD while looking for a video of an NCAA volleyball game to show his team. When he realized he had the wrong DVD, he instead discussed the practice schedule with the boys. While he was passing out the schedules, someone turned the DVD player on. Coach Lem turned the video off within seconds, but the damage was done.
“I didn’t sleep a wink the whole night. I thought, ‘How am I going to handle this?’’’ Lem told reporters. He made his mind up and met with parents to announce his resignation.
The school's administration says they're sad to see him go, but wouldn't comment further.